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I've seen a lot of movies recently but I'm curious about other people's opinions on these two: Elysium and Pain and Gain. I thought Elysium was just a total mess. It's kind of confusing, the action was fcuking stupid, and a lot of elements are borrowed from the director's far superior (and of my all time favorite) fims: District 9. The elements that were copied made sense in D9 and made that movie great like the shaky camera and the different camera perspectives and the extreme gore and violence. In Elysium, it was either out of place or so shitty that it was downright uncomfortable. They even borrow the protagonist from D9 and give him one of the most laughably awful accents I've ever heard.
Also, they introduce a lot of different rules for the sci-fi universe they're in, but believe me when I say this, it is done so fcuking poooorly. At one point ***SPOILER ALERT*** the antagonist gets his face completely blown off in slow motion by a grenade (which made some people in the theater make noises of disgust or they laughed) and then two scenes later, they bring the antagonist back to life (I couldn't make this up if I tried) BECAUSE HIS BRAIN WAS STILL INTACT. WHAT?!!!!
So at this point, I had completely given up. I decided to just roll with whatever stupid pile of cock rules they had in this script written by a fcuking twelve year old. Turns out, I had only scratched the surface. As soon as Matt Damon lands on Elysium, he's taken captive and gagged before he's about to be killed. He escapes before that happens of course, and then he pulls out the gag from his mouth, which looked just like a pacifier for an infant or something. As he pulls it out, we see that there was a large black tendril for the end that went in his mouth that was approximately fifteen inches long. The person I saw this with said my facial expression was priceless. There was so much going through my head: anger, confusion, disgust, shame; I wanted to walk out so bad but I had to see how this shit show ended.
A couple minutes after the antagonist wakes up from having his head being reassembled, he kills off Jodie Foster, making her role even smaller, and even though it's a stab wound in her neck compared to y'know, a fcuking grenade, she can't be revived. This leads to Matt Damon and the antagonist having a showdown in a factory with a cherry blossom tree on a platform to the left. Why did they have a tree there? I dunno, to make it look cool?!! Since the antagonist sometimes uses a samurai katana, I thought him and Matt Damon would have a sword fight or something. Nope! If there's one thing I should've learned by now, it's that this movie loves misleading me! The sword is thrown off the platform in the first minute and the result is an uncomfortable and anticlimactic fight that ends with Matt Damon throwing himself at him to pull a wire on the back of his head. Because that's somehow a cooler death than having a grenade blow his head off. Come to think of it, they could've revived the antagonist again! His brain was still intact!
The movie ends with a confusing data surge from Matt that kills him to allow all the poor people on to the planet, thus tying together the story from the child character that you KNOW is plot important, about a hippo that uses a meerkat to get apples in a tree he can't reach or some shit I don't know. And again, they totally could've revived Matt! His brain was intact and he wasn't even harmed!!!
Ugh, fcuk that movie. I wanted to like it, after all District 9 is a remarkable movie, but I left that theater feeling like I had been raped. Did anybody see it and look past it's flaws? It looks like a majority of the critics did on Rotten Tomatoes. That just baffles me.
And then there's Pain&Gain. I actually don't have too much to say about this movie; I thought it was pretty decent. It's got it's problems sure, but I was entertained and I had a good time with it. I suppose someone could hate it if they hate Marky Mark, The Rock, and/or Michael Bay, but on it's on own merit, I enjoyed it. I dunno, what did other people think?
gr8jrfanMemberI just got done beating Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 and my god, was this game attrociously bad. I mostly got it for a quick laugh since it's roughly four hours long and it sure did deliver. I was laughing my ass off almost immediately with the fcuking horrendous voice acting and way they handled the plot. That laughter turned into groans and sighs as I had to work my way through the same FOUR environments through the course of 25+ levels. In an effort to pad out the game's length so it doesn't match up with the film's, you are forced into over 10 side missions where you basically just save 3-4 wizards and fight the same dudes that you'll see for the entire game. I think there were 3 character models. Snatcher, Death Eater, Guy in black robes. That's it. Oh there was also an awful mission where you run in an out of a dragon cave. I thought it was cool right up until I actually had to play it. It said to “tread carefully” but he's programmed to wake up and breathe fire on you through the whole mission. It was here that I got so frustrated that I looked everywhere I could, including the game manual. There was a sprint button the whole time!!! ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** that tutorial! Then I started sprinting everywhere. Turns out you don't have to fight anybody. You can sprint to the end of every level, and I did.
But ho boy was it worth it! It was here that I found the crown jewel of stupidity. It was the most retarted final level I've ever played. The groans and sighs turned to non-stop laughter. I couldn't control myself. It started with hearing Dobby's voice and it ended with me sprinting upstairs to the most unintentionally hilarious final encounter EVER.
I don't think I can even put it into words. I'll try to link a youtube video but if that doesn't work, search: harry potter and the deathly hallows part 1 game ending
The best video I found was by “VisoGamer”. He got the cutscene with Dobby. This level cannot go unseen!
gr8jrfanMemberThat's a pretty immature comment. Also, you're contradicting yourself. Play more RPG's but also have a wildly active social life. I do “go out”. What are you implying? That I don't have a social life? I do, dude, despite how much I play. Admittedly I actually haven't hung out with anyone in two weeks but I do have a life. I don't go to parties though, not my thing. Hell, I asked the girl of my dreams out not too long ago but I got friend zoned.
What's wrong with Diablo 3? I'm sure they'll have that Error Code whatever fixed by now. Does it just pale in comparison to it's predecessors? I'm really hoping they just make a PS3 or PS4 version of them or at least Witcher 2. If not, I think I actually will get a gaming PC to play them. I could get a 360 just to play it but that'd be a waste. You can do a hell of a lot more with a gaming PC.
gr8jrfanMemberI'm 17. The “PS2 generation” meant very little to me at that time because I was more interested in playing outside than playing videogames all day. I don't think I even remotely cared about anything in that generation aside from a few games like R&C and Sly Cooper and stuff. Then in about 2009, I started playing a bit more and expanding my tastes. I feel a bit sad that I missed the PS2 and Nintendo generations but it's not really all my fault. I wouldn't have really been able to appreciate it at that age anyway. I did actually play Kingdom Hearts but I never finished it because it was too hard for me at the time. I'd love to play more RPGs now but at this point, it'd take a hell of a game to top Skyrim for me. I plan on getting Diablo 3, Persona 4 Golden, and The Witcher 3 at the very least…
gr8jrfanMemberLet me make this clear: If The Witcher 2 were on PS3, I'd be all over that shit. I saw a review of it once and it looks fcuking awesome. The same goes for Kingdom Hearts as well, just gotta wait a bit more for that collection. I've been meaning to do Demon's Souls but it's a pretty large time investment and I'd like to finish some smaller stuff first. I'll stand by what I said about Skyrim. It's still the best RPG I've played, but sadly, I was trying to get a reaction out of scotty and his was pretty disapointing.
gr8jrfanMemberFrederick_Playstation said:
I773D33MABL3 said:
Nathan said it was the best RPG he'd played, not the greatest ever made. And RPGs aren't too well represented on consoles to begin with. They tend to be poor cousins to their PC counterparts.
That's why I told him to play more RPGs.
Ususally when people disagree, they give a reason why or at least in this case, a better RPG in their opinion. Name a better RPG then, Mr. Playstation. I'm curious. It'd be pretty cool to play it on the PC to see all the mods and stuff but I think it's good enough as the console version. It's not worth paying a huge amount of money to make my computer a gaming PC just for one game anyway.
gr8jrfanMemberI'm finally done with Skyrim. That 100% was held up by the fight with the Ebony Warrior (you have to be level 78 to face him) and I killed him in less than a minute. What a fcuking chump. If I didn't have a billion other games to play and get trophies for, I'd probably still be playing it to be honest. It's hands down the best RPG I've ever played and anyone who says otherwise probably hasn't played enough of it, or is just too cynical to even have a say in anything.
Now it's back to the good old trophy hunting routine. I'm doing the X-Men Origins: Wolverine game which is actually pretty decent for a movie game. It's pretty basic for an action game but it's got enough combos and systems to keep me entertained for now. Slicing and impaling people and countering at the right moment is pretty damn satisfying. There's a fairly large amount of “Dog Tags” to collect but they're decently spread out in the chapters, not obnoxiously around every corner like the ASM game….
I've also got to clear some space on my Vita for some actually fun games I want to play when I go on vacation towards the end of the month. I should have Dragon's Crown, Rayman Origins, PvZ, and Bentley's Hackpack all ready to go if I have the space for it. I'm certainly not playing AC Liberation or Black Ops Declassified while I'm there. Worst purchases ever…..
gr8jrfanMemberCurrently flipping between Skyrim and rewatching all the Breaking Bad seasons before the show's return in 8 days. So hyped!! Oh and I got 212 hours in Skyrim, I guess. Still haven't even beaten the story yet…
gr8jrfanMemberFrederick_Playstation said:
gr8jrfan said:
Black Skinhead – Kanye West
Ugh that song and album are so crap. Kanye has ruined himself since Graduation.
Dude, I actually totally agree with you. I definitely prefer old school Kanye than the stuff he's been doing now. I just got curious when I was listening to one of his older songs and then I was like, “Eh, this is OK, I guess…”
By the way, have you listened to Ill Mind 6 yet? What was that preachy shit? So corny…
gr8jrfanMemberBlack Skinhead – Kanye West
gr8jrfanMemberI773D33MABL3 said:
Wrath of the Titans – Literally every aspect of this movie is arse. Premise is retarded, plot is mush, script is laughable, the actors seem embarassed to be there and the FX (considering they're the only selling point) are mediocre at best and downright mingin' at worst. Pegasus flying across the sky is genuinely painful to watch. Turned it off on the hour mark…
That is still to this day one of the worst movies I've ever seen. I actually made it all the way to the end of the film, but I really didn't enjoy getting there aside from laughing at it with the people that I was with.
Spent the last of my money on both parts of the Dark Knight Returns. (totally broke for a month now, beats working my ass off for minimum wage like Ben though! ) When they announced Man of Steel 2, Peter Weller read a quote from the second part:
“I didn't have to go easy on you. A different binding agent, a stronger mix… I want you to remember that. I wanted to remind you to stay out of my way. In all the years to come, in your most private moments, I want you to remember the one man who beat you!”
So I watched the movies and got super fcuking hyped. I'm a little disapointed they're not going to do a sequel with just Superman before the Batman crossover but maybe they'll accomplish what I wanted in the sequel while Batman's still there. Regardless, The Dark Knight Returns was really, really good. Once the Joker came out of retirement, everything kept me at the edge of my seat. Then there's the fight with Superman, which was beyond awesome, from a Batman fanatic's perspective at least. If that's the tone they're going with, the new Batman better be pretty badass….
gr8jrfanMemberPacific Rim is the greatest thing ever created. Bring all your friends and family to see this movie in Imax 3D at a theater near you. I don't care, just spend all your moneydollars on this movie whatever you do. We as a nation must make sure movies that center around giant badass fighting robots and monsters are more successful than the lowest common denominator that is Grown Ups 2.
Wow, that almost all that unintentionally rhymed. Cool.
gr8jrfanMemberI killed the Coalition!!!
And it's a good thing, too. It was only in today's session that we discovered Kristoff is a nurse from Silent Hill. Good god, I honestly don't know why James or Heather didn't ever toss the hand radio, because that static drove me nuts! So we nabbed the Mob of the Dead easter egg with a few small hitches but we came out on top, just like we always do.
gr8jrfanMemberI can't wait any longer, it's killing me. It's just staring at me on it's damn shelf. I tried to clear space before I started it again but I think I have enough now… I also tried to clear out some shitty games to make it seem all the more rewarding but that's not gonna happen. Well everyone, I'm going to lose myself again in the total immersion that is Skyrim. See you all in a month.
gr8jrfanMemberSaw the Lone Ranger a couple days ago and I thought it was pretty good. It definitely met my expectations and it was a lot of fun! That horse actually made me laugh a couple times, too.