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Antony19 said:
The only think that i want for Insomaniac is a Resistance 3 i dont care about more games than that
Exactly! I don't care if they make other games on 360 but Resistance 3 better be on ps3 only and ratchet & clank
DarkAssassin78MemberExactly your supost to end with Ethens signature
DarkAssassin78MemberDid you like finish the drawing with the eraser or you did it until it never shows any button anymore
DarkAssassin78Memberr23drummer said:
Uncharted: Drakes Fortune
gameplay is now a little dated but the story and experience are fantastic
I actually liked Uncharted 1 more than the second i dont know why like i bought the first one a couple weeeks before the second one came out then wehn i played it i just liked the first one way more like the final boss fight for uncharted 2 was boring
DarkAssassin78Memberlooks like GOW has alot of votes I guess I'm getting that xD
DarkAssassin78Memberohhhhh, ok well thanks for telling me that xD
DarkAssassin78MemberRatchet525 said:
God of War 3 and BF:BC2. IMO, FF13 got gimped…
sorry I'm not used to IMO and gimped what does it mean xD
DarkAssassin78Memberdoes anybody know how to makea really good lvl that would actually get me hearted bcz i need 8 more lvl hearts and 23 more author hearts….. that gonna take forever so if anybody could help me make a lvl or just heart me it would be amazing
PSN: DarkAssassin78
DarkAssassin78Memberjust that create trophy left! please help me 🙂
DarkAssassin78MemberRatchet525 said:
Post edited 3:21 am – 03/09/2010 by Ratchet525
DarkAssassin78 said:
Well I'll do that after i get the Aced trophy just need to do the bunker and collector lair
May god have mercy on your soul on trying to ace the bunker level..
i just Did the Bunker!!!!! thank you GOD!
DarkAssassin78Memberyour not going to believe it…. i was doing all my tutorial and i saw one like o i definaly did but ill do it anywasy i kept skipping it thinking i did it!!!!!! when i didnt!!!!
DarkAssassin78MemberI almost did i passed the wheel of death then when i got to the shaft with the lights of electricity i did a shit jump and i hit it….. and i never got there again…..
DarkAssassin78MemberWell I'll do that after i get the Aced trophy just need to do the bunker and collector lair
Please HELP!!!!!! i need the create trophy to get the platinum after i get the other 2 trophies
can you guys please! heart me and my lvls i just need a good 25 more for author and im not sure for lvls but if you do leave your psn below and i'll heart you back if you want me too
PSN: DarkAssassin78
DarkAssassin78MemberI've gotten all prize bubbles i've doen all the tools tutorial theres not questions marks next to any and ive doen all of them in the poppit
DarkAssassin78MemberRatchet525 said:
lizzy1063669 said:
im having trouble with the expert creator lol i dont get it!!!
When you go to the moon, create mode, go to your pop it and there will be question marks on the bags. Click on either one of them and there will be items. Most of them will have a question mark, click on it and start the tutorial.
same thing I've done all the tutorials and I never got the trophy do you need 100% of the goods?