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MemberThanks to a heads-up from Gnilsia, I found I could download upscaled versions of Flow and Flower onto the PS4. I never really gave Flow much attention but Flower is definitely one of my favourite PSN titles ever. I played the first two levels and it really does look amazing. And the sound is so crisp. They're both seperate trophy lists so it'll be nice going for a second 100% on Flower.
I also grabbed a couple more trophies in Resogun. Still enjoying that.
The Steam sale has also been plundered further. I bought Dust, Deadlight, Outlast, Alan Wake and Nihilumbra for next to nothing. So far I've only tried Nihilumbra but it's a quality game. Looks gorgeous and plays really smoothly. Even if I am struggling with the A,S,D,W movement controls…
MemberI recently discovered the Steam sale and such I've been playing a few titles I never paid much attention to. Being a huge fan of the 40k universe I picked up Space Hulk but as a pretty much direct translation of the board game it's fairly limp. Plodding and frustrating.
I did, however, have better luck with Anno 2070. I had one of the earlier Sim City titles years ago but I never played it properly and just watched my cities fall into collapse. So this is my first proper effort at a sim and so far I'm loving it. It's difficult enough as I'm not at all used to the genre so learning (slowly) as I go. I've toyed with the campaign but I really wanted the full sandbox experience so I started up a continuous game and I've already poured a few hours into it. It's pretty hard to drag yourself away from as there's always something that needs attention or just about to advance.
My third purchase was Bastion but I haven't got to it yet. Looks interesting.
MemberJust about to touch Lvl 60 in hardcore mode in D3. Then onto the Inferno playthrough. I think I might also make that my speedrun and see if I can beat Acts 1-3 in under an hour each. I'll still have plenty to do in hardcore but I can clean that up with Scotty and Kriggs. In the meantime I'll be starting a new playthrough with a new character. I recently learned that there's a challenge for 100 million gold which has just put the playtime through the roof. I still haven't hit the trophy for 5 million yet! Although once I start farming properly it'll be with a paragon character and on Inferno difficulty so gold will be far more plentiful.
Apart from that I've been getting into the new Killzone. I've decided that it's going to be my staple MP for the PS4. It's far smoother t play than the previous two versions and the lack of ranks is unusual. If I have one complaint it's the lack of clan support. KZ2 had probably the best setup for that I've ever seen so this is a real step-down.
MemberIt definitely won't be too soon. I've barely touched Revelations or III so they'll be done first. And that'll be competing for my time with Diablo and Killzone.
MemberI've been listening to heaps lately. Getting into a lot of styles of metal I never really listened to before and discovering some great bands. I signed up for Spotify and between that and Soundcloud my album wish list is just growing daily.
MemberI haven't been gaming too much lately but I've been involved in some boost sessions. Trying to clear up some painful MP in my backlog.
Still going with Diablo III as well. Must get some more co-op done with Scotty. I'm really hoping my save transfers across to the PS4 version. I want to play the DLC and use the new features but the thought of starting all over again makes my balls shrivel.
MemberI really need to start making a dent in my backlog but I'm afraid Diablo is the only thing interesting me at the moment. I'm up to Lvl 44 in hardcore mode and I've finished a playthrough or two with Scotty in normal mode. Nearly at 3,000,000 for the 5,000,000 trophy but that's been going slower than it could have been because of the co-op/hardcore playthroughs on lower difficulties. I've no intention of grinding it either as I'll get it finishing off the challenges.
Speaking of which, I'm up to 67% overall completion. The toughest ones left seem to be for killing each unique enemy. there must be 80+ of the scummers and I've only got 16. After 8 playthroughs that's a poor return. I'm hoping once I get back to Inferno difficulty they'll start showing up more regularely. Not that I'm running out of playthroughs. I need to get two of each class to Lvl 60. Once I finish my Hardcore playthrough I'll have two Lvl 60 Demon Hunters but that leaves four classes. And it takes seven playthroughs to hit 60 twice… So 28. And that's not including the DLC.
I really hope my save transfers to the PS4 version as I can't see myself starting again. And there's no sign of the aformentioned DLC coming to PS3.
MemberFinished my Inferno playthrough in Diablo III. Now up to level 12 on my hardcore run. The trophy is for hitting level 30 but I need to get to sixty for the chalenge.
After that the only trophy I'll need is 5 million gold but I've loads of challenges left.
Member'State of Non-Return' from the album Advaitic Songs by Om.
MemberOkay, so the Diablo III obsession continues. Finished off Hell difficulty and started into Inferno on my solo run. Then today myself and Scotty chewed through Act I of nightmare difficulty on his playthrough. I've been putting a lot of effort into the in-game challenges and I've managed to almost hit the 50% mark.
In terms of trophies I've to beat all bosses on Inferno, complete three more triumphs (Only available on Inferno), get to Lvl 30 on Hardcore, buy all items from vendors (only one left) and pick up 5,000,000 gold. On about 1,100,000 so far but I want to play through with the other classes so I'll get there without just grinding.
MemberJoined Scotty for some Diablo III on Sunday. He's on his first playthrough so I was fairly mincing anything I came across. But it looks like certain events/areas only open up during a co-op playthrough so I'm looking forward to doing a full run and clearing up some of the challenges.
MemberBeen spinning Ravenous Redemption's Dawn by Ensnared all day.
MemberHaven't been on much lately as I've been reading quite a bit. Finished my Nightmare playthrough of Diablo III last night and got through most of Act I on Hell difficulty today. I finished the last of the conversations I needed in Nightmare so I can ignore any of the characters not needed for quests now. I just got the 'Deep Pockets' trophy for 500K gold so I'm still a long way off 5 million.
The other grind for 100 Treasure Goblins will be a lot easier though as I managed to get the 'Puzzle Ring' which has a chance of spawning one every time I get hit. I've already killed more than I did on my last playthrough.
MemberA few hours into Nightmare difficulty in Diablo III. Not going too badly but there were a few panic ridden moments. The quality of gear has gone way up though.
MemberFrustrating day for trophies. Dungeon Siege III glitched on three for me so another full playthrough added to the time this game already doesn't deserve. Well pissed off!