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Memberyeah just been playing waw myself and noticed this. But there is a twitter address and it says its for the iphone app.
March 20, 2010 at 3:42 pm in reply to: british talk show view on games borders ridiculously stupid or surpasses it #60043cpaters
Memberthese people have no clue about video games nowdays. None of my friends have become affected by the issues brought up in this clip so why would anybody else. Its up to the parents as to whether their kids can play the games or not, not the companies that make them. They have exactly the same ratings as films and so there is no difference. Not every game is violent so there is plenty of choice for people that don't want violence. From this clip it shows that the whole ordiance doesn't know about video games as didn't clap Tim (CVG) once.
Memberi do like football. But from other friends that have the game they say that the servers sometimes kick them out of games mid way through. Does this ever happen to you? I have the original fallout 3 but is it worth buying the glitchey GOTY edition or spending the extra money on purchasing from the psn store. (if so which are the best).
Memberok thanks will probably pick up gow3 and if the collection doesn't come out then ill get it when i come to new york later in the year!!!
MemberI have never played a Final Fantasy game and os don't know what they are like so im not sure about that. But with God of war is it nessecary to have played the first two as i live in europe and it doesn't look like we are going to get them. (possibly import).
Also seen guitar hero world tour for £30 at HMV don't know if thats any good.
Memberyeah i have also been having these problems. Just now i had been playing for about 2 hours and then it kicked me from the game. But the worst part is, is that it deleted all my stats for them 2 hours.
Memberok thanks probably should of done it on hard first time round but will probably do challenge run through first
Memberi've just completed this game on medium so if i run through it again on hard will i keep all of my weapons and zoni etc or will i have to start again
thanks in advance
Memberyeah group G is the hardest. but i think Englandsgame should be quite easy apart from maybe usa on a bad day.
Memberi got one from gamespot website for free. But you have to make an american account to play it as its suppose to be for americans only unless you preorder from game.
Memberi don't see whats the problem with this level. Its just a game and the one person that gets influenced by games like GTA gives the whole gaming community a bad reputation. Even though there are loads of films that are way worse then this. This mission also adds to the story of the campain.
Memberjust got the game two days early and so far looking good. haven't playedmuch though
Memberi got it from the UK store last thursday when it was updated.
Don't worry its not that good anyway. there are videos on youtube for it
Memberyeah pre ordered my copy but now back up to £44.99. lucky game have a system where you pay the lowest price even if it has gone up(pre order bonus)
Can't wait
Membersorry it took so long to reply but been playing other games and been busy with homework at college but it all works fine now thanks fro the help don't know what the exact problem was though.