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MemberThe General said:
1206 with 19 plats (could/should be 21 but haven't pumped in the time 2 get 10000 kills on R2 and I have the tattooed millionaire glitch, although I will get around to the R2 plat eventually lol).
I'm sure there is a way around that tattooed millionaire glitch….have you stayed connected to the ea servers ie in online mode and earned 1 million in cash? Not your cash total but a whole 1 million dollars while online in one session? Should be easy just repeating hook challenge. And have you tried deleting you game data utility for mercanaries 2? Sometimes that helps…
Anyway i have 2760 trophies, 48 of them Platinum.
I'm chasing Insomniac Killer
MemberIt isn't a noob Plat but it is an easy one. You do have to research up how to get the last few trophies. 'Butcher Would Be Proud' 'Dr. Lobotomy' and 'Catch Me If You Can'. I can't remember exactly how to do it now but there is a trick where u only play the first checkpoint, quit then load up last boss and get those trophies alot easier.
November 1, 2009 at 10:19 am in reply to: Demon’s Souls: Prepare to throw your controller at your TV on Halloween #48466Oz-Metalhead
MemberI have the Demon's Souls Platinum.
It is difficult starting out and the first mission to kill the first boss can be hard. But once you learn how to dodge effectively and choose your favourite technique it gets easier, mine was to hide behind a tower shield and use a spear/pike at the same time as guarding lol.
There is an english wiki guide site that has everything you need to know to Platinum this game.
You have to complete this game 2.5 times at least to get everything and that's if you use the equipment glitch to be able to 're use' your demon's souls for the magic's rather than the weapons.
And getting that pure bladestone takes FOREVER! unless u have a friend who can lend u a maxed out bladestone weapon. Unfortunatley i didnt, and you can only get it from a total of 3 enemies i think. I killed the 1 guy over 200 times to get mine!
Good luck everyone else with this game! 🙂
MemberHaha ive gone through that exact guide on the xbox achievment site.
Membercolton10_lfc_torres said:
no i just don't know if its comin out in europe so if it ain't i won't get it last usa game i tried on ps2 didn't work just assuming usa games dont work on my ps3 would they?
USA games will work on your PS3. PS3's aren't region locked. I live in Australia and i have imported games from USA, Europe, Asia and Japan. 🙂
MemberIn my opinion what matters to most of the hardcore gamers is the amount of Platinums.
Buuuuuuut which Platinums you have also is of interest here, some people can brag that they have 10,20, 30 or 40 Plats etc but they could all be easy kids games or that ridiculous Hannah Montana game, which i'd like to point out i don't have. lol
For example i have 47 Platinums for a total of 2691 trophies, a good 20 of those are easy games like AITD, Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs, Terminator Salvation, Sega Collection, Cabela's Outdoor Adventures Etc. But alot of them are harder to come by plats that require a bit more effort and concentration, for example, Bionic Commando, Ghostbusters, Sacred 2, Borderlands, Demon's Souls etc.
To alot of newcomers to the addiction that is trophy hunting a high ammount of Platinums/trophies will look good, but to the more seasoned hardcore gamers the ammount of Platinums plus what actual Platinums you have are of more importance. I for one think more of a gamers dedication if they have several very hard to come by Plats rather than a bunch of easy kid's games.
So for me it isnt neccesarily the ammount of Platinums, Trophies Or Trophy Level but what Platinums they have based on the difficulty of those Platinums. That's my rant 🙂
MemberI got it! I didn't register at any site except for au.playstation.com, us.playstation.com and uk.playstation.com lol
I guess just luck of the draw…I doubt the amount of trophies or trophy level came into the selection. Although that's what i thought to myself at first lol….ego trip….
Anyway the game is brutal! Lots of blood and its great to see kratos in next gen graphics kicking some butt.
Ripping the eye out of the cyclops was deliciously brutal and so was ripping helios's head off….
MemberMiiiitch said:
DEMON-ONE13 does not have the most platinums it is some guy whose psn is Hakoom he has more then DEMON but they all cheat in some form to get that many plats which is pathetic and personally i just think these guys are trash.
What do you mean by cheating mitch? Maybe they are all rich people with lots of time on their hands and play 110 hours a week….
MemberAlmir-96 said:
wow why would you go show off that you have no life like really get one..35 plats.wtf what do you do all day. im level 6 and only one plat and thats because i have better things than playing the ps3 24/7!
you don't have to play all day to have 35 plats. I have 33 and i don't play all day. I also work 60 hours a week and commute 1000kms to work a week, have family and girlfriend aswell and i still manage to get lots of trophies.
So that's no excuse at all…
Thats an insane amount of trophies, you must get about 1 hours sleep a night!!!!
I read on another site about a guy who has 56 platinums and games about 100-130 hours a week!!! Personally I reckon that's bs, but you never know.
It's true. If you go to the playfire site the guy at the top has like 3600 trophies, and another has about 56 platinums. I don't have enough time on my hands to have that many as i have work and family commitments.
Memberparnakas said:
Oz- nice rant. Just by your name, i can tell you are a metal-head (its in your name!) and then you have oz, which i am assuming is Ozzy?
MemberYeah i read it on a adelaide now, a news site. It says that she said she was one on her personal blog and that shes had surgery.
Anyway, back on topic…
MemberI am a pure metalhead. I like just about every sub genre of metal. And when i say metal i mean proper metal not those sappy emo losers.
And for those who think its just a blur, alot of metal songs are very complex and you just need the right ear to hear everything.
Also i do not class screamo as metal. Screamo to me is when emos whine like little girls. Death growls and 'screaming' is just as much a part of heavy metal as the guitar riffs and the drum beat. Hell you try to do what some of these guys and girls (Arch Enemy lead singer, check her vocals out!) do, your voiceboxes wouldn't last seconds. I guess it is an aquired taste but i freaking love my metal, i do prefer my music to have some traditional melodic vocals aswell as blasting out with some screaming and death growls…..Raaaaaaar, Owwww, Grrrrrrrraaaaaar. As long as it has some kick arse riffs, a solid beat and bass with decent vocals, im on board.
@Parnakas, that alexisonfire song is pretty cool. I like both the singing AND the screaming 🙂
Anyway back on topic,
I HATE Rap (Retards attempting poetry anyone lol)
I mainly don't like rap because of the mentality of most of the people who listen to it and the culture, it's all about capping asses and sex and drugs, and talking quickly is all it is. No offence to any rap fans but the majority of the losers and no hopers in this world listen to it….i can't stand people who are proud of taking drugs and being violent and in gangs etc. Sure us metalheads can hold our own when it comes to fights but we don't have the same mentality as rap does.
I also can't stand doof doof music or dance/trance. Just to boring and repetitive for me.
Most other stuff i can tolerate but i prefer metal over everything else.
@Ratchet525 Oh btw Lady Gaga is a transvestite/hermaphridite (whatever you want to call it)!
I also agree with what I773D33MABL3 says.
One last thing, i think that metal songs have alot more to there music than most other genres, in terms of scope to the music and meaning to the lyrics. Not all songs in metal are focused on hate, even so the majority are meaningfull and aren't about violence, drugs and sex like rap is.
Metal is an awesome way to let off some steam! I think i am done ranting now, i apologise lol.
MemberTotal Trophies = 2030
Platinum = 33
Gold = 141
Silver = 397
Bronze = 1459
Level 16 – 55%
I too am addicted. Lol
I too am working on getting 100% on all of my games now so my trophy collection won't go up as fast, but still will.
MemberNice guide shadeblack. I agree this game is fun, and you can 100% it pretty easy…although im stuck on 'Sneaky Incursion'. I don't pay enough attention because im multi tasking lol, so i get hit by stray bullest or skim one of the baddies!