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MemberFade To Black – Metallica
Epic song that i'll have played at my funeral. Loud.
December 10, 2010 at 7:35 pm in reply to: Should I pre-order DRAGON AGE II for the Bioware Signature Edition? #68310Oz-Metalhead
MemberI get every special, signature, limited edition of all the game series that im really into. The Sig edition of GT5 is stunning. The metal box is just beautiful, very heavy and with an excellent paint job. GOW 3 deluxe edition had an awesome box too.
Some days i go into my collection room just to look at it all….*sigh*
Special editions that you pre order will never be made again, but GOTY and full collection editions are made all the time. If your a die hard collector than pre order DA 2, i have 🙂 But if you can wait 6-12 months for another edition than do so. Me, no way i could wait lol.
Also if you get an expensive sig edition of a well sought after game, the resell value is usually high. I'd never sell my stuff though, NEVER!
One day i will buy a bunch of glass shelves to display it all….hehe like my original FF collection with guidebooks…..i think i'm going to go look at them now…
MemberI just bought this and Alien Breed 2 for some cheap Plats. I need someone to play co op together with both games.
MemberI only bought some third party controllers so i could exploit certain games by having 4x controllers. For using them to play definetly get the official controllers. Sure they are expensive but worth it. Just don't buy a new one and a few weeks later, break it with gamer rage like i did….lol 🙂
MemberYeah WTF. Australia FTW!
MemberWhen i first went searching for all the companions i looked up on the internet for how many there were. The official Playstation Blog said there are 8.
BUT, for me the trophy unlocked without recruiting Veronica. I couldn't find her at first so i was a bit worried. So i went to recruit everyone else first then worry about her. The trophy unlocked after recruiting my 7th. Anyone else have this happen?
@Ghost Your sure you didn't tell him to wait somewhere and forgot? Or entered someplace you couldn't go in with companions, which makes them wait at the entrance?
MemberDoc-B said:
So your trophies are legit-ish… Lol
Well Legit as in no cheating. Like hacks and multiple users on my account etc. I still fulfilled all the requirements for the trophies, i just did it the easiest way 😉
MemberAwesome. I never played these games back in the day. Are they any good? The Plats are probably a cake walk yeah? 3 Plats on 1 disc, awesome 🙂
MemberDoc-B said:
@ – Oz
UT3 – Nice
Well not really….All of UT3's trophies can be boosted offline using bots. And theres a trick with the God mode 20 kills in a row trophy.
Technically you have to be 'Online' the whole time using a code for your room to block other people joining. It just takes alot of time to unlock all the kills and wins etc. You can exploit the 50 days trophy by changing your PS3's clock as well.
MemberDoc-B said:
@ – Oz
UT3 – Nice
Well not really….All of UT3's trophies can be boosted offline using bots. And theres a trick with the God mode 20 kills in a row trophy.
Technically you have to be 'Online' the whole time using a code for your room to block other people joining. It just takes alot of time to unlock all the kills and wins etc. You can exploit the 50 days trophy by changing your PS3's clock as well.
EDIT: WTF sorry about the double post. I just drove 6 hours to get home after a 12 hour shift. I'm a bit tired and i screwed it up somehow lol.
I've played 70 hours or so of F:NV. As much as I can get lost and distracted in this game exploring, I do agree Fallout 3 was better. The storyline in NV is just terrible. All 4 story arcs are similiar. Sure, there are heaps more side missions that get reported back to you at the end of the game, but I'd still prefer if the main game had more substance, plot wise. I was so excited in goodsprings to figure out the plot with your murder and the Platinum Chip, and after i discoved that out i was just 'Meh'.
Hardcore mode does take away some of the enjoyment. After i finished one of the story arcs i reloaded a save and turned the darn thing off!
The game is full of small glitches, not game breaking, but glitches none the less.
I always have 2 companions with me and treat them like pack mules, each holding more than 200 weight. I prefer the Brotherhood Safehouse as my store house, as its quicker and easier to get to. I have a riot shotgun and that thing owns just about everything. My Reinforced Mark 2 Combat Armor looks silly though.
Oh and i have no doubts that they're making another Elder Scrolls game. I pray that the glitches and freezes don't get passed onto that. Oblivion was awesome, and it rarely froze on me. The only glitch i remember was the vampire one on the GOTY edition.
MemberIs it just me or is it that most gamers/geeks are muso's aswell? It's awesome none the less.
Actually, yes I do remember defending metal with you. A loooooong time ago. I don't remember who it was with though.
MemberI773D33MABL3 said:
Like some of the other gents here I am not a new member and have been around for a while. Some of you guys play with me on PSN and know a few things about me but I'll reiterate anyway.
My name is Jack, I'm 24 and I've been a gamer since the NES. I devote most of my time to Playstation but I'm also into PC gaming (There's a real shortage of decent RTS titles for consoles).
I do hunt trophies but tend to switch games a lot so I don't plat as often as I maybe should.
I'm a fanatic metal-head and a retard for collector's editions.
My PSN is I773D33MAB13. Anyone here is welcome to add me as I'd much rather play/chat with guys I know I'll have a laugh with rather than random souls I meet in games.
I didn't know you were a metalhead! As you can probably tell from my Id, I'm a big fan of metal. I also like to collect special editions of the game series that i like.
I've been with this site from the beginning of trophies and it was the first trophy site i joined. I never got around to introducing myself though…
I'm a 23 year old male from Australia and my real life name is Michael. Most PS3 users call me Oz. My first memory of gaming was at my cousins farm playing the old atari in the spare room on an ancient tv. My first console was the Sega Master System with built in Alex The Kid. My next console was the Snes, and still to this day it is my favourite console. I really enjoyed Lufia on the Snes. On my 13th birthday i got the first Playstation with Spyro The Dragon. Ever since then i've been a loyal Sony fan.
As i said earlier im a passionate metalhead and a very enthusiastic gamer. I'm addicted to trophy collecting, got over 5000 now. My favourite genre is RPG. I'm not a stuck up gamer like some of the high tier collectors and i despise cheating. Welcome to everyone!
MemberLol i dont think i deserve that score. I do have quite a lot of easy games on my list. There's nothing wrong with your list. Sure it's alot smaller than mine but nothing to laugh at. Where's God Of War 3??
I'm not even sure if my list shows properly or if it is jumbled. I couldn't find anything on this site about spoiler tags so i tried to condense it as much as possible. Does anyone know if spoiler tags work on this site? And how?
The fact that the system can be exploited and there are cheats who'd use it brings a tear to my eye.
Oh and @Zanatos, well done with putting the hours in to get the Fear 2 Plat and Props to you for getting 100% in Mirrors Edge! 90 stars is mad! I only know of 2 people that have 100% on Mirrors Edge and thats you and Collbreast.
MemberAh yes i know what you mean now. Yeah it sucks. 🙁 We don't always have access to an internet connection. They're all getting to greedy. And things like jailbreak are what make the companies desperate for money knowing it can all be illegally copied without them getting a cent.