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MemberDoc-B said:
scottish_wonderboy said:
Post edited 9:38 pm – 10/19/2010 by scottish_wonderboy
my list
hannah montana (10/10) Epic, lol
I still think you should fininsh DS man…
ROFL If i had HM on my list i'd put it in my 'hard' pile aswell, simply because sitting through that garbage would be painfull! 🙂
Back on topic…RKF95 6/10 I've heard that UFC 2010 is hard to get but the others don't scream out at me. But at least there are no kids games there.
As for my Plats…
1-3D Dot Game Heroes 37-Ghostbusters 70-Resistance 2
2-Alien Breed 38-God Of War 71-Rogue Warrior
3-Aline In The Dark 39-God Of War 2 72-Sacred 2
4-Anarchy Rush Hour 40-God Of War 3 73-Saw
5-Aquanauts Holiday 41-GTA 4 74-Sega Collection
6-Ashes Cricket 2009 42-Harry Potter 5 75-Shrek Forever After
7-Assassins Creed 2 43-Family Game Night 76-SkiDoo Challenge
8-Bakugan Battle Brawlers 44-Heavy Rain 77-Sega Racing
9-Batman Arkham Asylum 45-How TTY Dragon 78-Sonic Collection
10-Bionic Commando 46-Ice Age 3 79-Star Wars The Clone Wars
11-Bioshock 47-Infamous 80-Star Wars Force Unleashed
12-Bioshock 2 48-Iron Man 2 81-Superstars V8 Racing
13-Borderlands 49-Jurassic The Hunted 82-Superstars V8 Racing 2
14-Brutal Legend 50-Katamari Forever 83-Tekken 6
15-Buzz Brain Of… 51-Last Rebellion 84-Terminator Salvation
16-Cabelas Big Game Hunter 52-Lego Harry 85-Eye Of Judgment
17-Cabellas Outdoor Adventure 53-Lego Indy 86-Godfather 2
18-COD MW2 54-Leisure Suit Larry 87-The Sabotuer
19-Cars Race O Rama 55-LBP 88-LOTR Conquest
20-Cloudy WACO Meatballs 56-Madagascar Kartz 89-TR Underwolrd
21-Damnation 57-Midnight Club LA 90-Toy Story 3
22-Dantes Inferno 58-Mercs 2 91-Transformers ROTF
23-Dark Void 59-Mini Ninjas 92-Trine
24-Darksiders 60-Monsters Vs Aliens 93-Trivial Pursuit
25-Dead Space 61-NFS Undercover 94-Uncharted
26-Dead To Rights 62-OF Dragon Rising 95-Uncharted 2
27-Demons Souls 63-Planet 51 96-Unreal Tournament 3
28-Up 64-POP 97-Wanted
29-DW 6 Empires 65-POP Forgotten Sands 98-Wheelman
30-Eat Lead 66-Prison Break 99-Where The Wild Things Are
31-Fallout 3 67-Quantum Of Solace 100-WWE Wrestlemania
32-Ferrari Challenge 68-Resident Evil 5 101-Wolverine
33-Final Fantasy 13 69-Ratchet & Clank 102-X Blades
34-Fritz Chess
35-G Force
And before anyone says 'You must have no life'. I do in fact have a full time job and a girlfriend. So there 🙂 Oh and im 100% legit.
You might think 100 is alot but duck360 just overtook Hakoom with 200. He came out of nowhere with that. He wasn't even on my radar. I wonder how much cheating was involved there, if any.
MemberI773D33MABL3 said:
These guys just can't see the woods for the trees. They don't seem to realise that the gaming companies they are screwing now will never ignore it. If hacking of games becomes widespread then we're going to see more and more DRM introduced and that messes up the experience for everyone.
DRM is a pet hate of mine because I play quite a few games on the PC and almost every major release has it in some shape or form. And it is definitely coming to consoles. EA have introduced it in a limited way with codes for their online (MOH, Sims 3) and people are bitching about that small inconvenience. Wait until you can't play your game without being connected to the net!
And besides all that, cheating totally undermines the point of trophies. Whatever worth you assign them, they are supposed to be a measure of your gaming progress. Once you start hacking them then they're pointless.
I don't know what the acronym DRM stands for though?
Memberjenkem_addict88 said:
cool beans. mind if i add you mate?
You never did add me?!
MemberRKF95 said:
Oz-Metalhead said:
I don't see the point to Jailbreak. It should never have been made because it will just open up the door for cheaters. Apparently hackers can use it to unlock all the trophies in any game and the time stamps on the trophies will be random. So only a thorough inspection could find out these cheaters. Not cool. If you can afford this device and a ps3 you should be able to buy games legit and be a good sport by unlocking your trophies yourself. This device is a waste of time and money.
lol, looks like Hakoom wont b #1 for long, or maybe he was just ahead of the game using this all along
Hakoom isn't #1 anymore, duck360 is. He just got his 200th plat from out of nowhere. Hmm..it really is a dissapointment if these leaders are cheating.
MemberSeibei4211 said:
Where to bring the star bottle caps:
Sunset Sarsaparilla Headquarters. It's just to the west of the strip on the outside. Like if you've discovered the NCR Sharecropper Farm or whatever, it would be exactly on the opposite side of that. You have to talk to this creepy cowboy thing in there named Festus.
I can't give a lot of detail about it though, cause I haven't been there yet and I don't have 50 yet. I just looked it up in the guide cause lots of people ask this question.
Thanks for that, i have 30 atm 🙂
MemberI'm glad i could have been of help guys! 🙂
MemberI thought i'd mention that healing your companions with stimpaks doesn't count for the trophy. I thought it did because i had 19 points healed using stimpaks on my stats without having used any somehow. But then i used more stimpaks on my companions and it didn't count.
Also a tip…..###SPOILER###
Once you have found 'Mojave Outpost' which is in the south western part of the map, you can rack up your caps easily.
You will need a few thousand caps to start. A good place to get them is the energy weapons shop in Freeside (New Vegas). You can use R3 to pick up the expensive weapons and take them to a quiet spot to get hidden and steal them then sell them back to the shop.
Go talk to the man in Mojave outpost who has a repair skill of 100! Get him to repair any weapon or armor to max. You can then sneak up behind him and steal your caps back. Then just sell the weapons you repaired for a profit.
I keep doing this with any high tiered weapon or armor that has good resell value for a major profit. My sneak is at 50 and usually only takes a few reloads to get a successful pickpocket. It get's harder the more caps he has i think.
Also does anyone know where i take my star bottle caps?
MemberI've played for 2 days now and it has only frozen on me once! Theres been plenty of times when the framerate has slowed down though. I expected that much anyways.
But all in all i havn't experienced any game destroying glitches or any glitch for that matter…..yet.
I have yet to get to the strip because i keep getting distracted with quests and exploring!
The healing trophies are going to be time consuming. I have only healed 500 damage so far with food. Drinks don't count towards this total, which i only found out 12 hours ago 🙁 I was drinking sass thinking it counted as food.
I have ED-E as my companion and whenever we fight i heal him with stimpacks, i think that counts for the stimpack healing trophy.
I wan't to find out where i'm supposed to take my star bottlecaps to…hmm.
MemberDoc-B said:
Could you explain this in a little more detail??
The new pack? How new… I've not played this in a while but boosting the online interests me very much. I think it was Ratchet who told me the severs are getting shut down soon. I have most of the online, but need the XP and kill trophies.
The pack isn't new new, forgot what it's called. I think there is only 1 map pack that you can buy. Cost me around $8 Australian.
When you and your friend are online you search ranked matches, choosing small map and dlc preference. You should easily get paired. Just remember to have your 2nd controller on and registered to play. These are on the same account, so your 2nd controller will have a (2) after your id.
Choose the Fareye and Prototype ammo. Obviously so you can get long range headshots. Use the Prototype perk when you have 6 bullets left, this should restock your ammo with another 12 bullets.
Then find a spot that is far away from each other but in each others line of sight. You then take turns killing each others 2nd player.
Eventually you'll learn where the best spots are for each map and have it so that the 2nd player respawns on the exact same spot. So it is then just a case of pressing R1 on player 1 to kill and x on Player 2 to respawn him for your partner to klill. Sometimes you need to reposition your Player 1 to get Player 2 to respawn in a good spot for your friend.
A good 10 minutes will net you 60 to 80 kills if your quick and the respawns are in your favour.
Just bare in mind if there are other people trying to do this boost at the same time you could get paired with them instead. If this happens then just team up with them aswell i guess and boost with whoever you get matched with. Your preference if you want to do that or not.
MemberFor the the Ranked trophies including 10,000 kills all you need is the extra map pack, an extra controller and a friend who has the same. The small maps on the new pack makes ranked boosting possible. You could get them done in a week with hardcore boosting.
As for the Co-op trophies, welll you'll have to organise a boosting group to get them done. At least 8 people will be needed for at least 5 missions. For the rest a group of 4 or so people with at least 1 class of each and knowing how to play them should be able to do all the missions. This would probably take another week of hardcore boosting aswell.
Goodluck 🙂
MemberYeah thats cool. I'd rather have people i've conversed with on this site than randoms sending blank requests.
MemberNah, it's ObsidianHellkite. It means Black Dragon…
MemberHaha yeah i know what you mean. Personally, trophies have enriched my gaming. I get more fun and enjoyement from my games now and i find myself enjoying some hidden gems id otherwise not play if it didn't have trophies. I do it mainly for self satisfaction. And because im not fully satisfied im going to make a side PSNID, which i might switch to full time. Yeah 100 Plats is something hard to break free from knowing how much effort and time i poured into those plats, which i enjoyed every minute of. I didn't think Spelunker mode was that hard tbh. Once you get the Tent from one of the wells you can use it just about anywhere to save a respawn point. The only drama is getting through the dungeons unscathed. What was really hard about 3DDGH's was the 2 speed circuits pre-patch. The time to beat for the sword was insane. Great fun though, i'll definetly Re-plat that!
MemberIt wasn't for nothing, I got 100 Platinums and i was the first to do so in Australia (My Country). I'll still keep my Oz account, im just starting another to please my obsessive compulsive completionist side 🙂 As long as im gaming im happy.
MemberWell as some of you may know i went back to my Oz account after 2 months break. This didnt cause a problem and i made Final Fantasy 13 my 100th Platinum. Now though i have decided to start a brand spanking new account. There are several things ill be doing differently this time. I won't have any duplicate trophy sets (At least for now lol) I'll be playing mostly offline games. But when i do play a multiplayer game i'll grind it until it is done and not put it off! I'll be testing games im unsure about before having them on my list, something i didn't do for Pain or Trash Panic. Platinums that i will redo are….Fallout 3, Batman, Uncharted, Bioshock, Trine, 3D Dot Game Heroes, All 3 GoWs, Borderlands, Darksiders, Dead Space, Demons Souls, Infamous and Final Fantasy 13. Who wants to wager how long it will take me to do them? 🙂