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MemberDoctor_Rock said:
you know he still think they will make MGS4 for x360
Well, they can. They're bound to be able to fit it on 12 Discs.
that would be correct in some way..Dual Layer HD-DVD is 8GB…Dual-Layer Blu-Ray Disc is 50GB..that would be 6 DL DVDs and 1 Standard DVD..it's PSone all over again when that happens lol..and if i remembered correctly, Hideo Kojima is loyal to Playstation and I don't think he will just sell his masterpiece to Microsoft..
MemberPS3 Trophies said:
For multiplayer the cover system is disabled. So don't get too used to it if you're going to play alot online
ha..guess KZ2 online multiplayer is my kind of game..
Memberit's a special wraith skin that can be gotten when you get the Collector's Edition of Resistance 2..I doesn't do any special damage or anything..it's just really cool to have..i have one my self..
MemberDoctor_Rock said:
Finally had chance to play the demo today. Well, it's really short isn't it?
But, I think that the PS3 is finally showing it's teeth and I can't wait to see other games take advantage of it. Anyone else find the cover system really tricky to use?
cover system is useless for me cause my style is run and gun…but yeah the cover system is bit hard to use when shooting in the corners and i can't blindfire..or i'm missing something?
Memberlowcarbs said:
the party pack is alright, nothing special, really probably could have been 5 bucks for the little it really added, yes there are a bunch of mini games to play with people on 1 tv, and 7 simple trophies, 10 bucks was a little steep, but i bought it anyway
now just waiting for big surf island, that is where it will be at!
yeah..they just added the trophies so more people will get it..they could've just made it a free download in PSN cause it's not worth the $10..can't also wait for the toy cars and big surf island..
Membereasiest are dead space,uncharted,lotr:conquest and prince of persia which can be gotten in 2 – 3 days…mercs 2 and resistance 2 are in the middle cause it's a little bit of work..
hardest is bad company,gta iv and wipeout hd for me cause it'll take time and you need good friends to help you out in these games..
Memberi think the BioShock 2 should bea sequel not a prequel because BioShock 1 already wrapped up the story and there's nothing more to give a story to…
how bout BioShock 2 be about Little Sisters and how hot they've become when they reach their 18's? XD
Membergame is okay…controls are shit..i had to change it..overall graphics is the greatest aspect of the game..but its another FPS like COD so nothing new..but ill try and rent the game as soon as it comes out
Memberedge4eva32 said:
Okay. So I figured I would attempt to download this demo to give it a fair shot, but cannot find it on the PSN network at all. Where is the download located?
it's only available in EU Playstation Stores right now..maybe tomorrow for USA Playstation Stores?
MemberJ.Bowles said:
I think combining the ammo and weapon is'nt great when your being surrounded by them things, unless I missed something?
combine? you can just reload..L1+X..i've seen RE4 but I've watched my brother and friends play it cause i panic too much XD..but the controls here are much comfortable for me since this is my first time to play a RE game since RE3..
MemberPS3 Trophies..can i add you in PSN? i'm always seeing you here and i wanted to add you in PSN..just a random question lol
Memberok i'm downloading the demo now..time to find out what everybody is excited about..
Memberarguments aside…and onto the topic….
where the hell is the Killzone 2 demo? i wanna see the game for myself if I judged wrong or my insights are correct…
Memberthe latest is the God of War levels and Kratos costume..I think this was available when you pre-ordered the game..
Memberwhat's garbage about RE5? the only thing garbage for me in RE5 was the storyline cause it ain't zombies no more…or it's only the demo cause it sucks..the past RE games was great..if any of you kids played them..but I got the say that this is gonna be one,if not the best,game of the year…for me that is..