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Memberhmm i think i saw a similar game like that in the Japanese PS Store..it's called AngelLoveOnline or something like that..but i may try it out if it's any good
Memberi would love to join…me and kingawol are having a rivalry going on and we are tied 1 – 1..that's one kill on each other..lol
i'm in the middle east GMT:+04:00 but online anytime..just message me here or on PSN if you are going thru with this plan
Memberthe best combination for any online mode (for me atleast) is the Hutchinson A4 + Silencer with the addition of the Faster Shots and Extra Damage Perks..this setup helped me get the Platinum for the game faster and easier
Memberthis happens rarely on PSN..they do a maintenance and they make PS Store and Account Management inaccessible for awhile while they do upgrades and repairs on PSN..so no need to worry and just wait a few hours till its accessible again.
Memberi've reached it since march..a few of my friends in PSN have already reached 1000..
Memberthat guy is either paid or real no-life gamer..lol
but c'mon seriously..39 platinums? i myself couldn't be bothered to platinum an easy game for one day because i get easily bored in playing games..i play them an hour or so then play the game for the next day to finish it or something because the game gets boring for me for a while if i continue any further..i need to meet this guy in person and ask questions on how does this and what's his problem..lol
Memberdeathclaws never scared me one bit…they met my friends A3-21's Plasma rifle and Protectron's Gaze the first time i encountered one..the only one they killed is DogMeat..no pun intended lol
MemberSonic's Ultimate Genesis/Sega Mega Drive Collection are both easy platinums and they are the same game but different trophies in the trophy list…
Wanted:Weapons Of Fate,The Godfather II and WWE Legends of Wrestlemania are to name a few.
Eat Lead:The return of Matt Hazard and Uncharted:Drake's Fortune almost an easy platinum if you know what to do and how to survive the hardest difficulty of both games.
resident evil 5 is also an easy platinum if you have a good co-op partner to play with and help you out.
burnout paradise is also an easy platinum and really fun to play
resistance 2 was my 4th platinum..the platinum was kinda easy because the 10,000 Kills trophy was kinda fun to play with along with my clan
and need i mention Hannah Montana:The Movie Game? i myself didn't play this but it seems it's a real easy platinum.
Memberdid you get any trophies that didn't meet the requirements but still popped up? either you did some of the requirements then reinstalled the trophy patch it all popped up together or it's a really huge glitch..either way,that's an easy platinum for you
Memberhmm interesting..you should check around gaming sites for news about it..recently there was competition for the Fat Princess Beta that I wanted to join but I was too late..hopefully i can get into this games beta…please update us if by chance you have any news of it
Memberright,what l8scent said
MemberI'm not sure about this but from what i have read,you can use the partitioning program Swiss Knife to make huge FAT32 partition in your hard disk unlike other FAT32 partitioning programs that give you smaller capacity to partition..again i'm not sure about this okay
Membereither you used a bike or you must delete your current save,just copy it to another user or a usb thumb drive,then start a new game then do the online timed challenges there.then after that copy back your old save..it's a glitch that sometimes happens to everyone or most of the time happens to everyone
Memberpobert06 said:
the game is fun but xbots ranting about it being ported it to the PS3? it looks like they are trying to spare us from getting the game because of what EA will do if Left 4 Dead will be brought to the PS3…lol
Memberkingofgames73 said:
How big are the maps i was impressed when i heard of three maps, but am wondering if they are actually that big, also if their side stuff to do like with saints row 2 because i couldnt give a dam about a big city with no actual fun minigames to do “cough” GTAIV
There are three maps in the game:Florida which is the biggest,next is Cuba and then New York being the smallest.I hope they add new maps to explore because the game itself felt short.
As for the gameplay,there are no real sidequest/minigames aside from taking over rackets,finding weapons upgrades,doing favors for corrupt officials and favors from citizens of every city for money or for a killing condition of a made men in a rival Family and finding a few good men to recruit for your family..other than the that the game is really easy to finish and getting the platinum but it's still enjoyable in my opinion even though it's too easy.