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MemberUse the environment as much as you can. Either shoot the explosive canisters or the way i did it was use telekinesis and throw them at the boss…
MemberYou don't need that many tonics at all to power the wrench….just the 2 swing faster tonics and full research. But hey i do things the simple way…..as long as your able to finish it it is all good.
Shadeblack you definetly remembered more than me lol
MemberAwesome awesome. Yes my snes is my favourite console….EVER! lol
You could always get an emulator and get the roms….but then you could only play games you already own, cough….
But alas that is not the same thing as playing it on the console.
I get replacement parts form cash converters. My snes works a treat still!
Yeah the Wii is a piece of commercial trash….only normal conformative people get Wiis…..oh and families with little ones.
MemberI cannot remember what time mine was at. First playthrough was everything except the less than 100 saves and complete in under 12 hours. I got those in the 2nd playthrough.
The combo trophies are easy to get with a decent list and doing them against the final boss (who is a person, don't want to give away any spoilers here)as he regenerates his health. All combos must be successful and land every hit and not end on a wall struggle.
To parnakas, yes its an easy game, except for finding all the light seeds. You need some patience to find some of them. The new DLC coming out for it makes the game harder because alot of people said the game was way to easy….which it is. 🙂
MemberI did most of the 2 player ones myself with a second controller…can be a pain controling 2 sacks at once! lol
As for the 4 player ones….i got lucky and had 3 other people who were willing to do all of them and have the patience for it. As i remember 1 of them already had all of them he just did it as a favour. I like gamers like that! I don't like snobs….It probably helped that i helped lots of people with 2 player trophies….so they helped me in return. Karma people!
MemberYeah i own the game….but have no trophies….i just can't stand playing it. bore zzzz…..maybe one day lol
MemberFEAR 2 is good, some say it may not be worth the buy but meh i own all my games so it doesn't bother me.
The demo scared me…mainly because the demo was the scariest part in the game. If you want to get scared, turn ALL lights off, brightness down, sound waaaaaaaaay up…..
One trophie that i know is going to annoy me is killing 4 guys with 1 grenade….its a rare thing to see 4 guys standing together waiting to be blown up….
I havn't played it online yet as i am on 3 weeks holiday with no way to get my ps3 online 🙁
Go there….it has links to maps for both the northern and southern areas….with locations of jackal tapes and golden AK's.
Memberedge4eva32 said:
Ratchet525 said:
Reward Points? GAME? $10? im moving to england.
Im with you on that. Why can't we americans ever get something like that?
Lol at least you guys get all the good releases on the psn store! And you get alot of games before the rest of the world. We only just got Penny Arcade Ep.1, I'm still waiting on Ep.2 to come out here…
I am in australia and we have GAME and rewards points….I guess that's a plus.
MemberThis game is awesome! It's strengths do not lie in the single player campaign. It's in it's multiplayer. UT games have always been like that. I could play UT3 online deathmatch for like ever!
I cannot wait for trophies! Another reason to avoid getting 10000 kills on Resistance 2!……
MemberFor the first few levels it is tough. But once u get the research camera make sure you max out all possible research….I did and it made a hell of a difference. I finished survivor mode and killed all big daddys aswell (to be honest it isn't much different to hard).
For all enemies except for big daddy's i used the wrench as my main weapon. I used target dummy a bit as well as electric shock to get in the face of the bad guys.
So like i said i used the wrench and aimed at the bad guys heads….with full research of course (Rosie research gives you 50% more wrench damage i think), combine that with the swing faster perk it works well.
For big daddys i used proximity mines as a good start to the fight, then target dummy or electric shock, then i just went nuts with either incendiary bolts or incendiary shells. It can help to hit them a couple of times then target dummy to get him off you and repeat. The shotgun upgrade for rate of fire is a must.
Save alot 🙂
lol Hope that helps.
MemberWait i'm talking about the grim skin….my bad.
MemberI got it as a promotion in the Official Playstation Magazine Australia……
MemberI havn't got it myself yet….i have been avoiding it like the plague. Team Deathmatch is probably the fastest way to do it.
You just need alot of patience because it takes FOREVER (maybe some exageration there)
MemberI only got into lbp becuase of the hype surrounding it.
I do find it boring after half an hour or so. Others may not…..so good on them.
I've platinumed it so im moving on now to much better games…..killzone 2, re5, fear 2 etc etc…FFXIII if it ever comes out!
And to parnakas…..i wasn't complaining i was just trying to tell people to get over it and stop complaining about people wanting hearts….