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MemberNutrobal10 said:
I agree with J.Bowles all of a sudden there are all these stupid free roaming games like fallout and farcry 2. it's like a whole new era of gaming, i prefer games like Dead Space and Bioshock to be honest, not complicated, not long winded and enjoyable, u people must have serious patience if you can actually play this game through. What is happening to gaming these days.
Thank God for Killzone 2
Gaming is going very well these days. Not all games have to be straighforward shooters. If you don't like fallout why are u posting on here? Fallout 3 is an awesome RPG….if u don't like rpg's then sod off. far cry 2 is lame in comparrison.
Fallout 3 isn't complicated…..its massive. A perfect explorers game
MemberDude the quests aren't that long.
If you want to be a trophy whore then thats your decision…..but fallout 3 is an awesome game so i think it is good that the trophies take a bit longer to get so you can enjoy the game.
I got 100% in 3 days…..and now ill probably never play it again bcoz im a trophy whore too and ill be busy playing other games
I did have an urge to play oblivion the other day…bring on more rpgs!
MemberI got mine for about $80 australian.
Its handy but if ur willing to fork out a bit more cash its probably more worthwhile to get a wireless keyboard.
The buttons are very small and most times i mispell words because my fingers hit the one next to the one i want. Then i have to go back and correct it. I'm anal like that lol.
It's faster than the generic controller but nowhere near as fast as a proper wireless keyboard….
MemberThe game had bad reviews because the only option for control was to use the sixaxis. It forced you to use it….although they did release a patch so that you could use the joysticks….i havn't played it myself.
MemberKillzone 2 better be in full high def 1080P…..its been in the making for so long it would have to be in full hi def to really let its graphics shine! I hope it is anyways……apparently gow 3 is fulll HD too! All games should support 1080P…..its one negative i have about owning a ps3….most games are only 720P…:(
MemberHe cant read all of the post. If a line is too long it dissapears into the forgotten real to the right of the post…with so much information to read missing a few words might make it harder to get….
MemberHehe it's still very fun….you just have to not treat it like a chore lol
I guess i am one of the lucky ones who have equal time on and equal time off.
Membershadeblack said:
er… no it's was about the directors talking about the story. the story has potential to go a long way but they don't want to make the games if it won't go down well..
what i reckon will happen is that they will make bioshock 2 and then see if people want another one and so on.
No i was talking to the guy who posted above me…..he said that most people don't know what the story was about 2 months after playing it….If you collected all the audio logs and listened to the story you should know what it is about….
MemberI agree with shadeblack! Your a good boy shadeblack!
Keep it up. You don't really need to cheat…
MemberI found that im playing games that i normally wouldn't play just for the trophies. But it is a good thing because i have new experiences and end up enjoying most games. Trophies for me are my 'reward' for doing all the things in a game….and a sort of a self satisfaction really. And a way to brag or look good to other players lol
I hope sony bring out some sort of reward system for trophies….
Im addicted to trophies i will not lie….i love the sound when u get a trophy!
Alone in the dark inferno is good for one thing……easy platinum! Rent it in one night get all the trophies and save you lots of cash! It's an okay game to spend a night on…
Memberwell i shouldn't post on here what it was about…..it would be a spoiler….
MemberOH oh me too. Ill add you!
MemberWell i didn't use any cheats to do the impossible mode….i didn't even know the game had cheats. I think cheats are lame anyways…
Memberi totally agree DdAsHbOY. lol
MemberYou have to be good and shoot just about all the asteroids.
Focus mainly on the centre asteroids. Get some practice in and get good at taking them out far away with one shot. And rememer if a really big one gets close or too many use both shoulder buttons and just go nuts on them.
I alternated between using the left and right barrels….and don't be super hard on the joystick….you need to be precise and accurate.