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MemberWOW. just noticed 7 pages. congrats to shade
Memberso what are we? his experiment? if so he created life, he should interact with it and see us into the universal order of things. not just cause cataclysmic destruction upon us, just when weer getting ready for the biggest step in human history. if that is what god is then he should be killed in a cataclysm himself.
Memberi hate popularity.
popularity makes people do stupid things like smoke, drink, crime, drugs etc. and if your not popular such as me then the puto pricks standing in their dum ass little circles make fun of you, but wen you present an intelligent argument to the narrow minded imputent pendejo’s they start acting “hard” and agresive. so wat do i do? i ask them “are you hard?” they say yes. i ask “how hard are you?” they say “harder than you” i say “wat are you fu**ing gay? coz ur standing round a bunch of guys” HA HA HA HA HA HA.
then its usually time to leg it….
Memberyo mammas so hidyous that jabba the hut avoids her.
yo mamas so fat the empire based the design of the death star on her right toe.
yo mamas so fat that the sand monster spat her back out because there was too much meat.
yo mamas so hairy the only language she knows is wookie.
Memberoh leave them talk bout wat they wanna talk bout. lol
thats wat the title says Terminator: Salvation, no reference to video game nor movie. hell we could be talkin bout T-shirts as long as they had Terminator: Salvation on em lol.
i love the Terminator series. arnolds body double who was in the other 2 Terminators and other movies is acting as the T-800 along with voice overs from Arny himself. so, hees not completely left out of it. they did offer Arny a small cameo but they said he refused because of being the governor n all. so not sure weather we might see him or not, fingers crossed.
T4 is the beginning of another set of 3 to round judgement day off. so, 3 more Terminators then their pulling the plug (i think).
i got enough $$$ to buy the game version and inFAMOUSE and more o.O im loaded lol
Membershade you and i share a remarkably similar childhood. the only difference is that i dont have sleep issues, sorry to hear btw. and i just thought of different things.
but all that aside, i live in hope that we can escape our doom somehow with, hopefully, the help of a more conditioned race of beings.
but 1 full stop at religion… why would a grand creator of life ie god, eventually end his creation?
i was asked a question in my R.S class “what is the meaning of the word god?” i answered “heartless tyrant”.
actually i am tempted to kill myself… as there is apparently no purpose to our existence, and the only thing we can do is just wait to die a painful death…. once again this question pops up. what is the point?
Memberits not like Home. its a disc, like socom
Memberso… were pretty much screwd?
what if humanity created a sort of planet ship. a space ship the size of a planet and we moved with the expanding space? could we survive?
or are we forever doomed to death? which kinda efin sucks.
shade i have questions for you:
1) wat the f***ing hell are you working in tesco for?
2) how do you know so much?
3) why arn’t you a scientist?KILLER369
its on the news all the time…..
im sorry to hear that, and when i say this i really don’t want to offend you in any way, but do you personally think that the way she is is better than death?also you may say that you cant put a price tag on people, but how much does it cost to buy the special things that she needs? how much does it cost to make your house more suitable?
you will disagree but extreme disabled people are burdens on society. i do sympathise as i also live with a disabled grandfather. but he still has self awareness and (limited as it maybe) mobility. but their because of arthritis in his old age.
i have nothing against people who generate thes disabilities after their born, but if you kno that their going to get them before their born then save them the cruelty of a harsh life that they clearly won’t be able to function in.
Memberforget to say, i enjoy having a discussion with you. its very rare to talk to somebody who has understanding such as yourself or shade.
Membertrue enough. but your 1 side of a pollygon and im 1 of the others.
but would you agree that if a person was going to be born without limbs and mentally retarded. is there any point in that person living.
or another example:
don’t take this personal but if you had a stroke and lost the ability of self awareness, would you want to continue your life? or if your child was diagnosed with a mental issue that he/she couldn’t support him/herself, and needed extreme care throughout his/her life would you want it to be born?
because i think that its not only unfair on the baby but if it was born imagine the amount of recourses needed to sustain it. in my opinion, its just cruel on everyone.
Memberactually space is more sphere or egg shaped.
the gravity from the centre of space is pulling all the mass around the centre to make a smooth ball. the same as a planet or galaxy.
there would also be more than 1 universe in space PROOF:
solar systems> galaxies> universes> space> ?
obviously theres sections between the said sections, i just made it a little shorter.
Memberhmmm, i see what you mean, but the justice system in canada and america are alot more stricter than britain.
in britain, murderers get off with a extremely ridiculous time period, such as 5-10 years, they usually get out in under half the time. also for their time in prison, they have HD TV’s & PS3’s.
if a person has mental health problems and knows it then he/she should seek guidance and treatment.
this next part you almost definatly won’t agree with:
if a person is not capable of living in society and there is no help for that person and we can tell all this before his/her birth, then that person shouldn’t be born.
have you personally done any field work on this matter? or are you just believing what people are saying?
if you are believing in what people are saying then i can’t hold that against you as im doing the same thing. but the first chance i get im going to aquire hard evidence of our TRUE past by doing field work, i just need to start my adult life first, and when im around 25 i should be good to go.
however, im 100% positive that something is going to happen very soon that will change the way most people think.
Memberwell what i would think as being acceptable for causing extreme pain upon a person for example say a man runs into a nursery and slowly butchers everyone inside, the statement he then gives is that it feels good. that man should then be given the exact same punishment as he inflicted upon the women and children. he should also recieve his punishment after being brainwashed into believing that he is going to hell to recieve even worse punishment. then on the day of the punishment certain parts of it should be televised to make an example of sick individuals such as himself.
that was an example.
or another example:
a person beats a victim till the victim is neer death. the man that caused it should go away to a stinking rotten prison for a 100 year sentence, or up for parole in 25 years to prove that hees capable of living in society again.these punishments would put extreme fear into a criminal. and immediately you would see a 50%+ drop in crime.