Forum Replies Created
Memberdamn. hope they do bring it out for PS3.
i am typing wordsKILLER369
Memberpokeny: yeah but in wales butty means friend.
Memberbutty: welsh=friend
U.S & canada=buddy.KILLER369
Memberlike i said. i back down.
Memberok fine i’ll back down. but mark my words, one day we will all find out what the truth is, and those who are wrong will meet judgment. that day isn’t that far away.
onto other subjects. who thinks that the U.K and U.S should make a “western Alience”?
ive heard about zeitgeist but from what people said, i thought it was a couple of people doing a boring documentary. but i believe you more so i’ll take a look.the point about santa clause was to show how such a simple tail gets twisted into something absurd.
religion HAS caused more deaths in human history than anything. people look for money and power but find extracts on whatever book their using and use it as a pass to do whatever the hell they want, and if people try to stop em they threaten them with religious threats.
i don’t need facts just look on the news, theres always some religious nut babbling on about how weer doomed if we chose not to go to their religion. or some muslim threatening a kids show or some stupid shit for offending them.
you call me stupid, fare enough, i call you brainwashed.kingawol:
thank fuck theres an person on this forum that has sense.parnakas:
if you thought inFAMOUSE was out tomorrow because of what someone read 3 months ago. and i said its coming out on the 26th, and give you facts on it like i don’t know a link to the website, would you go out tomorrow and try to buy it?sarcasm shows ignorance, l8scent SARCASM TO THIS SHOWS IGNORANCE!
“please don’t tell me you saw these ancient recordings on Wikipedia. But what have you seen? You said these creatures ruled until the first human ruler. Well what happened that this human ruler domshowed the other creatures? If those creatures came from huge flying objects.. why didn’t they fly away after realizing the supremacy of humans? I’m all for theories so long as theories have continuity…”i havn’t seen enough pictures of ancient recordings yet but my guess is that the E.T’s could see that we were coping well and decided to leave. i think that they will return (if not already) to check on us. and no they arn’t on wikipedia.
do you believe in santa clause?
the crusades: the very cause was religion. it ended thousands of lives, brought famin, poverty, death and dispare to those who were better off on their own.the spanish inquisition: the spanish created an inquisition to maintain Catholic orthodoxy in their kingdoms. ok so far nothing to bad. the spanish then represt all other religions through acts of violence.
the witch hunts: murdering inocents because they are different from others, they are brainwashed by the people who say that god wants them to kill the hags of satan.
the trouble in northern island: the catholics hate the protestants so they started bombing them, they even used children for fuck sake.
the most recent is the current conflict in muslim land: they say that their fighting for whats right but blowing up buildings, killing inocents, thats not fighting a conflict or war, thats just murder, and all in the name of religion.
religion was even a prime factor in WW2.
FACT: there is AT LEAST 5 people being murdered in the name of religion every 10 minutes around the world.
Memberaztec, egyptian…. basically the first human civilisations made pictures. some of these pictures, followed by their ancient language this evidence shows us that without EBE contact we wouldn’t be talking today. it also shows us who our ‘gods’ really are.
Memberthis would really come in handy to be in a chat room with other ppl on a game too so count me in.
actually im trying to remember myself why i directed that at you…..look at it this way:
would you believe in the easter bunny or santa clause? i mean, seriously believe in them, ready to kill for them?i take it the answers no? exactly because we know that the easter bunny and santa clause do not exist.
the history on saint nick (not sure if that was his real name), there was once an eastern european carpinter, who lived in a small village, and to mark the birth of christ, he would, every year, create little wooden toys for the children of the village.
eventually he would hire people that wanted to help, and over time the word got around via travellers and caravans,
but, this story got twisted up so much it turned into this santa (spanish for saint) clause (klause) lives in a very cold and snowy factory (what the west later assumed was the north pole. but hey get close to the alps, what do U get?) and makes toys for children around the world (probably distributed by caravans to some parts of places around the world.
the point is, do you see how a simple tail can be blown into something that is completely not true?
from what ive seen from ancient recordings, there was a huge flying objct that was fully iluminated and out steped a creature that looked similar to human, these creatures were our masters till the first human ruler came about, the stories in the bible are twisted versions of what really happened and tricksters playing people for chumps.
how can you respect an opinion that has no facts to back it up? wheres the proof of jesus other than the bible, where are the 2 tablets with the 10 comandments? religion is not only lies, deception and a way to enslave people. it is the primary cause of death on this planet. if it had no effect on every1 else i’d say let the fools waist their life, but, seeing as it causes more deaths than old age, i kinda have extremely large issues with it.
Membergo sony! not too bothered bout ghost busters but im happy about sony’s move
Memberenythings better thn mc donalds
MemberNext Gen Consoles:
There is only ONE next gen console and its the PS3.
sure theres sexbox but it isnt actually a next gen cosole is it? i mean, dus it have a blu-r…. oh wait no it dusnt…. ok has it got internet sear…. oh no again. wat exactly can a stand alone 360 do? PLAY GAMES! thats all and not very good ones at that. truth is, a 360 is just a moded PS2.
hmmm…. then i guess theres wii…. well lets face it, wii is just a toy.
i hate ppl who think pee n rapebox are next gen, because they aint! the only next gen console will always be playstation, unless anuther company (such as apple) bring out a console…. but tht will be an epic fail.