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MemberWorking my way through my second playthrough of Dragons Dogma. It's such a good game and I'm having a lot of fun with it. The trophies I have left are pretty straight forward so I should have it finished by the end of the week but I can see myself playing this till I get to lv 200 🙂
MemberSince I was last on I've played quite a bit. I set up my 2nd ps3 upstairs in my bedroom for when I got out of Hospital to keep me occupied while I recover. I downloaded a ton of games I've been meaning to finish/start. Here's a list:
Spec ops:The Line (plat)
Dragons Dogma (72%, will plat before next week)
Mafia 2 (plat)
XCOM (not started yet)
Sleeping Dogs (not started yet)
Infamous (64%)
Infamous 2 (not started yet)
Ratchet & Clank: All 4 One (not started yet)
FarCry 3 (not started yet)
I know there's more but I can't think of what they are right now and I'm nowhere near my ps3 at the moment.
I also tidied up some old trophies from MW2, I had none of the spec ops done and I managed to finish a lot of them myself. Going to get someone to help me locally because the lag is killer if you play it online.
MemberI picked up Platinums in Spec Ops:The Line, Mafia 2 and because I'm babysitting my younger sisters for a couple of days I decided to treat myself to them completing Wonderbook: Book of Spells for me
So that's 49 plats so far and I've jumped up to #72nd in Ireland.
MemberOzzy Osbourne – Crazy Train
MemberWow this topic has died a death recently.
I finshed both Assassins Creed: Revelations & Killzone 3.
I've climbed back into the top 100 in Ireland. I'm going try get to 90th 🙂
MemberOkay I haven't posted on this in ages. I stopped playing games for a while but I'm back playing now whenever i can.
Recently “The Coalition” were in full flow with the latest Zombies challenge and when Nathan said it was gonna be the hardest one to date i was a little sceptical but that bloody map delivered big time..
Both Jack and I had gotten slightly cocky with our majorly improved Zombie killing skills and we breezed through all the other trophies involved in the map so we thought we have no problem with the easter egg. Well we started at around 6pm gmt and didn't finish till almost 3 am!!!!!!!
I've played games for longer than that but none of them have almost made me faint with a nausea inducing migraine brought on by what can only be described as an epileptic shooting gallery.Anyway we picked up the trophy and both jack and I collapsed into heaps straight after it.
Other games i've recently played are Resistance 2 ( had never played through the single player campaign so gave it a go), Journey, Killzone 3, Assassins Creed: Revelations and I managed to pick up platinums in the latter 2.
Last night I played through Dungeon Siege 3 on hardcore by myself and I have to say it might the toughest rpg of that style that I have ever played. Maybe I was using a bad character for a hardcore playthrough but I have to say I loved every insanely difficult bit of it. Great game and looking forward to getting the plat in it.
MemberOcean Colour Scene – Get blown away
really underrated band in my opinion.
MemberStill having fun with R & C: Q-force ( Full Frontal Assault in the states). I think I'm almost 70% done but to be honest I'm not really playing it for the full trophy list but can see myself getting the plat out of pure enjoyment.
I might get back into some of the Sims:3 at some stage this week.
MemberJack would consider himself a “Wordsmith”…..I believe casket of wank proves that fact.
Memberemdeepee said:
Kriggs said:
Well I'm back out of hospital anyway, thank you Jack for sharing that with the masses
Still not sure what I have but it's left me quite tired so won't be able to play a whole lot for up to the next 6 weeks i think.
Right now though before I pass out I'm playing Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force. It is so mindless it's perfect for me right now
Was it similar to the rash Scotty had?
Yeah actually I think it was, I must've gotten it after reading some of his posts
MemberQueens of the stone age – I sat by the ocean
MemberWell I'm back out of hospital anyway, thank you Jack for sharing that with the masses
Still not sure what I have but it's left me quite tired so won't be able to play a whole lot for up to the next 6 weeks i think.
Right now though before I pass out I'm playing Ratchet & Clank: Q-Force. It is so mindless it's perfect for me right now
MemberI'll probably wait for FFXV too, looks like it'll be good.
Member@ gr8jrfan
I know exactly what you mean, trophy hunting is getting boring.
For the first time in months I started a game and actually enjoyed it, the reason why is because I didn't even glance at the trophy list. I started playing LOTR:War in the North and actually enjoyed it quite a bit. I think I might just do the same for the next while when I'm playing new games.
MemberIt's almost Impossible to get in touch with Eric nowadays so we might need to get someone else to fill in for him. I'm getting back into my gaming so as long as I have enough notice I'll be able to play most of the time.