Forum Replies Created
Memberwow, last i posted was The Saboteur back in Dec 2010, since then i've plat:
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Membergr8jrfan said:
I also wish to finish some of my backlog before BAC. Would anyone here be intersted in doing…
Resistance 3? Only need the co op for plat.
Black Ops DLC trophies? Got extremely far with only one other friend on the COTD easter egg trophy.
Dead Island ? I have two good friends I always play with but I wouldn't mind a third. We could go for Originality and it counts for People Person, too. Co op makes the grind more fun anyway.
And I'm not sure if you can join other people in the LBP2 MOVE pack or not, but if so, I'd also appreciate some help on the 2x bubbles, too. I know this is for BFBC but I thought we could just keep this thread alive for general boosting and co op.
sorry, but this is a boosting request for Battlefield Bad Company
MemberKieeeraaan. L said:
Well done on those and good luck on Resistance 2 (also trying to plat it). I might see you online seeing as how its kinda dead. What's your psn?
So after im done with kz2 and resistance 2 im gonna finish some of the many games ive yet to start or only played a bit of. What should I start first?
Batman Arkham Asylum
AC 2 and AC:B
God of war 1 and 2
Sly 2 and 3
Dead Space
Naughty bear
Fifa 11
Marvel ultimate alliance 2
And yeah I know im late on these.
PSN ID: alexyov1
MemberI773D33MABL3 said:
That's a serious undertaking man. Which ones do you need exactly? You're not going to get anyone willing to devote too much time to it when the third one is released.
i don't expect anyone going out their way for me, i'm just looking for someone after BFBC plat and needs help like mysef, if you are that person add me, PSN ID: alexyov1
Memberok then, thanks
Memberok, making some progress, i already plat Ratchet and Clank a Crack in Time and finish the MP portions of Black Ops, W@W, MoH and Killzone 2, also borrowed ModNation Racers and managed to do 37% but i dont think i'll be platinum that game, played a bit of End War, made some progress but no trophies yet, same with Call of Juarez, i'm going to start with either Resistance 2 or front Missions Evolved MP tomorrow, made lots of friends boosting those games, it's been fun so far, it's going to be a loong time before i see another plat…alexyov1
Member#17: The Saboteur
Member#14 Dark Void
#15 NfS Shift
#16 Wanted WoF
Working on: The saboteur
Memberno guys, Brutal Legend, has a well known issue, when you reach 70% on your progress, the save file gets too big and can't be loaded, i already finish the single player campaign on Brutal, just need the “Metal God” trophy which is 100% and some online trophies
Member6/10 Doc
here's mine, i just plat CoD Classic
Call of Duty Classic
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Need for Speed Undecover
Prince of Persia
Burnout Paradise
Tomb Raider Undeworld
Alone in the Dark Inferno
Uncharted: Drake`s Fortune
CoD: MW2
The Godfather II
Red Dead Redemption
Terminator Salvation
Memberjust got my #13
Call of Duty Classic
i'm very proud of this plat, i'm a fan of CoD, still a very likeable and enjoyable game, it was hard and at time frustaiting, but if you are a CoD fan, you will enjoy going for this plat…
Membernothing too hard but very nice collection, 6/10
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Need for Speed Undecover
Prince of Persia
Burnout Paradise
Tomb Raider Undeworld
Alone in the Dark Inferno
Uncharted: Drake`s Fortune
CoD: MW2
The Godfather II
Red Dead Redemption
Terminator Salvation
Memberparnakas said:
Ahh now I see what this thread is about!! Cool idea man!!
Sorry for that worthless first post then, I misunderstood.
no worries parna, is all good, and, actually, is not my idea, i’ve seen it in other forum, but i like to bring the best stuff that is around, btw, i’ll give 6/10 for you collection because Uncharted, Bioshock and MW2…
My Plats:
Star Wars: The Force Unleashed
Need for Speed Undecover
Prince of Persia
Burnout Paradise
Tomb Raider Undeworld
Alone in the Dark Inferno
Uncharted: Drake`s Fortune
CoD: MW2
The Godfather II
Red Dead Redemption
Terminator Salvation
Memberhello PLAYSTATION brothers and sisters, i'm new here, i sing up for this site some time ago but this is my 1st real visit so i decided to introduce myself, i'm a proud playstation owner since 1995 and i got my PS3 as a x-mas gift in 2008 but been paying attention to trophies since april this year, after over a year with my PS3 never played a trophy enable game so i decided it was time to change that i even traded in some non trphy enable games that didn't play, to date i've gather 573 Bronze, 119 Silver, 52 Gold and 12 Platinum trophies and i own 20 games which i intent to plat, i hope to be of help and have lots of fun among this crowd…
PSN ID: alexyov1
Membernice collection Doc, 6/10
Star Wars The Force Unleashed
Need for Speed Undecover
Prince of Persia
Burnout Paradise
Tomb Raider Undeworld
Alone in the Dark Inferno
Uncharted: Drake`s Fortune
CoD: MW2
The Godfather II
Red Dead Redemption
Terminator Salvation