#1 Site For Playstation 3 Trophy Lists And Guides With An Awesome Community!
the guy from bioshock is waaay stronger
but sackboy is just so damn awesome!!
PS3 Trophies said: Yeah but GTA4 isn't any “old game”, it's the most sold ps3 game to date
PS3 Trophies said:
Yeah but GTA4 isn't any “old game”, it's the most sold ps3 game to date
wow it is? i didnt even get it
i thought mgs4 would be seeing as it is the best game
lbp is not out yet but how do u not know about it?
WHAT IS SACKBOY????? wow what world r u living in? the people in LittleBigPlanet!!!!!!!
its still a new difficulty and challenge rooms add more gameplay time
easy way to learn….. google!!! lol look up create a website and there you go
i think everyone should have wired connection
never fails on me =)
Insania said: i agree with parnakas
Insania said:
i agree with parnakas
thank you. whats ur psn?
i think all of them will no real reason except for what ps3trophies said
jamesb5374 said: Resistant401 said: graphics =ps3 online=360 the 360 version has online play?
jamesb5374 said:
Resistant401 said: graphics =ps3 online=360
Resistant401 said:
graphics =ps3 online=360
the 360 version has online play?
no version of bioshock has any form of multiplayer graphics are the same ps3 wins because of new difficulty level and challenge rooms
@resistant401, i feel the same WW2 is ridiculous
MGS ALL THE WAY mgs4 is the best game ever made!!!
spyro WAS good on ps1 all the new ones are GARBAGE
@ps3trophies they are VERY repetitive but the game is definately worth a rent if u never played it
@shadeblack lol its fun to make fun of XBOX 3SHITY with no stupid xbox fanboys to bitch about it