Forum Replies Created
Membernoomin said:
got the screw driver out, removed the cmos battery for 2mins, put it back together, re entered the date…finished heavy rain
Haha now THAT is using your head.
I wasn't effected by this mini Y2K thing and i had no idea it was happening until it was almost over. I did notice hardly anyone was online lol.
During that time though i played Borderlands Genereal Knoxx DLC.
Thank whoever i wasn't effected by this. If i was i would have either played oblivion or my PSP.
MemberSo restoring the PS3 sytem to default will get rid of your trophies? Are you sure? I thought they were stored on a seperate partition.
BTW i didn't mean format the hard drive i meant restoring the SETTINGS to default, a big difference there mate.
Just trying to see if we can spark an idea to get u back online.
MemberAre you talking about the dead space costume codes?
I still havn't played this yet, im trying to finish off old games whos online will go dead soon.
MemberWell anyone can pour money into buying a huge collection of FF memorabelia.
I'd vote for someone who has played all the games and maxed everything out and beaten all hidden bosses etc. Only 1 person showed game saves, although anyone could have downloaded completed game saves unless they renamed the character something specific to prove they were their own saves.
Tommy Truong has a very nice collection of stuff. I envy him.
The chick at the end had the lamest song to go with her vid though lol.
MemberAwesome. Have you seen EB's 'Australias Biggest FF Fan' Contest?
Check out the vids at http://www.ebgames.com.au/competitions-735-Vote-here-for-Australias-BIGGEST-Final-Fantasy-Fan
Some people are showing off huge colletions, some are staging battles from previous games using cosplay and some are just downright hilarious.
MemberSweet sounds like there are some die hard FF fans on here. I didn't know you liked them Mitch.
MemberDomba_car said:
@KOG73 – No, we never sent messages like that. Most of the time we got the downloaded on more then 5 systems thing.
@Parnakas – Dude thanks a lot but I dont think theres a way… I contacted them like 15 times via email but they dont reply. My friend found a cro customer service (which was pretty fast btw) and they said they cant do anything cause its an canadian account.
Once I get to Canada, I'll go to EB Games or Sony Center on something and talk to them. I am willing to pay, not a fortune but I'll pay, to unban me. I would buy a Slim but I earned waaay to many trophies (GOW1 plat, GOW2 90%, inFAMOUS 50%, EyePet 60%…) Almost got the BL plat, unless theres some online trophies. Guys thanks for the help and everything, I'll stay on APT.com cause Sony Gaming Forever!!!
Dude that isn't really that many trophies. Just think, in this whole time you have been banned you could have earned double that easily.
Oh and not to sound like a total ass but have you tried restoring the ps3 settings to default and trying to connect then?
MemberWho cares about reviews scores? I don't.
I read reviews to see what that 1 reviewer thinks about it, but i never judge a game by reviews. I'll judge it when i review it MYSELF.
No matter what score it gets by these reviewers (who are these people anyway?) FF XIII will be big for every true FF fan. Reviewers are usually biased depending on what genre they enjoy most.
I've loved every FF to date and this one will be no different.
MemberI've only had the experience with 1 person sending me a msg when they get a new Platinum. It got annoying so i decided to msg just that person when i got a new Platinum, and because my Platinum earning rate was alot faster i think he got the picture lol.
Some people msg me because i have been helping them with that game previously or we played it together.
I don't send msgs myself to people when i get a new Platinum, i just put it as my comment for a while. Until i get my next one or have the need to say something else.
And Mitch, alot of people get excited once they've nailed a new Platinum, especially if it is a hard one and just want to tell someone. Its not a bragging thing at all, well it might be for some people.
MemberHmm if the deletion was permanent i'd so get rid of Trash Panic, PAIN and Buzz Brain Of…
But my PS3 hasn't been affected!
MemberYeah sorry i just searched and read it then…..sounds bad, very bad.
I wish i could use it to get rid of 3 games i have at 0% though lol.
MemberPSN Fiasco?
Memberd4h8a15r16m23a42 said:
FTW! Down to the final two battling for that elusive $50 psn card.
Congrats to gow2rules & TheGeneral09 who both earned the MW2 plat to earn a spot as the final two.
gow vs. gerneral
australia vs. canada
who will win?
Lol they didn't hack the MW2 Plat did they? That'd be cause for a disqualification!
Man i should have went in to the running for this. Although i thought the way it was done could have been better.
Australia FTW!
MemberMiiiitch said:
By the time PS4 comes out I hope they've gotten rid of trophies or at least start again and actually put the effort in to make sure that people can't hack certain platinums and that Sony will actually make a proper leaderboard instead of just talking about it.
And what about the people who havn't hacked and got them all legit?
I do agree that more needs to be put in to prevent hacking and a proper leaderboard thats regulated would be nice ie no multiple players to an account etc. Oh and you can always tell when someone has hacked something so theyre only fooling themselves.
I think they should stick with 'Trophies' though as the idea of bronze, silver, gold and Platinum is very good.
I would like its security ramped up and everyone reset to 0 that way we can all start again fair.
MemberNO S##T!
75 Platinums atm and by the time ps4 comes out ill have double that. And many of those Plats i have put alot of time and effort into and they are hard to get!