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MemberI haven't posted in forever
I took a little time off gaming, trying to get some issues with the ladies sorted out, though I doubt you guys really want to get into it
Finally got all that crap done with, and now back to gaming
Played all the through the new DmC, and I have to say, I quite enjoyed it. The combat was awesome, the story was actually pretty cool, and I liked the characters. People need to gives this a chance more often.Also decided to go my backlog, and finished off Far Cry 3. Gotta admit, it was pretty awesome. Was I the only one who liked his friends?
And just got a couple new games as well. Yay, more backlog
Picked up Wonderbook: Book of Spells (On sale for $10, come one, what a great deal!!), Hitman HD Collection (Had a $20 off coupon), and Sly Cooper: Thieves In Time. I'm really excited to start all of them, but Sly Cooper takes the lead. So many fond memories
I'll be back to let you guys know what I think.
MemberYeah, it is. I played the demo that came with my copy of Zone of the Enders HD Collection. It was okay, but it felt a little souless. It just didn't have that MGS feel to it. And the ability to cut anything you want, isn't all that fun in motion. It is kinda lame.
MemberPersona 4, how I love thee. Somehow it's just as good as the 3rd, have to finish it before I say its better
. But my Vita is getting a lot of love due to it.
MemberI saw There Will Be Blood for the first time. Holy Crap
Daniel Day-Lewis has to be the best actor of our generation. I thought the story sounded kinda lame, but it was somehow one of the most entertaining movies I've seen. Must have been his amazing acting
MemberGot Persona 4 Golden today. Good bye social life, hello Midnight Channel.
MemberThere was a deal going on at the local EB Games, where you could trade in 1 game (From a list), and get $50 toward Medal of Honour Warfighter. I decided to do this, because there was another deal where if you traded in MoH:W they'd give you full store credit, minus $1 per day you had it.
So I beat the single player in a day, pretty decent, and returned it the next day. I didn't really like the multiplayer. I decided to pick up Zero's Escape: Virtues's Last Reward for the Vita. I haven't tried it yet, but it seems like it'll be good. I also put the rest of my remaining credit on Smart As. Hopefully that's good too. Gotta pick it up on Tuesday.
Speaking of Tuesday, I am also picking up Assassin's Creed 3 and The Zone of the Enders Collection. Gonna be really busy
MemberJust finished Silent Hill Downpour, it was actually pretty good.
Memberemdeepee said:
Gonna try and catch Skyfall next week.
Same. It's been getting good reviews. I was hoping it would be able to match the excellence of Casino Royale.
MemberI wish it came with a little more interesting stuff. Not my kinda thing her. Will skip the collcetor's edition.
MemberThe only movie I'm really looking forward to is Django Unchained. Quentin Tarantino's new movie, enuff said.
MemberHere Comes the Boom. I honestly thought it was gonna be a huge piece of crap. Turned out to be really good. It is not original at all, but it does everything right.
MemberBeen trying to get trough all the stories in Persona 4: Arena. Also just got Silent Hill: Downpour for $15. Gonna be playing both of those for the next little bit
MemberPersona 4 Arena (story modes are long)
Borderlands 2 (Got kinda pushed aside with Dishonored)
Dark Souls
LBP Vita (same as borderlands)
Disgaea 3:Absence of Detention
PoP Collection (2 and 3)
Splinter Cell Collection (same as PoP)
Kingdoms of Amalur
Ratchet and Clank Collection
MGS Collection (Peace Walker only)
Rayman Origins
House of the Dead Overkill
Condemned 2
The Orange Box
You Don't Know Jack
Mortal Kombat Vita
Got a lot to do
It's not my fault that future shop has had amazing trade in deals. Trade in 1 game, get a new vita game free. Been doing this with every new release
MemberI got Dishonored on tuesday, so I've been playing that. I like it much more than Deus Ex
Memberemdeepee said:
emdeepee said:
After deciding to get rid of a shit load of PSN titles that I have absolutely no intention of starting never mind finishing I'm now left with a much more manageable list.
Two each from Splinter Cell and Tomb Raider trilogies
Smash Cars
Lara Croft: Guardian of Light
Shank 2
Oddworld: Strangers Wrath
Voodoo Dice
Hydrophobia: Prophecy
Wipeout HD
Hydrophobia is actually pretty cool. I was plesently surprised. It only takes a couple hours though, def worth the $2 I spent on it.