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MemberGo to this site. It has a neat checklist.
MemberThanks anyways lol
MemberIs your 1 million experience just in competetive online…..because it has to be just online competitive and must be alll in ranked games…..
MemberYeah i changed my model after a few hours of playing online….i was just saying that for a laugh….
MemberI think cheating to get a trophy is cheap and cheating in general is just lame. If you have no skill get it with practice.
Although theyre good for just sandbox fun, that's it.
Memberhow about the in game map for the birds? you know the one where u go to the site 'whattheydontwantyoutoknow.com' it has maps for everything in there….i wonder if its retroactive and only displays the ones u havn't got yet…..i havn't checked it out enough to know if it does or not……too busy earning other trophies!
MemberUm what do you guys mean by grinding? hopefully not what i think the word means lol.
I have only just started to play gta4 online too.
Add me psn is Oz-Metalhead
MemberI played it through twice on easy just so i could max out everything then once on impossible for the platinum….
I have to say i like the impossible setting as it actualy was a little hard lol. And it made the game so much more scary….not wanting to go around the next corner for a possible decapitation!
MemberThere are videos on youtube for gobble gobble.
I was having trouble getting it….so close with 2 strikes then cracking under pressure and blowing it on the 3rd…..until i looked on youtube and seen the technique…..after that i just had to perfect how fast i did the down up movement and i got it easy!
2 steps to the left then down up at a normal slow speed…..if u get it going a speed of 19 u should get a strike….oh and make sure ur bowling in the left most lane.
I only just started playing gta4 online…..i couldnt find where to play it lol…until i figured out it was on my in game phone. And when i did play online my character model was a female…..not that that matters lol.
MemberI've got one and i like it very much…..i might go out and buy a wireless keyboard like shadeblack…..maybe.
Has anyone here had a problem with controller response when having the keypad attached? its happened to me once…..
I was playing prince of persia hanging off a ledge…..i was about to wall run over to the next ledge but my left anologue stick wasnt working?….my right one was just not my left……as soon as i removed the keypad it worked!?
Weird i know…..i put the keypad back on and i havn't ran into that problem again….yet.
MemberHave u unlocked all the beserks by levelling up your character? You also need to activate all the beserks that have a unique name…..and make sure theyre done in a ranked game…
Memberawesome thanks! All that extra space will be great to have.
MemberI have the original backwards compatible version ps3 60 gb. I wan't to upgrade it to something massive…..any hints out there for how i can do that? cheers
Memberwell getting the platinums are better i think. it says your more dedicated to your gaming. Like right now i have been playing fallout 3 for 24 hours straight ever since i found out it had the trophy patch……yawn.
MemberI'm playing fallout 3 now since it has trophies! And i can't stop…..i've been playing for 24 hours……sooooooo tired!