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MemberLol trust ShadeBlack to have the Special Edition, hes in love with Rapture.
Heh i got it too 🙂
MemberPlease let my PS3 trophies show up on my PS4 profile when it comes out, i don't want all my hard work go to waste….and i mean ALOT.
MemberWell if you guys read the topic title it says 'fritz', which some of you may have never heard of.
It's a chess game and can be a very quick plat if you're good at chess or use chess software.
BTW, whenever someone posts a problem they're having and then they figure it out the best thing to do is explain how you did it, that way when somone else has the same problem you've given them an answer.
MemberAre you sure its 'pure' as it may not be as white as you think. Your sure its the world tendency that must be pure white or your character tendency?
MemberI'm happy if there is no DLC. This means that everything they made for FF13 is on the disc and they're not ripping us off by making us buy a code just to unlock something thats already on the disc (Resident Evil 5).
Also most DLC these days are nothing compared to the actual game so who cares. Also i am a major fan of the Final Fantasy series so i am hopeful that there is a tonne of side quests to do like most previous itinerations already on the disc. Otherwise FF will have lost its soul.
MemberYou can use vita chambers if you so wish but there is a trophy for not using vita chambers. True you could do a run on easy without vita chambers, and then do a run on hard with the vita chambers on. But tbh hard isn't very hard at all and vita chambers are a complete waste of time. Just save frequently.
Also remember to save every little sister and spare everyone. Trust me 😉
MemberOk where do i start….
First of all just because a person has an easy Platinum doesn't mean you should lose respect for them. To alot of people collecting trophies is FUN and getting 100% brings a sense of satisfaction no matter what game it is. Just pointing out i have not played Hannah Montana and i refuse too. But just because someone has it i doesn't mean u should look down on them. If you want to judge someones gaming abilities go by what Platinums He/She does have.
For example i have some easy Plats like Ice Age and Monsters vs Aliens, which i both enjoyed playing mind you. But i also have harder to get Plats like Batman and Demons Souls.
Also i am sick and tired of people who have less trophies say that trophies mean nothing, sure they are just digital trophies but you could say the same thing about real life trophies. What i mean is theyre both just representations of someones accomplishments. Would you say someones real life trophy of winning their basketball leage means nothing to them? No, you wouldn't. If 'casual' gamers want the respect of 'hardcore' gamers then you should show us some repect too.
It's people like you BigWoop who seem like the losers to me, when they get all upset at people who enjoy the fun and competition of trophies. If your argument is aimed at the people who think theyre above others because of their trophies then i guess they deserve it 🙂
Trophies are a representation of our gaming accomplishments. Us more hardore gamers know the value of each Platinum so we know which ones to be proud of and which ones to give respect to. For example i respect anyone who has the Batman Plat. I also respect someone who only has easy Plats if they give me respect aswell, but if someone does only have easy Plats it says to me they aren't as skilled as others or theyre just not dedicated.
February 2, 2010 at 9:41 am in reply to: Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection/ Sega Mega Drive Collection #56739Oz-Metalhead
MemberDoc-B said:
If it wasn't about the trophies you'd just play the version you own again…
I said in my first post that aquiring trophies is fun, and if i want to play a game again and earn trophies at the same time it is a win win situation. At level 23 one game makes bugger all difference, sure i am playing the game again for trophies but that is just the bonus, not the sole reason.
Memberredbren said:
Grand Theft Auto IV – Auf Wiedersehen Petrovic – bronze
Win in all variations of multiplayer games
Ok what JACKASS thought this was a good idea,
“I have an idea, lets make the player boost for 11 hours without turning off the game, where our glitched trophy probably wont pop and when they keep trying it make it pop at the most illogically random time” “Oh yeah, lets make it a bronze trophy too”
AWP does not have to be done in 1 sitting. Sometimes a win will not register on the leaderboads, it has nothing to do with 1 sitting. After doing all modes that are required and the trophy doesn't pop it's just a matter of going through your stats to see which one didnt register. For me Bomb The Base didn't register the first time i did it within time so i just repeated it, AFTER i had turned my console off. 🙂 It also helps to have an accurate checklist.
It does take alot of time to do it though. Just like Ghostbusters 'Gozer's Most Wanted'
January 30, 2010 at 6:54 pm in reply to: Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection/ Sega Mega Drive Collection #56531Oz-Metalhead
MemberDoc-B said:
People who play the two diff. versions are simply boosting there level = gay…
Buy some new games that you don't know exactly what to do to get the trophies… The Jap version of demon souls is supposed to be hard as f****NO PROFANE LANGUAGE PLEASE*** compared the US/UK versions though?
One of my mates has bout 20 more games than me but I'm still kicking his ass…. It's all about quality not quantity!!
I disagree, some people who play the 2 versions of a game may simply enjoy that game alot, that is the main reason i would replay a different version. I could just play the game again but to earn the trophies again is fun, not necessarily for the level boost. At my level 1 game doesnt make a whole lot of difference.
And just so you know I have the Jap Version Demons Souls Plat 😉 And I plan to get the US version aswell purely because i enjoy that game very much.
I don't think it is a long way to go for another version if you really enjoy the game, importing doesn't cost that much. I do admit all these games are wasting my money just a tad though lol.
January 27, 2010 at 6:22 pm in reply to: Sonic’s Ultimate Genesis Collection/ Sega Mega Drive Collection #56328Oz-Metalhead
MemberYes these 2 games have 2 seperate trophy lists, have a look at my ID if you wish to see.
There are also several other games out there that have duplicate lists, the ones i have found are Bioshock, Demon's Souls, Wanted, Fear 2, GI Joe, Cross Edge, Disgaea 3, Lego Indiana Jones, NBA 2K10, PES 2010, Skate 2, Sonic Unleashed/Sonic World Adventure, Tomb Raider Underworld, and Spelunkers.
PSN games include Heavy Weapon, Lemmings and The Last Guy.
I only like to get duplicate lists in games i really enjoy, so i'll be seeking the other Bioshock and Demon's Souls.
Enjoy 🙂
MemberBigWoopMagazine said:
@Oz-Metalhead – well said, and damn, you have a lot of trophies, I can't even begin to understand how you do that with juggling a job and a family as well. I have to assume anyone with more probably does it as a career (unpaid, heh), or has multiple users on the account. If you play offline and only get online to sync trophies, its probably easy to sidestep any cheat detection, if there is any.
Playing offline wouldn't sidestep cheat detection as when you earn a trophy the exact date and time is recorded, regardless of being online or not. When they're synched it wouldn't make sense having 2 trophies earned on 2 different games at exactly the same time.
The rumour is that the reason KingOfAll Games (The original leader) stopped playing was because he got caught cheating and was banned, that's just a rumour though.
MemberIt's an awesome game. I recommend. However it is not the easiest of Plats. 🙂
MemberGo to http://www.ps3trophycard.com Once you enter your PSN ID you will be added to the leaderboard, which you can update free once a day or get a subscription for multiple automatic updates a day. This is the most accurate leaderboard i know of as it updates off of your own psn id's and not manually like most.
It also has a sister site called http://www.ps3trophyguide.com, this doesn't have guides but does have all the trophies and who were the first ones in the world to get said trophies. It's interesting to see if you get in the top 50 in world to get said Plat. I was 10th to get Fallout 3 Plat, would have been sooner if i didn't have to work the first 2 days the trophies came out!
I have 58 Platinums myself, and the world leader has 102.
It isn't certain whether Hakoom cheats by having multiple people playing on his account but i'd say sony would ban him if there were trophies crossing over with others, ie date and time the same on different games, which would prove the use of more than 1 person on the account at the same time.
It wouldn't surprise me if Hakoom is 100% legit as i think if i didn't have work and family i would be up there maybe even no.1 myself but alas i don't have the time. If he is legit he has all the money he needs without ever working and just games 24/7. If that is the case it's a bit sad but he did say he is just doing what he loves. I wonder if he knows what it's like to have a woman, lol.
Anywho, that's the most accurate leaderboard out there. It's not official but it is excellent.
MemberOMFG i cannot wait for the next elder scrolls. It will have trophies too, something i wished oblivion did. Awesome. Another game on my 'Must Play' list.
Does anyone actually have any details about New vegas? Because im not sold on whether i am going to be interested in it or not…I find vegas boring tbh.