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Memberscottwiz5775 said:
i should find and kill you for says that because prison break was one of the greats tv serious of all time and that game wasn't that bad. i think they did pretty good for their first game. waas SAW's first super awesome no but their still making a 2 because it was really good for it's first game. oo and invisible is not glitched check ps3trophies.org thats why it's not glitched you just got to know how to do it. thats why i played the story 6 times it was no big deal to me beause the graphics were really good and the story was the same as the first season of prison break.
Don't get me wrong, I love the show and everything,but this game is mediocre at it's best. I mean come on,Paxton? Why not Scofield? He had more tense moments in the show than this guy has in the game. The game cover has Scofield and Burrows not this guy.If you wanted to make a game about the show, atleast make the main characters in it playable.
My friend told me that the Invisible Achievement is glitched in Shark Difficulty and you have to play it on Guppy if you want to get it,atleast that's what he told me.
I'm not trying to start an argument or something but that's my opinion. They could've done better than this game.
MemberGashead-64 said:
What is Ice Age 3 like Pobert06???
A kid's game. Not that good but enjoyable nonetheless,easy Platinum too.
MemberPrison Break: The Conspiracy
Difficulty to Platinum: 4 – 5 / 10 (Depending on skill)
Playthroughs: 2 (Invisible Trophy is glitched/very annoying to do on Shark Difficulty, so a 2nd playthrough is needed for it)
Most Challenging Trophy: Shark(Hardest Difficulty)/Invisible(Complete every chapter without being seen)
It's a crappy game with very boring and monotous fighting sequences and poor graphics. The only redeeming feature are the stealth parts which is decent enough to make you play it. Shark is only hard because the guards don't appear on the map and if they see even
an inch of you, it's game over. Invisible on the other hand can be frustrating even on the easiest difficulty because of the sequence of spotlights near the end of the game plus the checkpoints for each spot are very far apart.Overall it's an ok game if your a fan of the show,but they could've done better IMO.pobert06
MemberDarkAssassin78 said:
Prince of Persia: The Forgotten Sands
Time: 10+ hours
Difficulty:4.5/10 really easy
Playthroughs: 1 if you don't miss any of the collectibles
Online Trophies: None
Difficult trophy: Acrobat it's easy but if your jumping and one guy decides to move you have to restartIt isn't better then the first PoP on the ps2 none will be but it's better then 2008's and it's a lot of fun definitely rent because you'll beat it in a couple of hours i bought it because I love PoP
Platinum #19
cool,that's gonna be my Platinum for today lol. making it #63.
how long does it take to unlock Completist trophy?
MemberThe General said:
Estimated Time: 15+ hours
Platinum Difficulty: 5/10
Playthroughs Required: 1
Difficulty Trophies: Yes
Online Trophies: No
Most Challenging Trophy: I Chose The Impossible
This game is amazing. I can't believe I put it off for this long. WOW. Playing on Survivor really wasn't all that challenging, but the Big Daddies are a pain in the ass. The last boss was surprisingly easy, as I did it 1st try, compared with some of the BD's taking a good 6-7 tries sometimes. If you haven't tried this game yet, go and get it. It's cheap ($$) and it actually has replay value and you'll feel good about getting the Platinum, because it does offer a challenge.
As always, 100% legit
great job on another Platinum..how many do you have now?
MemberTry out Firefox if your having problems with Google Chrome. It can sometimes go dodgy and buggy, happens to my Chrome once in a while.
MemberI don't even know how much games I've played or sold,150+ I think including PSN games I've downloaded in my three different accounts from different countries.I've kept a few Collector's Edition of games in my inventory but I plan to sell some cause they are pretty much useless.lol.
I have 2 PS3's
80 GB MGS 4 Edition which died of YLOD the 3rd time this May and after repair,the net got f*cked up and wouldn't work including Wi-Fi
250 GB Slim which will be my watchful eye to avoid losing again all my files.lol
I'm planning to get a 3rd one,a 320 GB White PS3 Slim if it's ever gonna be released outside of Japan.
Or maybe a 360 Slim if the rumors of it going RRoD has a lower chance of happening,but we all know that's not true
MemberYou should check out 'Sorcery' guys,It would make you want to buy a Playstation Move believe me lol.
MemberThe Nuke mode gameplay looks really fun. It's like a Capture The Flag/Domination type of gameplay where you try to destroy the other team's giant statue floating in the air with a missile.8 on 8 multiplayer mayhem with factions to side with.
Can't Wait!
MemberIt's gonna be made by Shinji Mikami,creator of Resident Evil Series,why not? I really enjoyed Resident Evil 5's gameplay especially the cooperative one.Storywise,meh,but let's see what innovation he can bring with this game.
MemberFinal Fantasy XIII
Difficulty:5 – 6/10
Took me 89 hours of game playtime to Platinum because I accidentally spawned the hardest enemies in the game.And I also had 2 YLOD prior to Platinuming it.So it took 2 months of constantly playing to get Plat.lol
Not that difficult if you followed a speed run roadmap.The only boring part was farming for Gil to upgrade everything.Great game nonetheless if you enjoy RPG.
Memberdizzel22 said:
haha how long before this becomes a GTA SA vs GTA IV thread
I don't intend to start an argument with anybody,that's just my opinion. Anyways, there's already alot of arguing going around this site and I don't wanna be part of one haha.
MemberAgent and GTA V. I expect that they bring something new to the GTA Series because San Andreas was much better than GTA IV in all aspects other than the graphics.
Memberkingofgames73 said:
I dont think there can be any more map packs now….Infinity Ward are officially closing down i thought..may be wrong but i'm sure i've read it somewhere a while back
Yeah you're right. I've just read that 38 current employees of IW formed Infinity Ward Employee Group and are sueing Activision because they didn't receive any royalties from the game. One speculation is Activision is holding off paying them because they want IW to make Modern Warfare 3.
Though I'm not gonna be surprised if Activision is gonna release a 3rd Map Pack seeing they released Stimulus even though Zampella and West were fired a few months before.
Membertommyflop said:
I'll be buying it!! Why? Cos i'm a grown man and i can do what i like with my hard earned money, that's why. Old maps, new maps, i'm not bothered, the four old ones just happen to be among my favourites anyway. Nobody seems to moan at EA for releasing every sports sim possible year in year out, then sell you dlc on top, and if that isn't shameless enough they release a world cup/euro game every 2 years to boot(football) new golf courses for tiger woods etc. I agree with monkeyboobs. Don't like don't buy, EASY!
You forgot to mention about EA that if you buy used games/rent games and want to play online,you need to pay $10 just to access it.
I myself don't have any opinion bout the maps cause my PS3 is still broken and I'm getting my Slim today.But I think I'll try out the Stimulus Map Pack first and If I got bored easily with it,I'll be playing Bad Company 2 for awhile.I think Activision is planning to release all the maps from COD4 in the DLCs,seeing they're making a lot of money overpricing these maps.