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Memberglad i got an UK account…it's really nice if you have 5 PSN accounts from 5 different countries..lol
Memberyeah i wish they would sell this worldwide…cause they have many users that access their stores from other countries too..so it would really be a big hit when they try to distribute it outside the US..and it helps other americans too that are outside the US who are registered in the US PSN…their store has the best content next to Japan's of course..
Memberi don't like overhyped games..it sometimes spells disappointment in the end not much to see here but another typical FPS with futuristic weapons [COD4 anyone?] …but i'll be getting this game just not with that excitement and high expectations like you guys..
Memberyeah i hope they don't degrade the trophies…i think someone already has the platinum..i saw it in youtube.
MemberNutrobal10 said:
i have been wanting to get the hardened war hero trophy for quite some time now but i have a quwstion
i have been doing the missions on veteran and getting the bronze trophies but there are some i struggle with so i skip them and do others, if i continue with ths skipping to different missions will i still get the gold trophy once all of them are done or do i have to do them all in order
would appreciate any help possible
so far i have done; semper fi, little resistance, hard landing, blood and iron and black cats
you can do the missions in whichever order you like…my last mission for the Hardened War Hero Trophy was Heart Of The Reich so i skipped that and did all the other missions first and even did the last mission Downfall first before i finished that..
Memberan EyeToy works perfectly even though its crappy..luckily i have an eyetoy from my PS2 stored here but i heard some webcams work..but im not sure what are those webcams..
Memberi need help too…we can do it alternately…add me up if you want to do this..i want to finish this game ASAP…
Memberit depends really..i think to reach Liuetenant you need to have played a hefty games of Cooperative,Competitive and Campaign to reach Lieutenant or you must reach Lieutenant in Competitive..i'm not sure so you've got to keep playing..Because you'll also reach Lieutenant in Competitive for the Killing Machine Trophy..
Memberwhen i first started my average kills was 5 – 10 kills per match…when I got used to the combat style and always used the gun that i always got plenty of kills..i average 20 – 30 kills per match..and that way i got the platinum..
Memberjamesb5374 said:
I have never had a problem with getting online, just with killing people!! I only average about 5 or 6 kills in a game of skirmish. I am not an experienced online gamer though, so I am sure I will get better. There is a sense of pride and achievement when you kill a higher ranked player!
don't play skirmish and core control…those modes are not good for getting kills..always play team deatchmatch cos the main objective is to kill and nothing else..you can do just camp and kill in that mode so you can get more kills in that rather than skirmish and core control..you can also try deathmatch if you would like to work alone but i wouldnt recommend it seeing your getting 5 to 6 kills in skirmish..just practice and youll eventually increase your average to 10 maybe even to 20 per game..
Memberi had my connection interrupted only 3 times..then the rest is easy sailing then 10000 kills…:)
Memberi thought all games starting 2009 will have mandatory trophy support…HOME and now this..what's the next promise that will be broken Sony?
Membernope must be ranked games…the servers are not shit..the matchmaking is…they pit you against clans and tougher opponents..so watch out and quit game if you dont want to get more deaths than kills..
MemberHurley48 said:
guess i got good choices and Mercs 2? anything like it rocks or it sucks?
Mercs 2 is a great game..i got platinum on it..its a great game full of mayhem,explosion and destruction..the only downside of this game is the glitches..but it didnt get to me one bit..
and the coolest part of this game is that you can play obama and palin with the Blow Em Up again DLC..it's hilarious how obama nukes cities..lol
Memberno you can't..you must do it in single player..