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MemberOk look i fucked up with the pics big time and caused a whole pile of shit. You fucked up even more so with the Cancer lie, that is what really pi$$ed me off, do you know how many families have been affected by cancer, it is not something to be used to win an argument. That is why i had to investigate if it was true because Cancer is something i feel strongly about and i am sure a lot of ppl do here as well.
I would hazard a guess and say the majority of people on this ite have lost someone or known someone who suffered from it. I am not out to get you, i was just really insulted you would use it against me. I will tell all your friends i provoked you if you want, or i could just leave you to sort it, but seriously i am not after you. You just chose to use probably the one thing in this world that i do not like to hear mocked and threw it in my face. When I found out you made it up i went apeshit.
I am banned fair enough and i will honour that and stop posting with this account. I am not looking for you to get banned, I think you needed a major wake up all and you probably have had it now. I am sorry to all the guys pi$$ed over this, it all started as something so small and escalated to modern warfare. I am finished with this now, but if anyone feels the need to flame me go right ahead i probably deserve it too. But I have explained my actions and i will no longer keep this argument going from my side.
MemberHey guys,
Sorry for leaving you all wondering, but I was pondering whether or not i should come back at all. I will tell you all straight out what was said and done. I was winding up ninjacat the last few days because i am sick of his interfering and insulting behaviour. I am also friends with Knoxie and feel he was takin the pi$$ with him, in the What Am I listening To Right Now Thread. It started off with my sig and location quotes as you all know about, I admit i found it funny because i do not like the guy at all.
Anyway i got a pic of him and his girl and edited it by replacing his face with mine, posted it in Girls Girls Girls and made a polite comment about how good we are together and me dedicating a post to her bla bla bla. I received a reply from I think was Doc B (sorry if it wasn't) and replied rofl and that was the last i saw of it as i was gone to work soon after.
I also had a Gif image i made, the same pic but a cartoon tongue flapping out of my mouth. I admit it could be taken poorly but i was overcome with humour and left it as my Avatar. That was it nothing more nothing less, gods honest truth. Everypost you see in the topic with his comments about his girlfriends 'cancer' (I will come back to this) are there, I NEVER replied thereafter as i wanted to leave him stew for a while. I got a phone call from, my housemate telling me i was wiped clean and then could not login email address wiped user pass everything.
I hated the use of the Cancer comment and didn't believe it but i refused to get involved in such a sensitive topic, that word Cancer is so so very important and should never be used in such a fashion. I have since found out, through the joys of social networking Aliases and careful selection process of various ppl on Facebook that the Cancer comment was a complete fabrication, in order to strenghten his position as a victim of bullying, when in fact he deserves a lot of shit for making that kinda stuff up. I also have proof from various ppl in Crawley, Thomas Bennett Community College, and facebook.
I have never thought someone could stoop that low in order to get his own way. Well ninjacat you win, and in this situation I really don't think you shud be screaming about your success, it definitely isn't a proud victory, but you are welcome to it .
later guys
EDIT banning was a gross overreaction to a very soft joke, but i know ninjacat likes the use of the pm button so maybe ps3 trophies is on his friends list
I am sure he got some sort of sob story
And there were no abusive pm's from me to anyone anyone who thinks otherwise i would like you to prove it and give you permission to post the message