Forum Replies Created
Participantgo on youtube and type in “Kassem G California On ” some funny stuff.
ParticipantI'm gonna have to wait and see how this game turns out. I wasnt as happay as i thought i would be witht the last one.
Participantthanks emdeepee, i though it would cost more now i'm definatley gonna buy these two.
Participanthey guys, ummm I have a question about gamesharing, if i do gamesharing will i get banned or something, and if a can do gamesharing is there a limit? i dont know how it works so if someone can explain it to me i would appreciate it.
ParticipantI know this is dumb but i still have some questions in the video:
1) Who are adam and eve running away from?
2) What did eve see at the end ?
3) Who were the people working in that room?
4) Who exactly is subject 16 (If he found all this out, 'the truth', shouldn't he be a descedant of Adam)?
5) So were Adam and Eve the only 'Assassins' of their time in that advanced society and everyone else tempalrs?
ParticipantIt looks like fun
ParticipantAvatar: 9/10 – I really like Fallout, it's a good game
Sig: 0/10 – Well, theres is no signature so … yea
ParticipantDoes anyone know for sure what the DLC is going to consist of ? and how much is is going to cost?
ParticipantCant wait for this game to come out. In my opinion i think it has one of the best story lines ever.
Participanti'm up for even though i cant afford to buy a game every month. I have a question do you have to start the game from scratch (without a single platinum) or can i already be like half way done through a game an get the platinum in jan (for example i only need to get 1 more trophy in burnout so can i get it in january and have it count)?
ParticipantNot a surprise that it would be Uncharted 2
Participanti'm not used to knifing but i am starting to learn how to use it. Maybe i'll give this a try when i get better.
Participanti dont know if u guys know this game but it was 'Super Smash TV' for the snes.
ParticipantHonestly i dont care anymore , now i'm just playin for the fun of the game but still i do pretty good.