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if you pre order infamous you get the multiplayer beta!
Hurley48Membernow games i have 14, 8 of them have the trophy support
Hurley48Memberi have the platinum the hardest was finish it on crushing that was annoing but i got it i love this game
Hurley48Memberi wish i had 1000 i still just have 340 🙁
Hurley48Memberi'm for InFamous this game seens to have way more replay value since you have a karma sistem where you got to make you decide if he is gonna be a selfish asshole or a super hero Prototype seens more like an unbrained destruction game with a cliché history that's my opinion at least
Hurley48Membernice one happy birthday!
Hurley48Memberi said the same thing as you but i guees that is because i write too quickly so i “eat” some words lol =D
Hurley48Memberwelcome to ps3 trophies! well i'm reluting on get the game so far i don't know if it's or bad but i will figure it out and sure it would be great to have trophy sistem on the console! my friend have it and if the sister ever comes out i might conssider getting it =D
Hurley48Memberbtwo5 said:
where is the game rules
here are the guide posting rules:
Hurley48Membermaybe you can find in lime wire or programs on the genre just type eat lead theme song and maybe you will find it it helped me on get theme songs for famous TV series at least
Hurley48Memberi've heard of this fallout set on vegas i will definitely buy it i love fallout 3 and i'm cosidering buy its prequels i'm aware that they are way more RPG and bigger and kingofgames there's a terminal on each townie-industry destructec location just look 4 them make sure your science skill is at least 50 so that you can hack major of the terminals towns like megaton and rivet city are a good start
Hurley48Memberi deleted home because it was consuming too much space on my 40 GB ps3 and i was never using it if they ever get trophies in there i'll go back
Hurley48MemberRatchet525 said:
Hurley48 said:
that would be cool but isn't the admin the platinum user looks at his user image…
lol so im a gold user doesnt mean i have to have a gold trophy as an avatar.
i got your point but theres no platinum user (i think) and the admin has the platinum trophy image you know?
Hurley48Memberthat would be cool but isn't the admin the platinum user looks at his user image…
Hurley48Memberany rumor of a launch date on the full version?