Forum Replies Created
MemberTo get the Platinum you dont have to buy the add-ons such is Broken steel, Point Lookout, Mothership Zeta, The Pitt and the Operation Anchorage
MemberWhat is the TPS?
MemberHale is so unique beacause he use all weapons instead of capelli how use only the wrath
MemberWe might have two campaing one with the evil hale and the other with Capelli
MemberThe game will never be the same with out Hale
MemberBut who are you going to bellieve EA or microsoft
MemberIf you think of it Hale was transform to the uliminate chimera so he might survive from that bullet and turn back to normal now
MemberEveryone how likes most XBOX360 they say it beacause they dont want to loose their money that paid for play online
Member- Start the quest by talking to Hannibal Hamlin at Temple of the Union.
- Talk to Caleb Smith in Temple of the Union about obtaining the Lincoln Memorial Poster.
- Fast Travel to the Museum of History and obtain the Lincoln Memorial Poster (NOTE: you have to walk about a hundred feet from the Temple of the Union before you can fast travel)
- Exit the Museum and walk to the Lincoln Memorial on the way you will also discover the Mall Northwest station.
- Kill all the slavers at the Lincoln Memorial.
- Fast travel back to Temple of the Union.
- Speak with Hannibal Hamlin and tell him that you have killed the slavers.
- Speak with Caleb Smith and give him the Lincoln Memorial Poster
- Speak with Hannibal Hamlin who will tell you that he will depart shortly for the Lincoln Memorial.
- Exit the Temple of the Union and wait for 1-2 hours just outside the door.
- You will notice a caravan of former slaves has formed, make sure they start walking.
- Fast travel to the Mall Northwest metro station.
- Wait 24. hours (if the caravan has not arrived keep waiting until they do); you could also sleep for 24 hours in the Memorial itself
- Hannibal Hamlin will thank you for your help, you will complete the quest and receive the achievement/trophy as well as Dart Gun schematics
This is how you can complete the “Head of a state”
MemberBobblehead locations
The hidden Vault-Tec Bobbleheads can be found at the following locations. Collect a Bobblehead to gain +10 to a skill or +1 to a stat. Note: The map coordinates are indicated by reading each individual square starting from the left edge, first square starting map with rocks. To find each zone, go down then over by the listed amount. For example, Raven Rock (Zone 1.01) is down 1 and over 1.
- Agility: Greener Pastures Disposal, in the small office covered in radiation (Zone 3.06 ; latitude/longitude 07/21).
- Charisma: Vault 108, in the Cloning Lab (Zone: 6.06 ; latitude/longitude: 18/06).
- Endurance: Deathclaw Sanctuary, at the entrance on a table next to a rotting Brahmin corpse (Zone: 1.07 -; latitude/longitude -22/20).
- Intelligence: Rivet City, on Dr. Li's table in the Science Lab (Zone: 9.15; latitude/longitude: 18/-17).
- Luck: Arlington Cemetery North, in the basement on a shelf directly below the stairs inside the house to the north (Zone: 16.03).
- Perception: Republic Of Dave, on a bookshelf on the right in the Museum of Dave (Zone: 3.03; latitude/longitude 19/27).
- Strength: Megaton, in Sherriff Lucas Simm's house (Zone: 8.03; latitude/longitude -01/-06).
- Barter: Evergreen Mills, in back of the Market Bazaar on a shelf in the upper-right side behind the Raider Trader that does not attack (Zone: 7.04 ; latitude/longitude -18/-07).
- Big Guns: Fort Constantine, in the basement of the CO Quarters inside a safe in the wall (Zone: 1.04 ; latitude/longitude: -17/26).
- Energy Weapons: Raven Rock, Colonel Autumn's Office (Zone: 1.01 ; latitude/longitude -28/28)
- Explosives: WKML Broadcast Station, turn on your local map. Go through the doorway to the sealed cistern to find it (Zone: 1.11 ; latitude/longitude -17/18).
- Lockpick: Bethesda Ruins, in Bethesda Offices East on the top floor near the door to the bridge (Zone: 6.07; latitude/longitude 05/03).
- Medicine: Vault 101, on your dad's desk when leaving.
- Melee Weapons: Dunwich Building, just before you leave the Virulent Underchambers, on the floor next to the door (Zone: 7.11 ; latitude/longitude -26/-18).
- Repair: Aerefu, in Evan King's house (Zone: 5.07 ; latitude/longitude -11/06).
- Science: Vault 106, from the living quarters enter the room all the way in the rear left corner. There is a room with a bookcase lit by a bright light. Search the middle (toward the right) of that bookcase (Zone: 5.12 ; latitude/longitude -09/01).
- Small Guns: National Guard Depot, go through the training room and offices to exit from a door to the main room. Use the power switch on the wall to your left, and enter the Armory door, then search the shelves (Zone: 6.11 ; latitude/longitude 18/-03).
- Sneak: Yao Guai Tunnels, on top of a metal box in the Den, on the right of the map near some water (Zone: 7.01 ; latitude/longitude -28/-04).
- Speech: Paradise Falls, on a table inside Euology's pad (Slave Master's house) (Zone: 2.08 ; latitude/longitude -09/16).
- Unarmed: Rockopolis, go directly west from Casey Smith's garage. Look for tattered banners that are strung up. Use your local map to find it (Zone: 7. C ; latitude/longitude -26/-07).
Super Mutant Behemoth locations
There are five Super Mutant Behemoths that can be found and killed. After they die, they will not respawn. You can find them at the following locations:
Galaxy News Radio Building Plaza: This Behemoth will destroy a wall just outside the GNR building as you enter the area (quest related).
The Capitol Building: Use the west entrance, and go inside the main room. Look on the map. The room is straight down the hall from the entrance. However, debris will force you to find an alternate route there.
Takoma Industrial: Located east of the GNR building at the end of the map. The Behemoth is just north of the factory, standing in the middle of some wrecked cars.
Evergreen Mills: At the bandit camp near Vault 112, a Behemoth is behind an electric enclosure beside the train tracks. When the generator powering the enclosure is destroyed, the Behemoth will escape.
Jury Street Metro Station: Go west until you find a group of crumpled up train cars. Search this area until the Behemoth appears. You will know you are in the correct area if you see a teddy bear in a shopping cart.
MemberDomba_car said:
Heres something about the Wii. And read the comments……..07W2t2wcRA
What we must read the comment for XBOX360 or for Wii
MemberWho we can see what rank are we? It will be easier to take the “Salute me” trophie
MemberXBOX360 sucks. If you think it well playstation 1 got first and after the XBOX got second so the microsoft copy sony
MemberThe older that the article is the better. The chances would be less if it was new beacause they wouldnt have time to create it. Instead the older that is it the more chances we have to come out on PS3
MemberThis is the best guide ever