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MemberMiiiitch said:
i haven’t been able to find X-Blades anywhere. is it a good game.
It is pretty lame. The graphics, the story, the almost fully naked anime chick lead. Not much that's good about it…..except for trophies lol.
It can be done in 2-3 days.
MemberDomba_car said:
is Aquanauts Holiday any good, looks amazing but its old.
Yeah it is pretty good. It may be a bit old but it is a nice break from all the gun killing games. The graphics are also pretty cool.
It is just some things are hard to find or activate, and you will probably need to research on the net for some things.
I think it is worth the import 🙂 not just for the trophies!
MemberNuFc_kNoXiE_KiLa said:
parnakas said:
Yea i back up wat NuFc-kNoXiE-KiLa said about RE5
pretty easy, and its fun to plat but i wiil say that you NEED to find a good Online partner to help you. Your partner is an idiiot when its computerized
i did most of my chapters on pro with the computer…
and i got most of my S`s with the computer….
The only part that peeved me off was the wesker and jill fight. My stupid computerized partner kept getting shot and killed! Still did it myslef though after several tries…
Memberparnakas said:
Yea i back up wat NuFc-kNoXiE-KiLa said about RE5
pretty easy, and its fun to plat but i wiil say that you NEED to find a good Online partner to help you. Your partner is an idiiot when its computerized
I did all of the hardest difficulty myslef….very easy when u have a rocket launcher with unlimited ammo.
Memberparnakas said:
Domba_car said:
WOOOW how many Plats do you have???
You would be a great trophy guide maker!
Ok, i remember you said you need 1 trophy to plat RE5. What is it?
Even i want you to get a platinum now lol
but still, Oz-Metalhead (awesome name), is one of the main trophy-hunters on this site. He has a lot of plats, and is an awesome gamer!!
LOL thankyou parnakas! I'm not sure if your still on my friend's list? I don't get to come online much these days.
Yeah which trophy do you need for Platinum RE5? Domba_car
MemberAll i want is Fallout DLC….
Alone In The Dark
Mercenaries 2
Little Big Planet
Fallout 3
Aquanaut's Holiday
Dead Space
LOTR: Conquest
Sonic's Sega Collection
Resident Evil 5
Prince Of Persia
Legends Of Wrestlemania
Godfather 2
Ferrari Challenge
And im close on several games but lost save game data not to long ago 🙁
And i am also working on a multitude of other games for the Platinum.
Say it if you want to, i am a whore lol
MemberSonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection is the easiest Platinum, I did it in a day.
Followed by Alone In The Dark, that took me 1 night to Platinum.
Then Godfather 2, that took me 1.5 days.
WWE Legends of Wrestlemania is next, very easy Platinum, but it isn't first as I hate wrestling lol.
Ferrari Challenge is also very easy with the race assist and race time cut down to 5 mins, it just takes time. I did that in a couple weeks, majority of that time I was at work too.
X-Blades is next, that took me 2 days. It is very easy if you know the trick to finish 6 levels without dying! Ask if you want to know it! Hehehe…
Then there are the medium level Platinums, these either take time or a bit of effort…
Dead Space, LBP (Create Trophy), Resident Evil 5, Bioshock, Uncharted,
LOTR: Conquest (it's very hard if you don't boost the online trophies),
Quantum Of Solace, this one is easy just takes time for the 100000 credits, doesn't help when you lose your save data at 80000 credits and have to start again! 🙁
Wolverine, only took me a couple days. Hard is easy if you use quick kills alot! For some reason the last boss gave me some trouble…lol
Fallout 3, once again takes some time. I did it in 3.5 days with no sleep lol. I did know where everything was though because I played that game for a couple hundred hours before trophies came out for it!
Mercanaries 2. This one is easy. It's here mainly for the fact you have to be careful not to kill any HVT's. You have to do alot of reloading because they die easily. Also, the 2 online silver ones are a pain. Shanty town is a good place to destroy 150 objects. And if no one knows how to do the 20 airstrikes one … you have to have all 20 different airstrikes and use them all once online…
Aquanaut's Holiday. This is an import in complete english. It just takes some time finding all the discoveries and what not. Get it if you're a trophy whore. Took me several hours to find a slug…
Prince Of Persia took me 2 days, can be a pain the last 4 or 5 hidden light seeds.
Midnight Club LA, just takes time finishing everything. Nothing is really that hard except if you can't organize 5 friends to join an online race with you.
For Killzone 2, Far Cry 2 and Fear 2 all the offline trophies are easy just need time. Online trophies for these 3 take a bit longer…
Now the 'Hard' ones.
Resistance 2, takes so long to get 10000 kills. Does for me 'cause it's so boring.
Mirror's Edge, the speed Runs and 50 stars can be a pain.
GTA4, online trophies are hard.
SF4, same thing, online trophies and some of the arcade ones.
There are some im working on at the moment…
Trivial Pursuit seems easy. I've played a few games with my partner and have 50% already.
Eat Lead seems very easy, i should have that by the end of the day! jokes lol
Demon's Souls is hard ish. Just takes alot of time and seeing as it is only an import atm there are alot of things you need to study up on to finish it. With a guide it will take 3 runs through the game, without a guide….much longer.
Um there are some other games but i think i've said enough. Lol
MemberI'm level 12 74% with 950 trophies, 11 Platinums.
I'd have over 1000 by now if i didn't have a life lately lol.
I'd have several more Plats too but i would have to grind for them and im bored of that.
Shadeblack has gotten behind with his trophy whoring because of his studies, he's still a top gamer though.
MemberRatchet525 said:
Hey. My ps3 has been taken away because i got a B in my AP math class(which ruined me almost getting straight A's!). So i want to ask anyone if anything new happened on Ps3. Like a new update or anything new on Ps Store.
WTF you got your ps3 taken away because you got a B!? All A's and 1 B is damn good! Your parents must be super strict….
MemberYay i finally got a mention! There are some other trophy earners on here with alot of trophies but they don't post alot.
I'd have to say i agree with everything said here also.
This was the first trophy site i found too and i havn't found a better one yet, especially when it comes to the forums.
MemberOz-Metalhead said:
Ah please don't yell Kingawol! lol
But i agree with you. Playing a game from the start with a guide will definetly ruin the game….far less enjoyable. Plus i like finding out things myself, best way for you to know things and to help others.
Anyway, i have a feeling a game like this will make me angry rather than calm me down lol. It's like metal….most people think metal makes people angry but for me it soothes me. This game may anger me lol. Shame no demo.
OK i take back my statement.
I was up late one night and wanted to buy linger in shadows but somehow i bought flower instead. lol
And i can say it was calming now. Enjoyable.
And these guides here are definetly gonna help me out. Cheers guys.
Membershadeblack said:
me and oz have a lot of opinions in common, but there is one thing he just said that I do not agree with.
Having loads of trophies does not make you a professional gamer. having a high level does not make you a better gamer than anyone else. I've said this from the start.
i.e I consider myself a very good dedicated / pro / whatever you wanna call it, but I've somewhat given up on obtaining trophies. What I do now is get the trophies if 1) i like the game and happen to buy it, and 2) if I can be bothered to do what's needed to obtain the platinum. if there's a no to either one, then I just don't bother anymore.
I still enjoy the hunt, but i feel it's not as nessacary as i thought it was back with firmware 2.4
So, now that i've (somewhat) given up on trophies, does this make me a bada gamer because i'm soon to have a diminished trophy count? -Nah I don't so. likewise with anyone else who doesn't have loads of 'em as well.
Hey i didn't say having loads of trophies makes you a good gamer. Sorry if how i said a 'real gamer' offended you.
Let me change that to 'dedicated gamer' or 'gamer in the know'
You must have some degree of skill/patience/determination or whatever to have lots of trophies though.
Membershadeblack said:
why not?
it would still equal to a normal point value of a retail game.
I agree with shadeblack here. Sure the game has lots of gold and a plat but it only has 12 trophies, so maybe the point value is the same as a retail game with 50 trophies.
This game will be so easy to plat. It will probably be quicker and easier than alone in the dark.
Having some games have easy platinums isn't bad, it gives some of the rookie's a chance to get a plat and us real gamers will know the value of each platinum depending on how hard it was. For example there's no way you can compare aitd platinum to say GTA4 platinum.
What i don't like is the fact theres no creativity with the achievments, but not all games can have awesome lists especially with every game having trophies now.
Another easy plat for me! 🙂
MemberRetired? Maybe the trophy collecting was taking over their lives and they had to give up. Or work/study.
I have to stop myself some days, taking it to far.