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MemberWow it's been so long since i have posted on here, maybe threads like this is why i havn't. It's not the thread exactly just the responses it has attained.
I for one think getting 100% trophies in a game shows your dedication. The reasons for your dedication could be many. For me it's more for my self satisfaction to get a game 100% beaten, for some it's to brag to other gamers. I don't brag myself, i let my trophy collection do that for me. Check me out if you want, PSN id Oz-Metalhead. hehe 🙂 I also collect trophies and play many games for FUN! Thats the whole basis of the gaming industry, mostly it is about fun. Trophies are just a way to show your gaming ability or your dedication or whatever you like.
And replying to collbreasts actual thread. I think trophy level is more important than trophy count!
I think more of a gamer that spends time getting the hard trophies and 100% in the harder games as that requires effort and skill not just the time sitting through playing a game for trophies. Sure i have done it many times myself just playing a game for trophies, i've also enjoyed myself along the way too.
I do spend alot of time collecting trophies on easy games to boost my trophy level but i also spend time getting 100% on my games, PSN games included. DEMON'S SOULS PLAT for the win! Hehe
I would consider myself a trophy collector, sure i do whore alot of games for trophies but i like collecting as many as i can get, including the easy and hard ones!
I havn't really had anyone brag to me about how many trophies they have because not alot of the people around my trophy level care about bragging like little children, and the people that do brag don't have as many or as hard trophies than what i do so they don't bother bragging to me.
In no way is your trophy collection a way of determining your penis size people!
Gamers on here that have my respect are Collbreast, Shadeblack and Casey-Elite….
MemberNO. You must have them all in your inventory. Easiest way to do this is to play it through easy twice to upgrade evrything. Also you can get the one gun trophy on your second playthrough on easy….
MemberLol yeah it isn't like games where, when u get shot all you need to do to heal is hide behind something for a few seconds!
The original Age Of Empires was my favourite. I like the Campaign where u start out as just a priest and you have to convert guys to start off. My Favourite.
June 29, 2009 at 11:31 am in reply to: How long have you been a gamer? What was your first console? #29215Oz-Metalhead
MemberMy first console that i can remember playing was a Sega Master System which had Alex the Kid built into it!
And that was when i was….um 7 or 8 maybe? So i started around 1993-4.
MemberShadeBlack said:
i slept like a baby last night, but that's only because I hadn't properly slept for two days.
anyhow it may seem harsh but i couldn't care less about his passing. one thing i really hate to see are other celebs supposedly sad for the loss, when you can clearly tell they couldn't care less either. celebrity culture sickens me.
I couldn't agree more.
Celebrities are just people, and most of them are f*** wits.
Some of his music was cool, but the whole pedophile thing is sickening. Not sure what to think of that. The dude made alot of mistakes.
Memberbtwo5 said:
it is constructive
    i dont like infamous i dont no what the hype was for i think prototype was better
and this is my opinion alot of you might disagree with me but thats you
It isn't constructive to this thread. Quit it.
MemberHmm weird. In my first playthrough i was 'good'.
I collected all 350 stand alone shards in the game world.
I recaptured all territory.
I played on hard the first time around.
Every karma choice i had i made the 'good' choice.
Full power upgrades. And maxed out good karma.
I collected all the dead drops.
And i also completed all the other miscellaneous trophies not related to evil karma.
I completed the stunt list.
All that and i had 100%
Then i did the evil playthrough.
I have no idea what your missing….
MemberI would say im an addicted gamer or a dedicated gamer.
Some of the things i have done for trophies…..like search the seabed in aquanauts holiday for one tiny little slug for 6 hours straight! Madness lol
I would also say im a perfectionist.
MemberBigWoopMagazine said:
oz you're not too late, I was on the other day and there were still a lot of people playing… I just couldn't get into the multiplayer for this game… its such massive chaos all the time that I feel confused and like its impossible to work together with my team… at the same time, if I try to go solo I just get overpowered. It creates a total lack of strategy, and I just can't find it fun. I even feel the same way in the co-op, but there is a strategy, which is play the role you choose. thats it. so its not just time consuming, but time wasting as well… unless you REALLY want that trophy. these are all reasons I can't wait for MAG, because the massive aspect is cool, and I think the organization system of squads and platoons is really going to make it fun to work together as a team, rather than just feeling lost in the chaos.
Oh ok thanks. Hopefully ill be in the mood to grind for it soon. I agree with you it isn't very fun, i find it so darn boring.
MemberCoryAllen said:
wow 24? nice. i'll have to get that game but i can't really find it anwhere
Well atm it is only available by import from asian countries. You can get a full english version (singapore version) off of ebay or you can wait for its USA/EURO release date….which i don't know when it is.
MemberOMGWTFBBQ is easy. It's actually alot easier to finish on superhuman than it is on hard. And that is because nearly all the enemies drop bullseye mark 2's. They make it sooooo easy.
I've been putting off 10,000 kills for ages now because it bores the hell out of me. And now i am probably to late to platinum it as no one would be playing it. Oh well….
MemberDo you have one of the older games called super stardust HD? 2 of the silvers in that game are HARD!
The Penny Arcade games are good if you like rpg's and vulgar adult humour!
Magic Ball is good fun.
I really like Soldner-X it's a side scrolling spaceship shooter. It is hard though.
Cuboid is good but i have a feeling you have that…
Zen Pinball is pretty cool but the trophies are a bit tricky.
Wolfenstein 3d is well awesome for the first level but then its just boring.
MemberYeah it's pretty good.
It's hard to start off with. And there is alot to know to platinum it.
If your aiming to do it the quickest way then you need to play through it 2.5 times at least if you do everything right. And that is alot. Theres an english wiki guide out there that helps alot.
But yeah it is a pretty good game, it lacks some polish and it has no direction in it at all.
It just takes time mostly.
Oh yeah and i now have the infamous platinum…that's 24 now i think. heheh
MemberI just got the Demon's Souls Platinum.
That pure bladestone is a pain in the ####!
MemberOnly place i found aquanauts was on ebay…that is the only place i looked at though lol
Anyone know any other reliable places Domba_car could get Aquanauts Holiday?