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MemberDoc-B said:
Post edited 12:40 pm – 10/18/2011 by Doc-B
Machinetti said:
Post edited 6:14 pm – 10/17/2011 by Machinetti
- Achiever – Complete a Challenge (Mulitplayer) – 10G
- Looking Good – Customise a PERSONA (Multiplayer) – 10G
- etc.
Earn all Bronze, Silver and Gold Trophies/Achievements in Assassins creed Revelations
Really ??
Gonna finish up Dead Island tonight, got an easy 20'000XP left to get for the Plat.
Gonna start playing Ico, SoTC or Mafia 2 for an easy going game and, hopefully, pretty easy Plat.
And beast the Deus Ex DLC when it hits tomorrow
I can confirm that Mafia 2 is very easy to plat (got it). I'm currently playing Ace combat: Assault horizon and Am currently working on MAG platinum.
MemberIts long overdue, but I finally got the Uncharted 2 platinum.
Just in time before Uncharted 3 comes out.
MemberJust finished Crysis and all I need now is complete the game on delta difficulty and kill ten people with thrown objects for the plat.
Membermocte32 said:
i was playing cod waw and when i check all the dlc trophies dissapier anybody knows whats the problem will bw…. i still have my 1810 trophies ……
there not there when syscn my trophies help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just noticed that last night when I went to play Uncharted 2. I had the game of the year edition for a while now and when I went to play it I checked my trophy list to se what I had left to do for the plat and it was all gone! I sure hope theres a mistake or something bc some of those were annoying to get. Its a great game, but I'm not looking to play it over and over again.
MemberHardAndSloppy said:
GHOST305 said:
Just finished shadow of the Colossus; now I'm trying to decide to actually go for the platinum or play ICO.
Play Ico, leave the platinuming for after, experience their greatness first. EXPERIENCES IT!!!!
Lol guess that answers my question…off to experience the GREATNESS!!!
MemberJust finished shadow of the Colossus; now I'm trying to decide to actually go for the platinum or play ICO.
MemberRKF95 said:
Theres 4 branching endings, just save right after you get the chip back at the tops casino, so that you can just reload that save after you complete one of the endings.
RKF is right; it's not that you need seperate playthroughs you just need to get the different endings. Do what RKF95 suggested bc that's what I did. Hardcore is not really hard bc there is plenty of food and if you need water just fast travel to the Goodsprings Source it has a water, food and sleeping place so you can rest up. It also has geckos you can kill and then cook there meat into steaks. In my opinion, hardcore mode was just a nusance and everyone was just making it seem like it was impossible.
MemberIts going to take a minimum of three playthroughs if you're looking for the platinum. That link that emdeepee posted is the exact same walkthrough I used to get the platinum.
If your willing to spend the money for the extra dlc, you can increase your level cap and be able to add more points to your stats, which helps you achieve those “10,000” bronze trophies.
MemberICO/Shadow of the Colossus collection. 🙂
MemberHardAndSloppy said:
emdeepee said:
Finally finished Deus Ex but didn't get the Pacifist trophy!!
Moved onto the Splinter Cell trilogy now.
tell me if its worth getting, and how long it takes to beat all of them. i was thinking of getting it, i never played them before. thanks
Yes, same here. I really want to get the trilogy but I am already getting the ICO/Shadow of the Collosus collection and I'm currently playing the GOW origins collection. I've noticed that the GOW games are not that hard to play and I can get every trophy except for the challenge room trophies. I have all the games so far and even with videos I cant get past them. It's very frustrating.
Anyone have any advice? I even looked online but no luck.
Membergr8jrfan said:
GHOST305 said:
Just got God of War Origins collection; sofar its looking pretty good. Graphics are a bit like ps2 but not bad for a port from a PSP game.
I don’t know about you, but I think the trophy names are the funniest I’ve ever seen. Don’t you agree? Example : 2 Girls, 1 Spartan, Make Her Scream, Deadbeat Dad, and Cool Story Bro. (These were all secret so to avoid spoilers, I won’t say the conditions for the lulz, lol)
Yes! I love games that put the time into coming up with funny trophy names. I got the 2 girls, ! Spartan trophy but havn't gotten far enough to get the other ones. I see you already got the plat. Congrats!
MemberHardAndSloppy said:
GHOST305 said:
Finally got the Fallout New Vegas platinum!
Figured out how to win at caravan easily.
Tell me, I dont know how to play
I watched a youtube video andit shows you what cards to put in your deck and how to use them. If you want to details, PM me and I'll explain it to you.
Once you get the hang of it, its a good way to get money.
MemberFinally got the Fallout New Vegas platinum!
Figured out how to win at caravan easily.
MemberJust got God of War Origins collection; sofar its looking pretty good. Graphics are a bit like ps2 but not bad for a port from a PSP game.
MemberSeibei4211 said:
I was not at all surprised with that patch. I don't hold it against them either. Anyone who thought this game was going to ship without a thousand problems is delusional.
@GHOST – I think I'd rather have the recipe than just the weapon. I mean, I'd be really pissed if I got to use the weapon until it broke, then never again until I found the recipe. And if they gave you the weapon and the recipe, you'd still only get to use it until it broke, so you'd have to find the parts for it again anyway.
True, But why not give them both? The recipe so you can see how its made and the weapon so you can decide if you like using it? I mean everyone has their own way when killing zombies. You can also repair the item at benches around the island. I was just a little disappointed because I saw the picture and was like “Yes! Can't wait to use that!” and then didn't get to.
But I am trying to find all the pieces though.