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Membergow2rules said:
off topic oz metal head have u been to the eb sale yet
Erm do u mean the end of financial year sale? Well i went in there last week lol.
I go in most weeks and see if there are any older games that have trophies or new ones, like Eye Of Judgment, can't find it. I'm gonna have to ebay it.
Did u get any bargains?
Membergow2rules said:
australia is not big enough i think there is only around 70000 ps3 owners here
no way man there has to be more ps3 owners in Oz than that. Im 1 of them! lol
@ CoryAllen games are pretty big here and they're getting bigger. Most shopping centres have at least 2 different dedicated game stores each. And they do hold tournaments around the country you just need to be in the know. Theyre usually involved with FPS's like Resistance 2 and Killzone 2 etcetera.
We don't have a renting service where you can rent any game for any length of period until your done. Only stores that charge you $5-7 aussie dollars for one game for 1 or 2 nights.
MemberBlowing up is more fun! lol
MemberCool. I bet you couldnt actually do anything cool though right?
MemberPs3 Freak said:
I assume there is a computer program on PS3-Themes.com that lets u make them, if u have an acc on it… like it gives you a template…
I could send you some already created themes over email if youd like. Send me a private msg with ur email if you don't want it public.
MemberI think i got one free with a P.L.A.Y DVD but never figured out how to use it. lol
MemberPs3 Freak said:
Yeyy just completed Uncharted shud have taken 2 days for Platinum but it didnt give me trophy for Crushing 1st time round. I now have 7 Plats
Great work. It always sucks when games glitch like that. Always a bummer.
MemberMiiiitch said:
your not a trophy whore man.
a trophy whore imo is someone who brags about it eg. KingOfAllGames, plays sega megadrive collection and genesis collection just for the 2 platinums or anyone who has played hannah montana.
I'm playing Sega Megadrive Collection now and i already have the Sonic's Genesis Collection Platinum. I'm a trophy whore. I'd probably play hannah montana too if it was for hire down at my videostore! 🙂 She's hotish. How old is she again? lol
Also you can add Eat Lead, Trivial Pursuit and Terminator Salvation Platinums to my collection too! 🙂
MemberI just got the Terminator Salvation Platinum…It only took me 4.5 hours to do. And thats with some breaks included!
11 Gold and 1 Platinum! 4.5 Hours! Madness!
I did it in co op with the missus on hard. In co op if you die your partner can revive you.
So freaking quick and easy. Some checkpoints may give you trouble but all up a very easy quick Platinum. The quickest Platinum ever.
Quicker than Sega Collection!
Eat Lead is easy aswell, it took me a couple days as i was getting bored with it on my second playthrough.
And lastly the Trivial Pursuit Platinum is very easy aswell. If you wanted to you could do that one in a day if you aim to get all the trophies. The questions are timed but if u use the PS button it will 'pause' the game for you and you can google the answer. It's a bit of a cheat but seriously who can get 61 questions right in a row without googling?
MemberI think i have him on my friends list. I think thats PS3 Freak…
Memberglad to see you boys have made up! 🙂
MemberHmm RAGE is a FPS isn't it? Might not be out this year though.
MemberI have a MGS4 theme. Different Icons and sounds. Also the background pic changes every time i turn the ps3 on and play a game.
Best theme ever. I got it form P.L.A.Y magazine i think.
MemberPs3 Freak said:
QOS has an amazing online its the perfect cross between COD and Killzone… The Graphics may be not as good as either of them but who really cares once you start playing…
OH & this is totaly Off-topic but:
U gota love it…
Best sound….ever.
not online…
Yes Qos does have online. The only part i like is golden gun. Thats good fun!
I was just saying the quality of uncharted is better than quantity.