Forum Replies Created
Memberi totally agree with miiiitch
you should get Crysis 2KarloS_28
MemberDisgaea 3 (:
MemberI773D33MABL3 said:
Fire Emblem on the Gamecube was absolutely class! I never played it but my housemate had it and I spent days watching him play it.
yh Freakin Awesome
Memberwoow Doc- B
how can you say you Easily got the purebladestone it took me 8+ hours w / PBWT & LSoS
killing the same fuckin basterd again & again & again & againAnyways Congrats for your prePlat 🙂
Membertho demon's souls never ends i would like a longer story 🙁
Also Disgaea 3 an Epic Game!!
& Fire Emblem: PoR (Gamecube) lol
Fire Emblem: RD (Wii)KarloS_28
Member1.- Demon's Souls
2.-GOW 3
3.-Metal Gear Solid 4
4.- LBP
5.- Uncharted 2KarloS_28
Membersorry if someone has already posted it..
MemberAll American Rejects-Another Heart Calls
MemberAntony19 said:
I didnt know that this topic was about Nicholas Cage.
you actually made me laugh hahaha
Memberwtf sorry about that :c
Mex – France im betting for my country of course.
2-1 maybeKarloS_28
Mex – France im betting for my country of course.
2-1 maybeKarloS_28
Mex – France im betting for my country of course.
2-1 maybeKarloS_28
Membermonkeymoobs said:
Post edited 8:18 pm – 04/28/2010 by monkeymoobs
KarloS_28 said:
@ Nox That song is cool
A Place Where You Belong- Bullet For My Valentine
Bullet have a new album out soon can’t wait but my mate said their new single sounds like Bring Me The Horizon so if thats true i’ll kill Matt Tuck with my bear hands.
Anyways back on topic
Smoke Em If You Got Em – Parkway Drive
Decimate the Weak – Winds of Plague
yh FEVER is Freakin AWESOME!
your mate must have been drunk
it doesnt sound like BMTH !! dont worry!Your Betrayal- Bullet For My Valentine
Memberthats why i created my new account too 🙂