Forum Replies Created
Participantyea it'll probably take them until 2011 to finish it
ParticipantCoryAllen said:
ah anyone that has the bioshock platinum is awesome in my book! one of the greatest games ever made lol
i couldn't agree with you more i have to say it has one of the best story lines in any game that i have played. Cant wait for the next one to come out.
Participantdgaustin1 said:
Look at the time it has taken SONY to release new systems. That is how long it takes quality. Now the X-Box has what, 7 systems out (XBox, Xbox Elite, Xbox 360, Xbox360 arcade, Xbox360 elite) all these different variations. That is not quality, that is greedy.
XBOX just does it for money .it's disgusting.
ParticipantIs there some way that i can help prevent my 60 gig from getting it?
Participanti have a total of: 334 trophies
Platinum:4 (Call of Duty: World at War,Resistance 2, Bioshock, Star Wars: The Force Unleashed)
1 more trophy to get platinum in burn out paradise
4 more trophies to get platinum in little big planet
ParticipantI heard this happens mostly to the 60 gig ps3 is this true? because i still have mine and nothing has happend.I just hope it stays like that forever.
Participantparnakas said:
i agree with him not doing it..
Look how organized this site looks. It is beautiful, very simplistic.
If Admin allows trophy cards and pics in your signature, everyones sig will be huge, taking up the whole page!!
I agree it will make the site look unorganized and ugly
Participanti hope i never get it.
ParticipantMost of you might have scene these but i'll put them up anyway (some of these might contain some some coarse laguage watch at your own risk):…..WqI0U3pBdA
there is another one with mario and princess peach on college humor but its kind of adult themed so i didnt put it up because i dont want to post anything to graphic on this site and get in trouble for it.
Participanti have alot of funny 300 spartan pics and vids. I'll put more on if you want: heres one…..0002-500pi
Participantis zombie land funny? i was thinking of watching it
Participanti'm trying to finish little bug but after that i might try to get gta4 plat but i'm afraid that the online trophies will take me too long.
Participantit took me for ever to get this trophy because some people just wouldnt want to cooperate with the rest of us and would drive out of the stadium as soon as the last person would enter the statium
Participanti have a yellow shouder amazon parrot, and marine salt water fish.
ParticipantDomba_car said:
XeroTheGreat said:
Nice to know you hack peoples accounts Domba
You won't lose anything. I've changed mine twice before and everything's been fine.
Haha. My friend got hacked so I hacked the hacker.
how did u find out who hacked his account?