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Memberi noticed that there is a complete bundle pack in the australian store…..i have never played this game…..but i looked at a trailer and maybe i will get it now, it looks good.
Plus it has lots of trophies i need to satisfy my trophy whore like demon inside me lol.
Memberthis game is not a fps clone. You have never been able to run while shooting. That would ruin the mood/vibe of the game……to create fear, frustration, desperation….
It is a great demo…..sorry its not another fps clone for you other guys.
MemberI loved the demo.
The last re game i played was number 3 and i loved that…..Now this is so much better…..being next gen of course. But also the movements of the 'zombies' is great and the feeling of suspense and fear when ur being overrun……awesome.
I don't see why people don't like it…..if you have ever played a past re game you should know they aren't a typical shooter clone….
Its the style of this game that is important…..to create that sense of desperation to escape….
Memberi just confirmed that to get damage inc u need to use all 20 different airstrikes in the game in co-op mode…..that includes the one u unlock after finishing the game (unless u were lucky and got it with a glitch).
I tried in an earlier game using about 50 air strikes and nothing happned…..then i thought hey theres 20 different airstrikes in the game in total……*light bulb* i thought maybe u need to use all 20 different ones in one play……i tried and vollah…..damage inc trophy was mine!!!
As for billion dollar babies…..im doing that now for the platinum *crosses fingers* hope it works.
Memberthey're not that hard once you know what to do….videos on youtube help if you get stuck.
awesome fun the mgs levels were.
They have also released some lame valentines day kit aswell.
MemberI can't wait to get those trophies…i wonder if theyre going to be the same value as before?
Memberwould it have anything to do with how much spare space you have on your hard drive?
MemberI will. i mostly need to get prize bubbles on levels that require 3-4 people!
Memberwho cares people. Little big planet is a cool game but i for one don't want to spend forever making a cool level.
So what if people just want hearts. I have plenty of other games i want to play. And lbp gets boring after a while.
Ill do it add me. For both hearts and prize bubble help.
MemberUse your vats and target their heads. Explosives are good against them. Aslo sneaking and getting them shot in the head without them being aware helps…You could always put the game on 'very easy'
Memberedge4eva32 said:
No James. I am done with Sony. I have never really had any luck with any of their products. My cousin purchased a 42″ lcd from them and it has been a bigger nightmare for him as the Playstation 3 is for me. I went through 4 Sony dvd players in only a year. Yet, I buy some el cheapo dvd from Best Buy 4 years ago, and has never given me a single problem. I have come to the conclussion that it is all Sony's fault for producing inferior products. For those of you who have not had your blu ray drive, then get ready because it will. I just spoke to Jeff from Sony PS3 tech support, they are only reliable for up to 300 hours of cumulative play before they generally start crashing. So ha…..even Sony says they suck. Luckily, I just bought me a new samsung blu ray player. Im happy, I can watch my 60 blu rays again.
Only good for 300 hours!!! wow id hate to imagine the hours mine has been working….in the thousands easy….
MemberYeah i have experienced this. But because i only go on here at home it hasn't really bothered me.
When you go try again are u still logged in? Maybe it has really logged you out but it just doesn't say so?…
MemberI'll do it!
My psn id is Oz-Metalhead
My level is Little METAL Planet
Ill search all you guys up and heart you and your levels….please do the same 2 me 🙂
MemberWell what are ur psn id's? Then we can go to a map with no other players…..makes trophies easy if both people are trustworthy to do it for each other….my psn id is the same as my name here.
Membershadeblack said:
wow… are people actually saying fallout is hard?
it's the easiest RPG i've ever played! the quests are NOT entirely free roaming – you get told where to get with added marker points on your map. you get tonnes of experience points to level up with. (i'm glad they are thinking of raising the level cap to 30).
Seriously, this game is easy and the trophies are very straightforward and don't take much effort at all. However, they DO take some time to do. if you're patient enough to play it, then you haven't a clue what the hell an RPG is! why don't you guys go back to snes, where RPGs took hundreds of hours to complete!
Seikendensetsu for instance is probably my favourite and one of THE BEST RPGs out there. I'm only angry that fallout 3 doesn't have ENOUGH to do. it's too short!
One last comment, this topic went way off track.
I remember spending hours upon hours doing the 99 level random dungeon in Lufia trying to get all the blue chest treasures and beating the massive red jello. Then 5 hours go buy and the power goes out with nowhere to save! Aw devo.
I also spent close to 200 hours on Final fantasy 10 completly editing the sphere grid and maxing out all stats just so i could defeat Penance…..and i did lol