Forum Replies Created
Memberi would like to add in the Combined Character trophy
You can eat an animal and a human OR a fruit and a human…the fruit is much easier to eat than the animal because it is much smaller and doesnt move around too much
Memberjamesb5374 said:
the trophies should be free, noone has ever charged for them before!!
well not every trophy is free..some games have DLC that has trophies which we pay for..
Memberno i think its cumulative…because of all the items in the weapon store cost 100K in total..
Memberyou didn't have to shout it out parnakas but thanks..haha
i was thinking of placing a guide too but you guys are doing a great job on it. and the ones im gonna post are the ones you are posting hehe..
good luck with making those guides..you are a great help in this site
Memberfor me it's Tharsis refinery…the war always happens in the middle and when the other team is overruned,they are pinned inside their base for easy picking..and i always bring my trusty rocket launcher for mass killings..lol
radec academy is alright too..but not my favorite one..
MemberOz-Metalhead said:
pobert06 said:
good luck with catching up with whoever you are catching up with 25 platinums..if he's kingofallgames you will have a hard time catching up with him because i think he is a beta tester for Sony and he gets all his games early…
No. Killerxx has the most platinums atm. And sorry he only has 23, i just checked.
KingOfAllGames is no longer on the leaderboard! He's completely dissapeared! WTF he must have cheated….
He's a complete snob though (Killerxx), i wanna catch him just to rub it in his face.
Anyways how did he become a beta tester for sony? I would have thought trophy support would only be in the final release stage of a game, or are you saying he gets the complete games early? Lucky B******
good luck with that you'll need it…i won't be able to get another platinum for a while because I will be busy with a college..
oh yeah and i've read that some guys have been retiring from the leaderboards because of a reason that i don't know and one of them is chucknorris078 who has 20 platinums..maybe kingofallgames is one of those who retired…
Membergood luck with catching up with whoever you are catching up with 25 platinums..if he's kingofallgames you will have a hard time catching up with him because i think he is a beta tester for Sony and he gets all his games early…
MemberKILLER369 said:
WTF! 10 platinums? sorry but i refuse to believe that
better believe it boy…Oz is one of the top trophy hunters in this site..
Memberparnakas said:
Ps3 Freak said:
Elite is easy… its the same as difficult mode just with no HUD lol,
is there HUD on the other difficulties?? cuz i didnt see it on normal……
its pretty hard though..IMO….
there's is a HUD in all difficulties..the only difference is the enemies in Elite is the enemies can kill you instantly if your in a bad spot or in the open..
Memberthe first mission in the room where garza is trying to open the door..when enemies start pouring in,then when they are about to get near you,there is a barrel in the right side of the table when you are facing the enemies..when they get near you can shoot that barrel..it may take a few tries because not all of them will die from the explosion..
MemberPs3 Freak said:
I like the assult class as it has extra health/armour, has rocket launchers and can run super fast….
its even better if u have the M4 Revolver cuz once u run out of rocket ammo u can run round using the pistol…
and yeah that too…i get a suicide once in a while with the rocket launchers but the suicide is worth 4 kills of enemies
Memberparnakas said:
pobert06 – which medal is that??
Corpse Counter…get 8 of the 10% kills in Body Count and you will get that medal
Memberive only play body count recently…ive average 70 – 80 points per game cos i've got the medal that gives me 3 points per kill..
MemberKILLER369 said:
number 1 in in the world!?!?!? should B a damn platinum. how R U sposed to get platinum 4 KZ2 thn? Bc not every1 is gd enough to B number 1 in the world. seriously F’d up s**t
not number 1 in the world..top 1% in the world..
that means if there are 1 millions players playing online,you need to be in the top 10000 in the weekly rankings..
Membershoot down the ones which have a red target on them cause these are the leech pods..don't mind the planes that are flying around that because they are only distractions..i got this on my second try on recruit because i think there are less pods in that difficulty..