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Memberpobert06 said:
good luck with catching up with whoever you are catching up with 25 platinums..if he's kingofallgames you will have a hard time catching up with him because i think he is a beta tester for Sony and he gets all his games early…
No. Killerxx has the most platinums atm. And sorry he only has 23, i just checked.
KingOfAllGames is no longer on the leaderboard! He's completely dissapeared! WTF he must have cheated….
He's a complete snob though (Killerxx), i wanna catch him just to rub it in his face.
Anyways how did he become a beta tester for sony? I would have thought trophy support would only be in the final release stage of a game, or are you saying he gets the complete games early? Lucky B****** 🙂
MemberKudos for shade putting the time and effort into his studies rather than gaming! 🙂
MemberFortunatley i don't have study like shadeblack, and i have an even time on even time off roster. I'm lucky i know….
600 is a good amount of trophies.
I remember a few months ago my target was to catch shadeblack and get to level 10 (Bout 500-550 trophies)…..now my target is to catch some dude who has 1700 trophies lol. It makes you wonder what those people do for a living….besides gaming 24/7.
I have 856 last count, 10 plats, should be over 1000 over the next few weeks….and 4 more plats….hehe
Plats don't really count for much when it comes to level and percentage. When your level 12 and above there aint much difference between a gold and a plat. And bronze trophies turn into 0.5 percent each! Theyre mainly for bragging rights and OMFG factor 'look how many plats he has'
MemberKILLER369 said:
WTF! 10 platinums? sorry but i refuse to believe that
And to think i'm trying to catch a guy who has 25 platinums!
Good one Killer369.
I see now u can get bp off the psn for like 55 australian with the first expansion pack with it…..neat.
Not sure if i wan't another racer. Hey if i get it i'll add you guys up. No promises though. I have like 12 games that i still need to plat…..
MemberAROCCqer said:
wow Fuckin Boosters get it the legit way god i hate Boosters
Hey whats with the bad language? You do realise young people play LBP and may be readnig this thread. It isn't needed.
I boosted because i found LBP to get boring. I didn't want to waste not getting the plat for this game. I have 10 at this very moment and boosting on some games is neccessary to plat some games. Like LOTR Conquest, it is impossible to get that plat legit unless you wanna waste months of your life…I back my reputation by saying that i have got 100% on many games all by myself.
And on LBP sometimes you can get very unlucky and make an awesome level but it doesn't catch on and then it's buried deep within the search parameters of long forgotten levels. So make it easier on yourselves and heart everyone….spread the love. lol
MemberWhy don't people want to earn there own trophies?
You could easily get to level 8 50% by june. Just platinum a couple easy games like…
Alone in the dark inferno.
Fallout 3 (Just takes time).
Sonics Sega Collection.
There are other games out there that i found easy for the plat like Uncharted, Dead Space, Mercanaries 2 but others may not.
Just keep at it a few hours every day and you'll get to level 8 easy…
Also you may find it hard for other people to trust u with their email and password. Its very sensitive information, I'd never do it because i can't trust people i don't know (no offense) i have put way too much effort into it just to be hacked!
But hey maybe there are some noobs out there who are willing to give it a go?
MemberI didn't think i would buy it. I rented it….and the rest is history (I bought it). It's been ages since i played a fighter like this. Simple yet fantastic! I got sick of fighters like SC 4. Too complicated.
And i love screaming Haudoken! or Shuriken….or however theyre spelled. Good Fun. I was fighting ken with ryu and couldnt beat him. So i kept doing Shuriken and saying it as I'll show you Ken! Lol i'll shut up now.
The game is making me angry though….it's so hard for me to play and not get angry at losing lol. I found my achilies heel for gaming. Fighting games! My hands just seize up lol.
MemberLol reading some of these posters squabbles is hilarious, anyway…..
The word regen has been around since forever. But still mainly only in rpg's. To go with the FPS theme lungshot might fit better.
MemberWell i don't think it is right, you know your supposed to earn your own trophies….but hey whatever floats your boat.
MemberErm what last guy? are you talking about mercs. 2? I Platinumed that weeks ago….
If your talking about F.E.A.R. 2 i have finished that on hard and got the 4 guys with 1 grenade at the spot you suggested….Thanks for the tip on that again btw.
MemberAh please don't yell Kingawol! lol
But i agree with you. Playing a game from the start with a guide will definetly ruin the game….far less enjoyable. Plus i like finding out things myself, best way for you to know things and to help others.
Anyway, i have a feeling a game like this will make me angry rather than calm me down lol. It's like metal….most people think metal makes people angry but for me it soothes me. This game may anger me lol. Shame no demo.
MemberIf you like rpg's and vulgar humour then get Penny Arcade Episode 1.
MemberOh thanks KranarDrogin.
I have yet to play all the missions on hard because i have been concentrating on aquanauts holiday….it wont give me the platinum, so very annoying.
Did you end up getting the plat on mercs 2?
MemberYeah i have seen that trophy…..i'll worry about that one when killzone 2 is released lol.