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Member^ same here guys,same here
MemberLithium – Nirvana
MemberI773D33MABL3 said:
I've got as far as the second area but that had more to do with luck than any skill on my part.
What do you mean you keep getting the same hex? I think there's only one shape but you can turn it.
yeah I keep getting that one same hex,I tried turning and placing them in a tile but it doesn't work.The bridge I had no problem rebuilding cause the shape of the hex fits it perfectly.I think I just missed something or did something wrong but I'll just start again from the beginning to avoid frustration lol.
MemberGood to hear your moving on to a more brighter aspect of life and in playing games. Atleast your retiring #1 in Australia though,and I think you will stay at that position for a long time.
Enjoy life and enjoy games as they were meant for,having fun.
MemberI had the game since release but I'm still in the first area of the game in Ebel City and I'm stuck..seriously,I don't know where to go and what to do cause I keep getting the same hex over and over.lol
But let me say that this is a great game with a unique and deep battle system unlike FFXIII that you just continously press X and win the the fight without any strategy or plan at all.This is gonna take some time to learn and master the ins and outs of this game's battle system.
MemberAvatar:10/10 Stifmeister!
Sig:8/10 Why,thank you! lol
Memberiruleu said:
i hate cheetos. except the flaming hot kind. those are the only good cheetos
I like cheetos but I hate the flaming hot flavor..it leaves a horrible spicy after taste and the powder or coloring stains the hands and clothes when your munching them down lol.
MemberThe General said:
Cloudy With A Chance of Meatballs
Estimated Time: 5-6 hours
Playthroughs Required: 1 (with a little bit of farming)
Difficulty Trophies: No
Online Trophies: No
Most Challenging trophy: None
I did this game about 90% on co-op. It made it alot more fun. This really is your entry-level platinum. If you play this game & can't get the plat, you should just give up on gaming.
your on a roll on getting platinums General lol..how many do you have? I'm trying to get the FFXIII Plat for my 59th but my PS3 when YLOD yesterday when I was playing it
MemberThe General said:
Post edited 4:09 am – 04/14/2010 by The General
Congrats pobert. Welcome to an exclusive club. From everything I've read, COD Classic appears to be the line in the sand that separates the men from the boys…
I would like to add though, for anyone who might be put off by the 4 months comment, that it can be done in about a week or two (maybe 25 hours).
Thank.Its surprising on how many people got the Plat on the game and made it look easy getting the Platinum in 2 – 3 days tops.Should placed how long before I got Platinum rather than How long to Plat.lol
Great job on Just Cause 2 though,seems like a hard Platinum seeing its an open world.Might try it out after I platinum FFXIII
Memberlast platinum: Call Oof Duty Classic
Difficulty 9/10 Veteran is a complete nightmare if you don't have any skill in playing FPS games
Time: 4 months,only continued it the other day cause I was playing other games
Playthrough: 3 Regular, Hardened, Veteran I don't know on why the hell they didnt stack the trophies..maybe for longevity i'm not sure.This Veteran is the hardest difficulty I've ever seen,Harder than the Veteran in World at War.No medpacks,No checkpoints if you have lower 80% health.Thank God I've Platinum this.
Member13 Nukes,got 11 in a week,and in that 11 I got 3 Nukes in a row and 2 Nukes in 1 minute without camping
MemberI have Age of Booty and Bomberman..I can help you with boosting if my net doesn't act stupid.
2.Metal Gear Series
3.it's a tie between Resistance/Killzone
MemberPsNsOuL said:
how much is the DLC for Star wars the force unleashed?
$30 for all 3 DLCs.$9.99 each in the PS Store.
It's better to rent the Ultimate Sith Edition,saves you money from wasting all these crappy DLCs.
MemberSaw this a few days ago,totally amazed after watching it.
If you guys didn't know,he also made the trailer for Shi no Numa and Der Riese in World at War.
You should check out his channel,there's a lot of amazing videos to watch.