Forum Replies Created
MemberI would say Uncharted but there is a movie with the same genre that is National Treasure…
I'd say no video game movie because video game movies are crap..they should stick from making comics to movie or novels to movie which are better
MemberI'm not sure bout inFamous..looks overhyped but the gameplay looks so repetitive and all i see is electrocuting every enemy on your way..
Prototype looks good but i can't be sure either if it will be really good or just hype..
What I'm waiting for is The Agency..but haven't heard any news about the game
Memberi'll help you out once i get my game…i've played the game a little i just got used to the controls when i played my the game from my friend's ps3..
Memberthat's what i heard..Punisher War Zone or something like that..like Watchmen the End Is Nigh
Memberthat's GIF image..you can create your own if you want to..i just forgot what application what that was.
MemberDoctor_Rock said:
Games I really want:
- Wanted: Weapons Of Fate
- Guitar Hero: Metallica
- Pokemon: Platinum (Bye bye testicles!)
- Batman: Arkham Asylum
- Ghostbusters: The Video Game
- iNfamous
- Prototype
- Heavy Rain
- Uncharted 2
- God Of War 3
Games I will probably rent and buy once they're cheaper:
- UFC: Undisputed
- Fight Night Round 4
I'd suggest renting Wanted:Weapons of Fate cause it's a really easy game. story mode can be finished in an hour. as for the other's on the list that's what i'm planning to get too..besides the Pokemon
Memberthe warhawk and bad company one..those trophies are both a pain in the ass
Membershadeblack said:
yeah i don't trust game sites reviews… I tend to make my opinion of a game when i've actually played it.
unless it's a game i know I'll hate, like hannah montannah, I just won't bother with ones like that.
P.S I can't believe that some people are actually willing to get that game for the easy trophies.
hannah montana trophies? OMFG…i must get that game
well some game reviews site/shows have different opinions in judging the games so you can't trust them all the time
one example is Adam Sesslar of X-Play from G4TV..he gave resident evil 5 a 3/5 rating..he gave it that rating because he thinks the game is racist because of the killing of the black people,the gameplay mechanics and coop isnt that good and something about the graphics i didn't care to listen too.
yeah so it's hard or it's better not to trust in game reviews site/shows because they'll spill out uther nonsense most of the time rather than judging the gameplay or even the game itself.
Membershadeblack said:
Ratchet525 said:
One A? What was everything else an A++?
Nah… if you really want to fine split… I only ever got:
one A*
one A (we don't have plus or minus, however, the *(star) in A* means perfect marks e.g. 99 or 100 out of 100).
and the rest of my grades on average are B's C's and D's. Heck, I even got U in R.E. But personally I think that's because of my somewhat “extreme” views on differing religions. Although, what maybe classed as extreme to my teacher certainly wasn't for me. R.E studies is a hack if you ask me.
Oh and don't get me started on General Studies… I got a D in that for my final exam. I don't know why though, I should have failed it… I went into the exam, and instead of answering the questions, I wrote a story about giant killer ants. maybe the examiner liked the story? who knows.
lol you must have a heck of childhood shade..i had my ups and downs too in my grades but somehow i always end up being in the top of the class..even if don't study i somehow get an A in my subjects that i'm not interested in..weird really..but somehow college changed that,must be my professors intimidating me lol
Membernope clan ribbons doesnt count…i'm not in a clan when i got that trophy..
i think it's glitched and gravity games didn't fix it yet..got it randomly when i was logging in..
Memberi Lol everytime i see those epileptic Helghan bodys
Memberguys here's another off-topic question..can anybody sign in into PSN? because I'm currently getting an error and i can't sign in..is this happening to anybody too?
MemberHANDS DOWN it would be God Of War III..
inFamous and Uncharted 2 may put up a fight but they will bow to the greatness that is God Of War III..
God of War I and II was a massive success no doubt this will surpass its predecessors..
i just hope that it won't be the last we see of God Of War
Memberif i remembered correctly my first game was Shinobi from SNES..or something like that.
Memberthedaxxman said:
Edge i'm having some similar problems. Whenever i pop in W@W or boot penny arcade from the hdd it just stops working. I don't understand what is actually going on with it and i called tech support(i actually got a nice dude to answer) and they told me to pay $150. But thats money i dont have. I live on cereal and candy bars for gods sake. I'm pissed. I bought the ps3 so it wouldn't break down and what happens when i get out of warranty. The damned thing stops playing games. But it'll play some games? Not the ones i just coughed up $60 bucks for?!?! Its ridiculous. I actually started to think about calling tech support and threataning to buy and xbox if they don't fix it for free.
this happened frequently to my old 80 GB HDD..i think it's the overusing of the console which did this so i changed it to a 320 GB Tosihiba HDD which works perfectly and now my games run smoothly again..so i'd suggest changing your hard disk with a larger capacity or same one it's upto you..
I was thinking of also buying a 7200 rpm HDD rather than the normal 5400 rpm but i had doubts that it might affect the performance of my PS3 and overheat it..is this true?