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my brother actaully likes this game is there a dlc coming out
i know theres fallout in vegas coming next yr
btwo5Memberonly works on cars i think always i had a problem on mine
btwo5Memberyh sure cmon i luv cod cnt get enough of it aswell as trophies
id certainly play and mayb win lol
btwo5Memberany1 wat is this
wat about mag i heard about it but wat do you do and infamous
btwo5Memberwhat it look is it good my brother likes re5 is it anything like it in the gameplay and watever
wat about the plat easy hard
btwo5Membersackboy ftw whoever ame up with a sack who can move and you can dress lol brilliant
btwo5Member16 i like the ps3
got started on the gameboy playing pokemon
owned a ps1 and played alot of football aswell as the iss on my nintendo 64 loved that game i think i still got it somewhere
gained the ps2 after 2-4 months after it had came out and was stuck on fifa for ever lol
i had recently had a ps3 40g but that had broke and i brought an 80g on the first day it came out was always on fifa and pes then i found out hd which changed my life lol
last yr i had had a major operation which led me staying in all the summer and my brother brought cod4 never left that game alone i swer it was on 24/7
now i dnt even go out im either stuck to cod or trophies i love them
best moment gained my cod waw trophy wat would make my yr getting my lbp play trophy which will lead to my plat which i have been working on since christmas and i ent getting no where
psn id btwo5
btwo5Membernever watched this but i have been rick rolled so meny times on utube it just takes the piss
btwo5Memberdoes eny1 no about the easy cap
btwo5Membernearly doing mine
d-c lol
re load of crap and business
wtf giant killer ants lol
btwo5Memberthey cant change my password as i no m securtiy question which cannot be changed and my dob
btwo5Memberreally can remember who i gameshared with
btwo5Memberadd me into the league btwo5
i might have a friend or 2
btwo5Memberwhat i meant was does any1 know if the trophies are out tomorow
i no you can get some with the UT but is they normal game trophies out 2moz