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i played on my friends x360 and it just looked like just another stupid FPS but i just played like 30 min in the main storyline my friend said he liked it but i have doubts that I will. :/
Hurley48Memberi need to creat a lvl with someone too it could be very nice since i STILL haven't figured the emitter tutorial problem… but two or more minds are better than one :]
Hurley48Memberi agree parnakas i would choose LBP i thought uncharted trophies too easy XD
Hurley48Membergreat! i'll add you right now XD
Hurley48Membercool but i need the one that you need ppl on your friends list and only 2 of them have LBP damn!
Hurley48Memberjamesb5374 said:
I got the platinum last week, it felt good!!!
the square water room with the pillars is rock hard, easily the hardest bit of the game!!
me too my first and only platinum so far XD and this part is insane!!!!!!!! then every thing seens easier after that part
February 17, 2009 at 3:03 am in reply to: Burnout Paradise Stadium Trophy (Looking for people) #21278Hurley48Memberadd me: Hurley48 msg me and i'll stop whatever i'm playing and i go
Hurley48MemberRatchet525 said:
i heard its a very good game but if u want to scare the shit outta ur pants or get freaked out then go for it
hum…i think i'll get manly for the online i didn't liked the demo that much but i saw some vids and it was pretty cool but not much maybe because it was the first two lvls of the game but still looks good
Hurley48Memberi have the message too i registered to the site but i dunno i like the forum here too everybody helps when someone has a question.
Hurley48Memberi guess is 200 or 300 posts to gold but shadeblack got 500 and it's still gold maybe it's actually 1000? of maybe that's just the admin i dunno
Hurley48Memberi would be an un-borned chimera since i don't have the game XD
Hurley48Memberparnakas said:
i dont think 360 will get blu-ray. The chip inside 360 does NOT have the power to handle blu-ray. There could be an external drive for it though.
However, the next XBOX has a better chance of having it.
I’ve heard this story a million times…. xbots say how stupid blu-ray is, then they love it when 360 is supposed to get blu-ray , then they hate it again after MS denies it. Its quite amusing lol
hahaha nice one really seens amusing and my friend is a little “fantasious” you know he still think they will make MGS4 for x360 BTW i hate the fact that this game don't have trophies >:(
Hurley48Memberoh thats good news! that would make top line games fairly 4 both consoles since they will be very similar that would be a battle won in console wars maybe that would calm things down or just got worst since everybody is only trying to make money even more with the crisis.
Hurley48Membervery intersting edge4eva32 so MS can actually win if Sony don't wake up we're screwed….
Hurley48Memberwell not so sure but i think my friend is one of those fanboys he talks everyday about how good xbox is and telling me to sell my ps3 to guess what buy an x360! still though thinking well is only gonna worse what the xbox already is since blue ray is sony's she is going to have more money and is going to help the ps3 and if KILLER369 is right they are gonna to make another hardware to support the new player and like shadeblack said besisdes having to buy another x360 since is a new hardware might RROD all over again! since in both consoles the first unitys have more troubles then those made now x360 would fucked up.