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Membergamerben said:
pobert06 said:
i think its a glitch…i got mine when i had like 900,000 xp..lucky me..lol..
ive got a glitch in 10000 kills too..ive only gotten 9900 but ive already got the trophy..
how long did it take for the “10000″ kills, because i tryin to get that trophy, but wondering how long it will take me
i'd spend like two months..but i didn't play resistance 2 alone..i also played dead space and prince of persia in between but i played it most of the time..but it might take you faster if you play it all the time..you'd get 20 kills per game if you manage to master the art of killing…lol..good luck with getting it..it might be frustrating at first but fun when you know what you are doing..
Memberi think its a glitch…i got mine when i had like 900,000 xp..lucky me..lol..
ive got a glitch in 10000 kills too..ive only gotten 9900 but ive already got the trophy..
Memberyou need to play in competitive and in ranked games[PLAY] not unranked games [FIND GAME] and [CREATE GAME]
Memberthey are DLC..you have to pay 5.99 USD for them…there is also a seperate set for costume kit..pay additional 3.99 for it..
Membermaybe there's a problem with your net..cause mine did the same when my country's ISP had a major problem cause of cables being cut…im not sure about yours..
Memberi heard many people giving up on this trophies because of its difficulty to get..and they say that the game is best on the pc..
Memberi think is only a demo on trophies..what to expect when the day it will be released..i've wondered myself what kind of trophies these are.
Memberi think HYPNOSIS has already done it and he only needs the wanted trophy for the platinum…i know this cause he is in my friend's list
Memberedge4eva32 said:
Don't go external for the hard drive. It will take loading screeens ages to load up. Go internal. You just need a standard 2.5″mm SATA laptop hard drive. I got my 320gb on sale at newegg.com for only 85.99 with free 3 day shipping.
im looking for external hdd cause i want to backup all my files in the internal hdd of the ps3…cause im placing a new hdd in my ps3…besides ill be using the external for backing up other stuff in my comp and its portable..
MemberDdAsHbOY said:
pobert06 said:
i have a question on how to backup the files in the ps3:
1.) are there any external hard disk available to buy that is already at FAT32 format?
yup try and find a western digital ex hdd thats what i bought came formatted at fat32………..made my hdd swap very easy
oh thanks…i've seen plenty of western digital external HDD that is on sale..ill try to get one..thanks for the help everybody..
Memberi think from the get go that they should have released trophies from when the PS3 was out in the market.
Memberyup i have a PC..but i dont have a freaking idea on what to do to make it a FAT32..i know how to format it but only to NTFS which is standard for all computers it think..
Memberi have a question on how to backup the files in the ps3:
1.) how do you make your external hard disk appear on your ps3? as i've connected mine and it didn't appear..i've read somewhere that you need to make it FAT32..are there any external hard disk available to buy that is already at FAT32 format?
2.) does the ps3 backup utility back-up up all your files in the ps3? all files meaning the mp3s,wallpapers/photos,downloaded games,themes,users (i have 5)?
Memberwhat country are you from? i think only countries from EU PS Store has it..mine has it..
Membershadeblack said:
parnakas said:
so whats more important? getting a few platinums, or getting alot of regular trophies?
i think it depends really… if you want to get quick high levels and high numbers of trophies, then it's best to get the most you can, then move swiftly on to the next game without completing it 100%.
I don't do that though. I like to collect as much as i possibly can until i move on to my next game, which is why i aim to get the platinums instead of simply getting just loads of bronze and silver.
On playfire.com leaderboards, most the people have a fairly low average completion rate. mine is 70%. but i've seen some of the guys above me with completion rates of just 52%. They may have more trophies, but im more consistant, and it's that consistancy i intend to keep rather than simply getting a whole bunch of trophies.
so really, it's all up to peoples induvidual style of playing games.
Some people might prefer to play in a bright, well ventilated area. whereas i tend to shut my curtains, turn off the lights and shut myself out from anything else until i've finished the day. lol.
well your not the only one..