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Ps3 Freak said:
gamerben said:
Post edited 5:22 pm – June 21, 09 by gamerben
1000 kills does require skill
one of my friends has played a few matches 2 kills 17 deaths. i may find online easy but he obviously doesnt and is not going to get the trophy
playing through games more than once is not lame. it gives you a better understanting of the story (not UFC)
some games, like uncharted 2 you want to play more than once. ive played it through 7 times and im sure everyone with a plat has played it about 5 times
I have Uncharted Plat, i only played it through twice
Lol, it took me 4 play throughs….purely cos i was stupid and didnt realise that if i completed it on crushing it wud give me all others. I have learnt from this, and completed Quantum of solace in 2 playthroughs, and now am hopefully gon2 do OMGWTFBBQ
NodanodMemberparnakas said:
I like the way you use the format for every guide.
I would love to do some more guides.. i just dont have time..
I got final exams, my band got a new singer and a new bassist, so times are busy.
lol, yeah, these guides are very helpful, and even though i haven't got this game, it is an easy to read informative layout, and …..keep going and making more lol
NodanodMemberLol ps3 freak, yeah, IMO = In my opionion.
Atm i have neither, they both look equal, and ppl are givin split views back, so atm it feels quite an equal race between them, more down to personal taste.
They're both approx. same price, so i think the first 1 ill try will be infamous (ps3 exclusive) lol
NodanodMemberBtw, i swear it is impossible 2 get 75,000 points without glitching. My highest in lvl 16, and i think i only got about 20,000 points, so 2 get 75,000 i would guess u'd have 2 get lvl 25+.
Any1 hu has dun it without glitching, sorry, and pls post here
NodanodMemberPs3 Freak said:
Nodanod – Do you even know what we're talking about? Blue ribbon trophy is the trophy for coming 1st in a 4 player co-op match… So why you talking about the Veteran trophys?
I do know what the topic is on, and i do know that the trophy is for a 4-player co-op.
I only put what i did, as if wanted 2 know if i could “kill 2 birds wiv 1 stone” and win a 4-player co-op as well as doing 1 of the veteran trophies. Now, from looking at the trophies i know that it is solo only, so it doesnt matter
NodanodMemberOne other thing…
how many trophies have ppl got atm?
so far i've got:
- Hammer time
- Weapon of minor destruction
- Fertilizer man
- Big brawler
AND As it hasnt been mentioned so far, Dead air trophy:
Easy, look on youtube, but really, go2 comm room, hold square next to the phone
Lol, so far i've got 2 round 14 on my own 3 times ( very annoyed)
struggling with the traps atm, but hoping will get there eventually,
Have got 136 headshots very annoying
NodanodMemberdanny-boii said:
well if cod leaves ps3 and becomes a great xbox exclusive (and pc…but meh) then i will be sooooo f***ing angry i might even get xbox to play cod…its awesome … obv keep ps3 haha
Yh, it is an amazing game, and 2 make it 360 exclusive wud be very annoying
NodanodMemberWell….as far as i can see yes, ps3s are cheaper
I think before i support this state,ment, further research should be done, its just when you walk into some shops which sell ps3s at £400 with a game, ppl take that as an average price. I tend 2 look around before buying, so if ppl are ever on the net, pls have a look and try 2 find average/ cheap prices, and i think you'll find them comparitive with xboxs.
NodanodMemberFor what it brings, i'd say it is very good, … yh, i 1st went 2 find every smash, mega jump (very fun) and billboard, and got them in the 1st day, but i cba 2 do road rules lol.
Yeah, any1 who enjoyed the game it is worth buying, £10 sounds quite a lot by the size of the island, but i think you'll be quite satisfyed by extra content that is brought with it
NodanodMemberHang on, Sorry if this sounds stupid but….
If you complete any of the missions on competitive/campaign co-op on veteran, you will get the trophy for completition? cos i swear i saw it written (solo only)
i tried 2 complete it on veteran, got to burn em' out, and just stopped 🙁 very difficult, and heart of reich is much harder apparently, as well as last mission
NodanodMemberWell…… I'm sorry, but if cod leaves the ps3 then i will be very angry.
Really, i think its just activsion not liking sony, i mean remember all the double points weekends on cod4 that xbox had a week early (i was told it was cos activision dont like sony) and so on….
Ps3s can be bought for £200, 80 gb, and that was just in store that i saw randomly (No looking around) an xbox from somewhere standard (this 1 purely for an average price on a premium console – 60gb harddrive is £170, + the elusive £40 for live to get online, ur payin £10 more for a 20gb smaller HDD, And will have 2 pay live in the future. confuses me 2 say the xbox is cheaper, its just a stereotypical view held by many against the ps3
NodanodMemberWell, i spose theres Final fantasy 7, without a doubt (IMO) one of/ if not THE best game
NodanodMemberI have 2 asmit, while the online was once tipped 2be better thn cods (Which tbh it isn't) i am a bit dissapointed by the online gameplay, i just cba with kills etc. and i'll only get a platinum on a game i enjoy (so far LBP, Uncharted, Fallout 3, and Burnout)
NodanodMemberyeah, maybe instead of having annoyingly easy silvers, :
Carlson’s Raiders
Complete ‘Semper Fi’ on any difficulty. (Solo only)Stormed Peleliu
Establish a beachhead at Peleliu Island on any difficulty. (Solo only)Stabbed in the Heart
Complete all missions on the Eastern Front on any difficulty. (Solo only)They should replace them with 1s like reach xxxx amount of kills. I just hope they do this but make it realistic, so you don't HAVE 2 reach 10th prestige, games with silly unrealistic trophies that need you 2 dedicate yourself fully (*farcry 2) are just annoying.
NodanodMemberLol, thought i'd bring this thread back up
Realy, i just want 2 no, when you leave the northern teritory, can you then return to collect things, say safehouses or diamonds??