Forum Replies Created
MemberNope. Adelaide!
MemberAlthough if this site did have a leaderboard it would probably need another moderator or 2 to help the one and only admin we have!
Member#9….i suppose. I don't even think this site has 100 active users does it?
I'm already in a leaderboard on another site, which the leader has over 3000 trophies…but if we did one here maybe i'd be on top! hehe….
Membergow2rules said:
the only other aussies i've seen on here is mitch and u know one of my friends has the exact same name as him both first and last name
Hey you forgot about me! Im Australian! 'Oz'
MemberDJTarran said:
woah hold it there english teacher your not judging me by my grammer and structure on a forum are you?next you'll be spell checking me ha ha and were im from MATE you'd get slashed speaking my tounge so to say im arsed about a beating would be stupid
as for the whole weaker man shit LOL you havent got any reaction out of me apart from the sheer enjoyment of getting people rilled and yes that may be sad in your eyes but hey what even tickles your pickle is what you should be doing right? like the topic in hand if you like whoring throphies then do it if you dont then dont
check the colourful language there sir
Knives are for weak men who can't use their fists. There isn't an ounce of you anyone could consider to be a man. The only topic i care about at this moment is where i laugh my head of at your weak attempt to 'rile' us up.
MemberDJTarran said:
thats were you to are retarded aswell, if no one cares about what i say then why are people replying to them? including you why waste your time posting about something i said if in fact 'you dont care what i say' RETARD
and weve been down the whole you'll get banned shit and if you saw my post before i dont give to shits ill just make another account if need be, and yes all the ones trying to be intelligent might say he can ban my ip address for which i still dont care as ill just sign in from home or a library somewhere so either way i dont give shits, ADMIN f*** OFF
We reply because it's funny to see what your next pathetic insult will be. Your the only one who seems to care. Going to all this effort to make more accounts….all to be able to do what your doing. Your life must be really interesting and fulfilling. You must wake up each day reading all the forums to see who you can insult next. Get a life.
MemberDJTarran said:
LOL at kingofgames, to whole reson im on this site is im fishing for cocks like you to bite, and for one i shall do what ever the f*** i want to if i want to leave i shall same if i want to stay, as for the whole run to your daddy is lame bit i was meerly pointing out the fact that oz has infact got no balls but credit were credits due you sure do stand up for yourself i would go as far to say i liked you if it wernt for the fact your jewish
and as for the whole trying to guess who i am would you not agree that that two is 'lame' (im guessin your all yanks coz who the f*** uses the word lame anymore?) but if you want to go down that route im guessin your…………… sad, seen as you dont know me and i dont know you you can see how pathetic you are by trying to guess something about someone i could go as far as saying its retarded you see i could sit hear and say im not early 20s but you probably be sad enough to say you dont believe me same as my job status and family life, just as them cocks said collpenis isnt a games tester, why? coz your all sad LOL
Do you even listen to yourself spit out that dog shit from your mouth? I'm Australian and around here if someone speaks like that in public they get the shit beat out of them. Learn what maturity and respect are you child. I've stood up for myself the only way possible online and thats with reason not with colourfull language. Your the sad one with the way you talk. Your sentences don't have any structure and your grammar is non-existant. It wouldn't surprise me if you're retarted with an iq below 10.
One way to know what someone is like is by seeing how they react. You for instance react with abuse. It's clear to everyone your a weak little man who can only get strength from tearing into other people with lame insults and bad language. Your a f*** wit. Through and through. You can't deny it your a complete loser.
MemberOz-Metalhead said:
BigWoopMagazine said:
:::sigh::: this shouldn't really be necessary, but Tarran, do you have anything useful to say? The whole point of the forum is to discuss the topic at hand, not just spout obscenities and nonsensical jibberish at random people. Unfortunately I'm sure I'll see more of that coming from you, but dude, its just lame.
Oz-Metalhead – precisely. Thats exactly what I was trying to get at, I think you just may have said it better. Kudos dude.
Hey you can go on my respect this aswell
I meant you can go on my respect LIST! lol
MemberDJTarran said:
LOL at whats his face ha ha lame, see how you only target yours truly when half the people on here are talkin about some nob being a games tester, that just prooves your a dick and seem to target the weaker ones to make yourself seem hard or intelligent in some way, just for your ego i wouldnt even want to start coz i know for a fact i could wipe the floor with any argument with you
LOL at oz do you honestly think i give two fliers about some shitty site full of little imature kids going on about trophies? if my posts dont get me banned then how bout this, the admin or owner of this site actually sucks cocks for money and is infact retarded, so your atempt to try and scare me into discontinuing my posts have failed, you see whats the worst that can happen? i get banned dont really care tbh from what i can see oz your nothing short of a wanker who instead of standing up for ones self your the kid that goes “im tellin my dad on you” how about you grow a pair then stop wearing high heels and womens clothes then see what being a man feels like
Your a complete child. I am a mature adult who doesn't feel the need to put others down and rant like a complete loser to make myself feel better.
And tell me how do my posts make me out to be a wanker? Are you upset that you find that you yourself are a complete noob compared to my collection? Or are you just some idiot making stupid posts for a laugh? If so then just piss off and try to accomplish something worthwhile than wasting your time being a pain in the arse to make yourself feel better. Go see a shrink.
Memberdizzel22 said:
Trophies are great for adding challenges but in no way should have to go for 100% on all games , if anything trophies can tell you how much someone liked a game or if there struggling with it, what about if a game brings out crap DLC (Resident evil 5 , Prince of persia ) , or what if it has crap online (Killzone 2) , or what if the game is ment to be good but turns out crap (Bioshock) .
Im not going for 100% while its not enjoyable and how the f*** is not having enough time or being bored of the game not an excuse , u can play to bore yourself while missing out on other stuff to get 100% all you like , but dont expect everyone else to .
Not getting 100% on a game doesnt mean your a whore or that your not a collector , good chance you just dont like the game
@DJTarran sounds like you might wanna see a doctor because you really come across as having schizophrenia (got a friend with it ,he comes up with the same kinda wierd shit as you).
I know everyone is entitled to an opinion but how can you say bioshock is crap? That game is awesome. And killzone online is good.
Theres no need for swearing on here. It just makes your point invalid because no one listens to someone who rants like that.
If your a good enough gamer you can 100% many games and still get to play all the great releases. Just play for fun people.
MemberBigWoopMagazine said:
:::sigh::: this shouldn't really be necessary, but Tarran, do you have anything useful to say? The whole point of the forum is to discuss the topic at hand, not just spout obscenities and nonsensical jibberish at random people. Unfortunately I'm sure I'll see more of that coming from you, but dude, its just lame.
Oz-Metalhead – precisely. Thats exactly what I was trying to get at, I think you just may have said it better. Kudos dude.
Hey you can go on my respect this aswell 🙂
Member@ DJTarran
As soon as the admin gets a look at this thread your account will most likely be banned….
So if you think your trophy count is how big your penis is then look at my collection if you dare. PSN ID Oz-Metalhead
MemberHow could i forget GOW 1 and 2! I have them also.
I can't remember the rest as most of them are packed away collecting dust as i am too busy collecting trophies!
MemberI still have most of my collection….
GTA San Andreas
GTA Vice City
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy XII
PSN 1 games are…
Final Fantasy VII
Out of all of those i like to play Alundra the most! Followed by FFX, i like FFX because it can take between 150-250 hours of gameplay to max out the sphere grid and beat Penance ligit without zanmato, i bet no one knows who penance is! hehe
MemberI use this awesome MGS4 theme. The icons are japanese (i assume) symbols that look great. All the icons are finished off nicely and very sharp. The background pictures are also very cool and change every time i play a different game. It's one of the few custom themes that are very well done and finished off.