Forum Replies Created
MemberI'd say the Saboteur class with the Sub-machinegun…It's just too fun to pass by enemies then you just pop them from behind..
MemberRatchet525 said:
oh so you cant get trophys by using someone elses save data? Damn, I was ganna do it for resistance for the 10000 kills. let me tell you something if you want to get the R2 plat, it gets boring after 4500 kills that youd want to quit and stop playing FPS games!
even if you borrow someone's save for Resistance 2 even if they have 10000 kills,you won't get 10000 kills…because your stats are counted through online and they are stored in Insomniac's servers not in your PS3..
my best tip for the 10000 Kills trophy is find a decent or a fun clan you can play together with..that way you won't get bored getting that trophy..
Member50 Cent maybe uncool in america,but some Arabs worship him like a God or something..i'm not joking lol…
Memberkingawol said:
pobert06 said:
i think this game was submitted before the mandatory trophy support alongside afro samurai so it could be possible that it exceptional to have trophies..unless the dev of the games where to patch it.
no trophies for Afro samurai ?
no trophies..for now i think..dunno if they are going to patch the game
Memberi think this game was submitted before the mandatory trophy support alongside afro samurai so it could be possible that it exceptional to have trophies..unless the dev of the games where to patch it.
Memberyeah i tried that with Devil May Cry 4..i know that it doesnt have trophies but it states that the save game is not mine so my scores will not register on the leaderboards..
Membershadeblack said:
im just saying… a program like limewire or a torrent client will quickly stir up anti-piracy lawsuits.
since sony can monitor just about anyone on the psn, a torrent client to download stuff is probably a bad idea for both sony and ourselves.
plus you wouldn't want to risk your ps3 getting a virus…cause that would suck
Sony has already given us a chance to watch pirated movies thru DivX and played pirated PSone and PS2 games thru Backward Compatibility…i don't think they would let us do any pirated stuff anymore in the PS3..that's just plain suicide for Sony if they are going to do that..
Membershadeblack said:
the main problem with this game, as far as a trophy whore goes, is that you can't invite friends to an online game you've made, and you can't join specific games. it's just filter and the search will join a random game as far as im aware.
this means the online trophies must be done legitimately. almost impossible.
also, yeah 4 people with one grenade? even if you manage to find a group of four enemies, the AI is good enough for them to take cover from it very quickly.
you haven't seen the Fragmerchant Trophy in Killzone 2..you have to kill 5 Helghasts with a single grenade..what's worst is they are like players online..they have communication XD
Membera great place to get this trophy is the map full of eskimos..you can find the prince there in the ground..he's very small and his head is like that of princess lea from star wars but color green..lol
Memberyou need to find a world where Katamaris [Ball with lumps thingy] are dropping from the sky..then look closely in the ground cause he's really small…
Memberi'd like to add in Fallout 3..that game was an easy platinum but the gameplay has longevity and it's really enjoyable..
MemberI'd say BioShock,Resistance 2,Uncharted,Dead Space,Prince of Persia and Killzone 2….I'd also put in Mercenaries 2,it's all fun and mayhem but the glitches plus very bad voice acting killed it…also add Flower..that's one great game..
Memberyup shadeblack..that's my time for the second playthru..i finished it in under 5 hours..my first playthru is 12 something hours so i was really pissed and quickly finish the game thru my second playthru..
Memberoh,so that's the way to know the playtime..i was finishing the game so fast cos i couldn't tell my playtime in my first playthru..i just checked it today and i finished it in five hours…
MemberI'm a Leech,cause that's what type of chimera skin you will get when you reach level 30 in competitive..they are fugly but powerful XD