Forum Replies Created
MemberI wasn't overwhelmed by Dishonored, another game I've completed but not got the Plat. for…
Some games just don't live up to the hype IMO, this being one.
MemberFrederick_Playstation said:
Huh lol? You guys are a pretty weird group. I think I got that one emoticon from google images by searching retarded smilie. Anyways, I'm inactive most of the time cause I'm an inconsistent person
I do apologise Mr. Playstation, Fred if I may? No offence was meant, but after you've been here on this site for a while you learn to appreciate the weirder aspects of new members…
You don't seem very 'straight laced' yourself Mr. F. Playstation… But I welcome that…
MemberBeen playing Borderlands 2 'Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode', beast mode
Still can't find Jimmy Jenkins though, FU*K Gearbox!
Membergr8jrfan said:
Post edited 12:54 am – 03/28/2013 by gr8jrfan
Also, I wouldn't consider Frederick a member yet. He said some random stuff, said that we were inactive and then he hasn't posted in 4 days.
It's W4R or Ratchet… I think Ratchet!?
It might be a coincidence but this pic (Ground Zero Thread) –
It's the exact same style of smiley that they were both using as their profile pic's before they got kicked for posting porn links as their sig's and sh!t… That's what I'm thinking anyway… Plus there was Nate Fury, the whole 'persona trolling' thing…
Got his name (Fred PS) from that video I posted…
Might be a coincidence though
—-Decide the game and let's get this comp. ON B!TCHES!!!
(Even though i'm not taking part
Who will become the greatest warrior? Who will destroy his opponent and crush their pride for eternity? Who will rise from the ashes victorious, clutching his enemies skull aloft?
And who shall simply be forgotten with the winds of time…
Your time is now, show us your will to win…
Membergr8jrfan said:
You joining in sounds fine to me. It doesn't matter that you haven't done any of the MP yet but once you hit Level 24, the XP goes by quicker. Do you plan on getting the DLC?
Yeah, I'll get the DLC…
Memberscotty243 said:
Gave Scott Pilgrim a go Thursday and actually had quite some fun with it, despite some infuriating moments.
Is the Online update for this free?
MemberIf you want a game that is difficult, will last you a while and that you can play in between other games try Demons/Dark souls??
That comp. could go on for months and months…
Wipeout HD? Not sure how healthy the online for that is though…
The DR2 Plat. was boring as sh!t more than anything else… And the MP wasn't that great when the game was just out so I really doubt anyone would be playing it today and you need at least 4 people and even then the games are chosen at random…
I've yet to play SotC but I've read that the grip and climbing were changed quite a bit from the original Ps2 version, and that's why the HTA is as difficult as it is…
MemberI773D33MABL3 said:
A quick slightly off topic question: What's Bioshock 1 like to plat? I had the 1000g on the Xbox but the PS3 version added in a few extra trophies for completeing the game on hard without dying and on survival mode without dying. Are these head-wrecking?
I can't remember it being to difficult… I think you can manually save at any time you like?? So it's a case of carefully killing a few splicers, keeping your health as high as possible and saving your game often… It becomes a bit more of a tactical stealth game really, plasmid choice becomes more important… Upgraded weapons a must for Big Daddys
It's not so much you can't die, it's just you can't use vita chambers as spawn points if you do… Just save your game often and reload if you die, the 'head-wreck' will depend on how often you need to reload… Slow and steady wins the race…—
I've got a copy of Bioshock 2 I've been meaning to play… I'd be up for helping with this if it means getting the MP out of the way, I imagine it's pretty dead?
Would starting at level 0 be a problem though?
Memberemdeepee said:
Doc-B said:…..CxFP24LOU0
Clearly Yoshinori Ono didn't design the new controller, not with those little baby arms!
'Take my strong hand'
MemberSeibei4211 said:
And about that new camera… It sure would be annoying to have all three systems at this point, cause now each one wants me to put some crap on top of my TV. I guess the Kinect will still probably be optional though, but if the next Xbox comes with a free Kinect, why not?
I prob. won't use the camera but it it handy to have bundled in I guess… You think Sony might put out a premium bundle with everything and a 'budget' bundle, a bit like the Wii U, or go with one 'as-is' bundle?
Depending on what was in the box I could see me getting a 'budget' edition tbh… Eyetoy and Move just don't interest me… If it has a swappable HDD you could upgrade yourself and potentially go bigger for less money, depending on the size Sony put in themselves…
2.5″ or 3.5″?? I'm eager to hear more about the storage device…
I just hope that all the peripherals, RAM and HDD don't push up the price of the Ps4… Sony can't afford to mess the price up!! Game bundles could be even more?? £50-55 a game this time round?? (Saying that I do have ISS64 with a £60 sticker still on the box, man those cartridge games were expensive
Just put in Sleeping Dogs… Over 1Gb of sh!t to download
That secondary custom chip, or whatever, is sounding better by the second
DL'ing stuff is a massive bore, even with a decent connection… 'You cannot perform background download of this content'
I just hope Sony can pull off all this 'almost instant access while the rest will DL in the background' and it doesn't out to be glitchy, or only supported by a handful of games…
And do you think 'free to play online' will still be an option? With all these new features I can almost smell a subscription… But if movie/music unlimited is included it might not be to bad, I don't use them myself?? Still £40?? More??
The hype of hearing about all these new things, I though some of it was pretty cool, is over for me, and I actually want to see it working to believe it….
The games sell it the least for me…
Fallout 4, Uncharted 4, Just Cause 4, RDR2… Some amazing games coming though!!
MemberSeibei4211 said:
…it weighs nearly the same, the feel will be about the same when you hold it…
It looks like it could be a little wider than the current Dualshock to accommodate the touchscreen, and I hope the lightbar/jack won't make it lightly top heavy… Other than that it looks nice, improved rumble, I like how the D-pad buttons seem more angled and that Sony have kept the color coded input buttons. My main complain when I first saw the controller is that I thought the 'legs' (the bit you hold, i'm not sure what they are actually called?) were straight, that they lacked the curves at the top that sit on my fingers, but they do so it's all good…
I hate the idea of having to 'hold' a controller, I hardly use any 'gripping' force to hold my controller, I'm not sure about the 360 pad but it looks pretty big?
The new camera, not that looks big and ugly!?
And with all these Internet heavy features I really hope that Sony are stepping up their online 'cause the PSN as it stands is still a bit p!sh… And the company dealing with all the in-game media stuff are U-stream, the same people who hosted the suck ass live stream for the Ps4 reveal
MemberI wasn't really sure what to expect at all from Sony, until i heard the words 'Playstation 4' a part of me was still waiting for Sony to pull some bullsh!t and reveal something else… In the past I would have been waiting, eager and confident that it would be another amazing Sony event but the past couple of years have not been so kind to them… I might even have been a little skeptical
But wow… I was pretty impressed!? The leap from Ps2 to Ps3 was so massive it was almost an obvious choice as to why it was better to have a Ps3, the price was the only thing that killed the hype. I just don't like Xbox so I'm Sony through and through… Other than 'more power' I couldn't really imagine what the drive to buy a Ps4 would be, everything I could want in a service I get from my Ps3, but I agree with Seibei, all that stuff about recording, watching and sharing has really spiked my interest.
I mean, my friend is 2 golds away from the Wipeout Plat., being able to watch him play at such a high level would be amazing, I suck at wipeout… And I know there have been stupid moments/glitches in games I would've loved to share for a laugh… The new chat features are long overdue if anything, so i'm not excited about those to much. The DL and play feature is quality, imagine the time you'll save…
I didn't really like the look of the new UI, it seemed rather cluttered… Or the fact that you use your real life details for a profile, for me it had the whole 'sign in with FB' vibe!? I like the anonymity I have just now, I don't want to share my life on PSN just play games… And doesn't that open the door to massive amounts of griefing? The security and privacy settings better be good!!
Not being BC is no big shock, and it's not like Sony is gonna drop the PSN for Ps3 in the first few weeks of the Ps4… I'm just gonna ease up buying games for Ps3 and try to finish up everything i've still got sitting. Nothing from your Ps3 will transfer over to the Ps4 unless Sony decide to move all your PSN games/saves through cloud, and it has been confirmed that the Ps4 will play used games.
As for the controller I just want it to sit comfortably in my hand, other than that i'm not to worried…
I want to wait and see how the new online service works for the Ps4 before I buy one… But a can't help but feel I'll end up buying one straight away… If it's £300-350 it'll be bought for sure…
MemberIt seems Sony ain't messing about!?
MemberYou should check out the 'Crysis 3 – The seven wonders of Crysis' videos on Youtube if you haven't already…
Here's the first vid for your enjoyment –
Make sure you watch these in HD…