Forum Replies Created
MemberYeah sorry guys, im not on here all the time. Especially when im away for work and using my phone
I work full time in the mines. I work very long and hard days for 4 days then i have 4 days off. So thats why i get so much game time!
Thanks for posting my gamercard emdeepee! I want to set up a side account for just earning plats. I got the hankering to earn Fallout 3 Plat again. Anyway this is all a bit off topic…
MemberI don't see the point to Jailbreak. It should never have been made because it will just open up the door for cheaters. Apparently hackers can use it to unlock all the trophies in any game and the time stamps on the trophies will be random. So only a thorough inspection could find out these cheaters. Not cool. If you can afford this device and a ps3 you should be able to buy games legit and be a good sport by unlocking your trophies yourself. This device is a waste of time and money.
MemberIt's an interesting idea. It's something i wish i did before i started. That is to maintain a 100%/Platinum ratio to how many games i have on my list. But with over 100 Platinums now i find it very hard to start again. If i could come up with a great new PSN ID i'd start again. I'm not sure if i like your idea though because i Plat most games in under a week and the competition would stipluate what i play. I'd rather play what i want when i want.
MemberThis game will probably be a big let down just like FF 13 was. FF 13 was beautiful, but hollow. The worst storyline in any Final Fantasy game. The characters are constantly changing from emo whingers to hopeful twits. I don't like the battle system either.
My opinion 🙂
But here is hoping that FF Versus 13 is at least a little bit better than 13 itself.
I don't want to get excited like i did with FF 13 to just be extremely dissapointed AGAIN.
MemberFor Fear 2 i think you need 4 to start a ranked match. We could no doubt boost all the small MP trophies during a weekend but it'l take much more than a weekend to Plat. If we're going to chat alot about Fear 2 we should probably start a new thread for that aswell.
Well we have 3 out of the required 16 for the team win trophy…..Haha
MemberCoryAllen said:
Post edited 2:34 pm – 09/20/2010 by CoryAllen
its been ages since i've gotten a platinum. or even a trophy for that matter haha
EDIT: ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** you trophy card thing!!! anyways i have 1490 trophies since the damn card wants to be gay and not work lol
I had a small problem with my card showing aswell. Change your post to HTML and then use HTML code. That is how i got mine showing. 🙂
MemberI know of 1 person who has the Plat for both Fear 2 and Far Cry 2, His ID is Auspuff.
Both require an insane ammount of online boosting, something that gets very boring for me.
BUT i do have both Fear 2 and Far Cry 2 on my list and if we could get a good system going where we all benefit then i could be up for boosting.
All Fear 2 trophies can mostly be boosted now as not very many people play online.
Far Cry 2 on the other hand requires many specific kinds of kills to get all the weapon upgrades, something that will need more than 2 people boosting at the same time (Eg Multi Kills) I had a list with all the requirements somewhere….
Also isn't there a trophy for being on the winning side in a 16 player ranked match? If the online is dead than we will need 16 boosters…
Member@ emdeepee
Yeah TV sucks. I never watch it. If there is a series i like i just buy it on DVD.
@ Doc-B
Lol i actually lose interest in most games after a while but i have some kind of righteous determination that sees me through. Only once in a blue moon does a game come by that i like that much it gives me insomnia.
PSN Games 100%? Yeah i have quite a few of them, at least 20.
Memberemdeepee said:
I thought you were cutting back on trophy hunting? Only 1 short of 100 plats. Got anything special lined up for that milestone?
I did cut back. I didn't play on 'Oz' for about 2 months. Then i decided i couldn't let it all go to waste and i went back to it.
Yeah well i have always been a Final Fantasy fan so i thought #100 could be FF 13, even though i was extremely dissapointed in the game itself.
MemberI hope http://www.ps3trophycard.com comes back up soon!
On another note, my .co.uk account trophy card now shows i have 0 trophies.
What a mess!
MemberIt's been a while since i have come on here…
3D Dot Game Heroes
Est. Time: 50 Hours
Difficulty: 7/10 ? Hard to judge really.
The game is a total throwback to old school Zelda on the NES. I loved every minute of it. It requires 3 seperate playthroughs so that is why it needs 50 hours. A guide is needed to finish all events in 1 playthrough to get all the swords.
The 2 dash circuits are hard as they require good concentration and good reflexes to beat in record time (Hardest thing in the game in my opinion)
That just leaves From mode which is a harder version with many more monsters spawning who do more damage.
The last mode is Spelunker Mode where you play as Spelunker himself and 1 hit from anything and you die. Including innocent rabbits. This mode was not as hard as i thought it would be. Continuing when you die keeps your progress, you just have to go back from where your last revival point was. It's mainly only a pain in the dungeons where dying sends you to the start so therefore you must travel the puzzles again and remember where you were.
The Sabotuer
Est. Time: 30 Hours?
Difficulty: 2/10 playing on the easiest mode of course.
Enjoyable game blowing up the Krauts. All trophies are fairly easy. Some of them are sort of missable if your not paying attention (Stealth General Kills Etc.) The only other noteworthy thing is the time it takes to do over 1000 freeplay events. Once youve unlocked the Panzershrek it makes your life alot easier.
Shrek Forever After
Est. Time: < 12 Hours
Difficulty: 0.5/10
Seriously this would have to be one of the most easiest kids games out there. Nothing about this game is difficult or hard to find. Boost your level now! 🙂
MemberAwesome Awesome Awesome 🙂
MemberOMG Ummm.. Well over 100. The 83 games I have Platted, plus the games I have yet to Plat. Then there are all the PSN games I have aswel as the few that don't have trophies. That is MGS4, Oblivion, Folklore, Heavenly Sword, Resistance and whatever else I have stashed away. The majority of these games I have traded in or sold so I could get more games easier rather than drain my finances. I only keep the games I really enjoyed and want to keep in my Collection. As for PS3s? Lol…3. One original 60gb in pieces as it got YLOD. One 80gb replacement which is now my spare. And one Original 60gb console that I found cheap a week ago which had never left the box!!!! ***NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** amazing!
MemberROFL! That is at the arguments you read on forums. They really can get out of hand but it is funny to read the back and forth banter. Also I will just say that alot of us are adults with decent paying jobs so not everything you read is bullshit. Anyways I am curious about the harder Plats aswell. I want to get a few to improve my collection. I have Wipeout now, because it was free with PS Plus so I will probably play it. I do not consider games that require you to repeat something an insane amount of times to be hard. I consider games that require actual skill to be hard. Skill with both your reflexes and your finger control. Anyways 1 Plat I really enjoyed getting and felt a little challenged at was Batman. At first those fighting challenges seem insane but once you get the hang of it, completing it is enjoyable and you'll feel accomplished once you get it. Demons Souls wasn't hard for me simply because it is my kind of game and I really enjoyed it. One game you may want to try is 3D Dot Game Heroes. It's a complete throwback to old school Zelda on the Nes. It has a mode called Spelunker. 1 hit from anything and you die. Rabbit bites you, you die. Dragon breaths fire on you, you definetly die. So this one could be considered a difficult Plat. I've yet to try Spelunker mode though. Also I am sorry for the lack of paragraphs but my iPhone won't let me post properly on this site. Reason I'm using my iPhone? I'm at work…Shhh Oh and apparently Blitz The Leage 2 is a very hard Plat to get too, last time I checked only several people had it.
MemberRatchet525 said:
good luck if your new account Oz
will you tell anyone the ID?
yeah mate, it is IDominateAll
I am going to add everyone who i had on my Oz-Metalhead account, i just havn't got around to adding 90 or so people yet.