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MemberTeam Missions Guide
There are a few things to be aware of when playing these missions. To start off you can play with either an AI partner or another player online. Depending on your internet connection will determine how laggy the game is. If your team mate dies you only have a short amount of time to revive them however once revived your health will be halved everytime you die if you die too much the mission will be over.
During these missions you may only use 1 weapon and 1 type of nimpo. Additionally you will not be able to recover your health with any items. The missions are separated into 5 difficulties Acolyte, Warrior, Mentor, Master Ninja and Ultimate Ninja. If your playing with an AI partner don't attempt any team mission above Warrior as the AI is terrible on harder difficulties.
I will give strategy's for beating all missions except Acolyte and Warrior as these are not difficult. Please see below:
Mentor 01
This mission takes place in a mansion fortunately you will not encounter any bosses in this mission just wave after wave of ninja's. There are several ways to beat this mission you can both play as Rachel and shoot anything that moves with the gun by pressing R2 or you can kill them like a ninja. You should only use Nimpo when you are in trouble as long as you defeat all the enemies you will complete the mission.
Mentor 02
Once again you will not face any bosses here. Except this time around you will not only face ninja's but you will also face these worm like creatures be careful on these as they can deal a lot of damage if they grab you. Use your Nimpo whenever you are in trouble and you should be fine.
Mentor 03
Unlike the previous 2 missions you will face off against a boss it is much easier to defeat this boss as Rachel as her gun will deal a lot of damage to the boss. However be careful as the boss will spawn minions at certain intervals as soon as its life reaches a certain point they will summon help.
Mentor 04
This level can be frustrating as most of the enemies here carry Rocket Launchers!! I would strongly recommend you try to co-ordinate your efforts on taking these out first but be careful as more will spawn. Once you get through all that you will need to face off against a boss in my experience the Tonfa is best on him with the combo Forward, Triangle, Triangle, L1, Triangle you need to keep hold of forward while performing this move. You should try and hit him with Forward, Triangle if you miss keep evading until he either lands or finishes his combo. If he is hit with the first move continue the combo it takes a while to master it but it is very effective.
Mentor 05
This is the hardest Mentor mission without question. Not only do you need to beat wave after wave of enemies but this time around you will face off against 2 bosses who both spawn backup when their life reaches certain levels. I would strongly recommend you use Rachel for this mission as the bosses are quite slow therefore run away from them then when you are at a safe distance start shooting then when they are close to you back off rinse and repeat until both bosses are defeated.
Master Ninja 01
This is where things get really difficult from this point on if you are grabbed you die even if you have full life! On this mission you will need to beat several waves of enemies and 2 different bosses. I would strongly advise you use the Howling Cannon if your not good at fighting the last boss. After completing several waves you will receive a chest this will either provide life or nimpo but on this mission you will always get life.
Boss Strategy 1 – Genshin
It is possible to loop genshin by performing the Izuna Drop Combo with either the Lunar Staff or Enma's Fang. The idea is once you hit the ground after a successful Izuna you must immediately start another. If you can pull this off you will defeat the boss without taking damage.
Boss Strategy 2 – Bone Fiend
If 1 person distracts the boss the other can shoot him with the Howling Cannon but this method will take a long time before the boss is defeated. Also the boss will fall to the ground once his health is depleted to a certain level when he falls shoot a Piercing Void Nimpo in his chest but DON'T perform an Ultimate nimpo as this will ruin it. If you hit his weak spot within his ribcage you will deal a considerable amount of damage therefore you will need to conserve your nimpo.
Master Ninja 02
As soon as the mission starts cast an Ultimate nimpo to wipe out all the flying enemies but on occasion 1 will survive. Now each player needs to take a boss and defeat them i personally use the Tonfa. When the boss finishes a combo press Square, Triangle, Square, Square, Triangle this will take a lot of damage off. Be careful as this boss will try and grab you often.
Once you take them out a chest will appear with some life. The next wave you should perform Ultimate techniques to dispatch the enemies quickly but beware these will explode when taken out. Complete the wave for another chest this will restore some nimpo. The next wave cast an Ultimate Nimpo to kill all the enemies and surprise surprise you get another chest. The final wave is against the Black dragon.
Master Ninja 03
This is the hardest Master Ninja mission of them all. There are 5 bosses to defeat after each boss a chest will appear with some much needed health. Please see below for boss strategy's:
Boss 1 – Alexia
It is imperative that you are using the Blade of the Archfiend as this is one of the best weapons in the game. The boss will always target the host therefore as soon as the boss is next to you use the following combo with the Blade of the Archfiend Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle.
If Alexia dodges it and starts attacking block the first hit and keep dashing to the left until his combo ends then use the combo above. If he tries to pound the ground you can jump to evade the attack. If he goes into a tornado spin you need to move L3 360 degrees and press Triangle if done correctly you will not receive any damage.
It is vital that you stay close to Alexia at all times as he can be a real handful if you give him space to breathe.
Boss 2 – Volf
There are many ways to take Volf out using the Blade of the Archfiend you can perform the combo Triangle, Triangle, Triangle, Triangle whenever his combo finishes and the combo L3 360 degrees and Triangle whenever he starts a combo.
Whenever he slams his fist on the ground you can execute a difficult move which you can use repeatedly to loop him by pressing Forward, Triangle and then hold Triangle if you keep doing it you can kill him without being hit. However if Volf hits a wall the combo will be broken.
Boss 3 – Zedonius
Zedonius is a pain if you can't deal with him. As soon as he starts shooting fireballs at you you have 2 options you can run away and evade them or you can interrupt his combo by pressing Square and X together then press Triangle however this takes great timing to pull off.
If he flies in the air he will slam the ground the easiest way to avoid being hit is by pressing Square and X together as soon as he is about to land or you can perform L3 360 degrees and Triangle using the blades.
Also if he shoots a beam of fire out of his chest both players can start to attack him if your using the Blade of the Archfiend do Triangle, Triangle, Triangle Triangle. Finally if he tries to grab you repeat the 4 Triangle combo.
Boss 4 – Elizabet
For many Elizabet is the hardest boss in Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2. She is fast and unpredictable and can kill you with minimal effort. Whenever you are fighting her its a lot easier if 1 player chooses Rachel as her Ultimate technique will do good damage and will get her attention.
If she is walking towards your partner try and hit her a few times with the Blade of the Archfiend. If she starts to fire blood at you run away if this hits you it will regenerate her life and you don't want that. Stay out of her ranged moves and slowly pick at her life bar until she is defeated.
Boss 5 – Fallen Genshin
This guy is hard to kill using the Blade of the Archfiend but you can use the L3 360 degrees and Triangle combowhenever his combo ends or whenever he lands but this boss has a lot of fire attacks which will penetrate your block.
The easiest way to beat him is with the Tonfa using the combo Forward, Triangle, Triangle, L1, Triangle. But if the first hit misses don't continue the combo if you do he will kill you in seconds. If you use the same method as Mentor 4 you will be fine.