Forum Replies Created
MemberI hope these doesn't happen to me
MemberNot sure about MAG though cause I haven't played it yet.Try it out if you have friends to play it with,it can be a wee bit boring to play alone but that's just me.
If your into GTA-like-but-much-better game then try Yakuza 3.Plenty of side-quests,minigames and missions than any other sandbox-style of games out there.
MemberDoc-B said:
And if you fight troy but take the “triptocane” or whatever it's called when prompted, it won't count as the “fight” – you need to fumble the button combo and drop the vial of goodness… Then the fight will begin, if you get out the car that is…
umm..Troy is the very first fight sequence in the game with Scott,the one you are mentioning is Jayden's fight with Mad Jack.
Memberredbren said:
I will get God of War III if I get money but I would like to get the GOW Collection first
Doesn't the EU Ultimate Edition of God of War III comes with the GOW Collection? Why not get that?
MemberGod of War 3!
And i'm getting my Ultimate Edition copy tomorrow along with the Pandora's Box Replica
Memberfor the guys going for the Kamikaze,the correct pattern is Left,Right,Left,Left,Right then all Right until the end.
One mistake here is spamming the button before it appears..if you try to spam it before it prompts,that button will disappear and that will be an automatic mistake.You have to restart the sequence all over again.The hardest part is the last sequence before the car flips.
It's Tilt Right,Tilt Left,L2 then finally Tilt Left.
Fantastic Job on the guide Mitch!
MemberSorry to hear that KOG..
But I'm in your situation too.Playing MW2 yesterday then PS3 went out,guess what it's Mister YLOD again come back to haunt me.Atleast the console lasted 2 months before it went YLOD again.Sending it to be repaired again for free to my repair guy cause I got warranty thank god
If I were you I'll just get it fixed thru a 3rd Person company cause if you send it to Sony you'll lose all your data in your HDD.Even if you back them up and restore them to what Sony will give you,you will not restore the copyright protected saves and you can't earn trophies with the refurbished PS3 that Sony will send you.
MemberYou can try and do everything,format your HDD or change PS3s but your still banned.The only way is to ring Sony up and ask them why your banned.
If you uploaded your trophies in your profile before you got banned,its gonna be uploaded back to your account even if you format your HDD.
MemberDoc-B said:
I voted for the hot chick at the end, who cares if she ain't the biggest fan
Me too,although she could've chose a livelier music rather than the cheesy Final Fantasy 10 soundtrack lol.
MemberWho cares about reviews,true FF fans will get this even if they gave this 5 or 6.
I loved all the FF games and beaten them in a way that there is no enemy left to beat in the game.
If your a true FF fan,you'll get this and FF Versus XIII no matter what reviewers out there rates these games.
I know I would
MemberYeah,there is one on my list and I always congratulates him though I don't know why haha.
MemberBigWoopMagazine said:
Post edited 9:16 pm – 03/01/2010 by BigWoopMagazine
As the title implies – this should be the thread to talk about anything Heavy Rain that may contain spoilers. Therefore – DO NOT READ THIS UNLESS YOU HAVE BEATEN THE GAME, OR DON'T CARE ABOUT SPOILERS! I feel this is necessary since it is virtually impossible to discuss this game anymore without posting spoilers.
Ok, now that that's out of the way…
First – I liked the ending. Didn't see that one coming. Now I'm playing the game again, and I find that the story doesn't really change at all until you get to Norman Jayden's part with meeting Nathaniel, which is a solid two hours into the game. I'm also trying to kill off all 4 characters to see how the story handles it, and I'm finding it difficult. Even in the fourth trial, Ethan should be full of bullet holes from a shotgun, but instead takes some buck to the back, then the dealer boots him out saying “go die somewhere else”. What the hell? I find myself a little dissapointed with that. So far the only character I've gotten to die is Madison, at Doc Death's place. Really my point here in this thread is regarding trophies though.
Second – Nerd Trophy – Find all clues using ARI (Crime scene + Mad Jack + Fish tank) and find the Origami Killer.
Can anyone help me compile a list of the clues and where they are found to complete this? I thought I found most of them, but its apparently not enough, and this trophy requires an entire playthrough to complete, so it is quite time consuming to do. Also, can anyone confirm that you actually need all the evidence, or just enough that Jayden can solve who the murderer is?
All Endings trophy – How many endings are there, and what needs to be done to see them? Any help here is appreciated. I've found trophy guides, but they say “find all the endings”. Not really much of a guide there, now is it? Rumor has it there's 22 – holy crap – so this brings up my next question…
If you play from a specific chapter, can you take different actions and still earn different endings and trophies, or do you need to replay the entire freaking game everytime?
And final question – unrelated to trophies. Can anyone explain what causes Ethan to black out (is it from his concussion, or something else), and/or why everytime he wakes up he is at Carnaby Corner West? I know this is the location where John Sheppard died, but what relation to Ethan does this have? Is there a scene in the game explaining it that I haven't seen, or is this something just left for us to try and figure out?
You need to scan everything in the ARI Sections of the game.the most common missed ones are the Blue Paint markings of the car behind Mad Jacks Garage and forgetting to pick up the gas receipts and Jayden's Gun in Fish Tank..you dont need to pickup the Killer's Gun in Fish Tank,just analyse it with ARI and you can use it as a clue later on.
For the endings,there are a total of 18,22 if you count the 4 alternate endings out of the original 18.You just need to follow the Perfect Crime path to make it easier.Once you've done that you can backtrack as far as the On The Loose Chapter and it's smooth sailing to the All Endings Trophy.So If you need any help just message me and I'll try and help you out.
As for the last one,I'm baffled on what happens to Ethan when he blacks out.I'm curious on what happens to him in that state.
MemberAntony19 said:
pobert06 said:
Ok I've just turned on my 80 GB MGS4 PS3[Fat] and everything's fine.I only have two problems though but they're no biggie:
1.) My ethernet cable doesnt want to work even though everything's connected,so I turned on Wi-Fi and everything works properly.
2.)MW2 Trophiest won't appear on top of my Trophy list.Tried MiNi Ninjas and did though,must be some problem MW2 itself.
Does this means Metal gear solid 4
yeah the MGS4 bundle
MemberOk I've just turned on my 80 GB MGS4 PS3[Fat] and everything's fine.I only have two problems though but they're no biggie:
1.) My ethernet cable doesnt want to work even though everything's connected,so I turned on Wi-Fi and everything works properly.
2.)MW2 Trophiest won't appear on top of my Trophy list.Tried MiNi Ninjas and did though,must be some problem MW2 itself.
MemberI hope this gets fixed ASAP.I still haven't turned on my PS3 since this morning just to make sure that I lose nothing.I think this is another scheme of Sony to force us to buy a Slim.
I mean c'mon,YLOD appearing left and right then this? I think they better explain themselves after this is over or they will lose a lot of consumers.