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new one: Okay so i was playing free for all today, and these two guys joined and right away i knew they wer gonna nuke boost. they had mics and they kept saying where they were going to be. so i ran there and killed them (that was first game) second game same thing. so finally one of them was like “ur mom im coming for you!” i said okay! so the next game (on favela) midway through he said “hey ur mom your my new rival!” i lol'd….but eventually i barely beat him.
basically….mainly a you had to be there moment. a llittle
iruleuMemberi love him haha… right next to will smith and adam sandler
iruleuMemberManicSurvivor said:
@ iruleu – oh ok, thx
Avatar – 10/10 – love that actor, just cant remember his name atm xD
Signature – 8/10 – funny x3
sean william scott
iruleuMemberits an old game
10/10 pic
8/10 true, true
iruleuMemberoh yea also: When i shot one bullet killed 3 people 2 with headshots
iruleuMemberi love the dorito commercial with the dog
Beautiful- eminem
Kryptonite- Three Doors down
Jizz in my pants
iruleuMemberOKAY EVERYONE! (doc, tdsoil, & manicsurvivor) PLEASE shut the hell up! No one wants to hear you guys bitch like little kids!
iruleuMemberi think golden axe on SEGA (tied for 2nd best game console)
iruleuMemberi loved the dorito samurai one
iruleuMemberI would like these:
Prestige hack fixd
Spec ops glitch fixed
Painkiller GONE!!!!!!!! (FUKING PISSING ME OFF!)
Why get rid of elevators?
And they cant fix nuke boosting without getting rid of the nuke
iruleuMemberNuFc_kNoXiE_KiLa said:
while were on the topic about weight etc, i was in the gym for PE today at school and i did 3 reps of 55kg on the weights (but it does have knee support) and im proud since im only 53kg
wow thats definetly different than U.S. We use pounds
iruleuMemberRatchet525 said:
Yep, they seriously do!
anddd your armenian? right? finish your damn food!
iruleuMemberRatchet525 said:
9/10 I use to watch DrangonBall Z ALL THE TIME
9/10 never heard of it..
7/10 meh
9/10 seriously? they say that?
iruleuMembergnilsia said:
Post edited 1:57 am – 02/03/2010 by gnilsia
iruleu said:
gnilsia said:
at least NFL it is better than cricket, i will give it that anyway! a very manly sport
OMFG! You just HAD to pick the pic with my favorite team didn't you.
I take it that is what you meant “I will go all NFL on your butt!” A bit too manly for me but each to their own LOL on the team coincidence! which one are you anyway the giver or the taker (team colours )?
im a fan of the bears (blue/orange) “Reciever”