Forum Replies Created
Memberedge4eva32 said:
I dont think half of the people who are complaining about RE 5 demo have EVER played a previous RE game. Honestly, I am 26 years old and I was a mere teen when the first one was released on the original Playstation. Now, there are so many children on this forum, that they have never played any of the RE games. It is sad, because the original RE was hands down one of the greatest games ever. I also don't understand how ppl can judge a game by the demo or betas. Resistance 2 was a great demo/beta, but the game was total garbage. Killzone 2 is “supposed” to be a great demo/beta, but god can only imagine how the real game will turn out. So I wished ppl wouldnt judge games based on demos/betas. I use demos as a decision as to rent or not to rent. If the rent is great, then I'll buy a game. However, since I am a hardcore RE player and fanatic, it is a no brainer that I'll buy RE 5 and future ones without even thinking
What happened to ditching sony? Only a week ago you were complaining and moaning you wanted to move to XBOX, yet you still come on the forums act as if everything is normal, the only child here is you.
Memberpobert06 said:
what's garbage about RE5? the only thing garbage for me in RE5 was the storyline cause it ain't zombies no more…or it's only the demo cause it sucks..the past RE games was great..if any of you kids played them..but I got the say that this is gonna be one,if not the best,game of the year…for me that is..
bahaaha, yeah right is this gonna be game of the year.
Memberparnakas said:
lol while I admit RE5 was KINDA disapointing, its still pretty good, 9/10
i was expecting 10 though…..
woo only a few days till KZ2 which is getting 9.5s and 10s!!!
no way a ten, its about a 4
MemberIf I wanted hearts on my level, I would post a message saying I wanted then. No forum rule goes against that, so shut your moaning.
MemberLooking forward to this after a shocking Re5 demo.
MemberDoctor_Rock said:
Still annoyed that they can't run and shoot at the same time. But, still. That demo's made me all horny for Resi 5 Friday the 13th can't come quick enough!
Im amazed your spending money on this piece of trash.
MemberDefinently not getting this, this has no chance of game of the year either, its awful.
MemberYeh the only sports games that have it is Blitz The League, which is apparently shit. EA Need to put them in all their sports games like fight night round 4, madden, fifa.
MemberLike on trophy comments, how I remove them, iv been haccked and i recovered my account and changed p.w but some comments are from the hackers.
MemberMFK863 said:
Guitar Hero needs to get with the program and add trophies that's for sure.
definently agreed, i heard the metallica expansion is getting them.
Memberso have I, thats not what the topic is about though.
MemberUFC Undisputed for goty.
Member*bump* need help on this still, 3 people would be an easy number to do it with.
MemberBecause they dont want to.
Membertrue actually, i only got a 40gig.