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MemberKILLER369 said:
amazon: samsung spinpoint 500gb 2.5″ SATA HDD (internal)
is that HDD 7200 rpm or 5400 rpm? i plan to upgrade my 320 GB too because the effin thing is almost out of space so fast..
MemberI hope that it will be serialized into english..i just hope that it won't be like Yakuza 3
MemberFact: Chuck Norris once ate spicy foods. That incident is now called Global Warming.
Memberguys can you clear this up…which is the toro station? is it the first option on the first button on the main menu? or all of this in the sub-options are toro station? because i've done all of the videos on the first option and there are plenty of others to choose from…can i watch this particular video until i get the trophies or do i need to watch different ones too?
MemberFact: Counting from 1 – 10 increases your IQ by .1%
Fact: Counting backwards from 10 – 1 decreases your IQ by 1%
Membernope you must select each news and end it by rating it..also there are some news that you have to select which do you want to choose out of the following which you have to select also..came back to select a new one and saw that i had to watch the screen once in a while to avoid wasting time..
Memberoh and one more tip if you don't want to mash the X button continously..i just read this in the mainichi issho page that you can actually set how long is the pause in each message that the cats says…
you can select the last option in the main menu then select the second option in the sub window then from there you can set how long is each message before they move on..the first option is mashing the x button..second one is 1 sec. each message then so on and so forth..hope that helps
Memberthey should have named the Platinum Trophy “Change”…
and oh yeah i saw another trophy list for Metal Gear Solid 4..you should see how many trophy whores that are so pissed because of the fake trophy list..lol
Memberwhoa thanks for the info gamer47..i just saw this topic revived again thinking it was another of those guys asking/begging for the trophies to come back..now to get back where i left off
Memberno it's fixed now..disabled my net for a day and turned off router for a hour..worked the next day..god that was torture..lol
Memberi've tried it several times..
I've even try logging in through the PlayStation Website but the the log in form won't even appear..only network timeout is showing in the screen when i click log in..must be my country's PSN or something..
anyways thanks for the tips guys..i'll try and fix this and sort out what the problem is
Memberi'm not using an ethernet cable..i'm using Wi-Fi..
Memberand prototype is not ps3 exclusive…inFamous is
if you wanted to count that in as a factor for choosing
Memberno it doesn't say DNS Error..if it says DNS error i would immediately know where to fix it but this is the error i'm getting not DNS error
MemberXeroTheGreat said:
They are known as a .ISO because a .ISO file is a disk image, meaning it can be burned to a disk easily. And isn't the whole piracy thing screwing the game industry? I mean with everyone pirating games, these game companies are losing billions each year.
And to the original post: I'd say Far Cry, because even though the story is kinda suckish, it has huge potential.
I think they are making one…But Uwe Boll is directing the movie…I need not explain who this guy is..just search for the name and you'll see for yourself